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Electronic SFFH
20 December 2001
Emerald City (http://www.emcit.com/) Monthly ezine of reviews and commentary, published by Cheryl Morgan • Issue 75, November 2001 Morgan reviews new books by Ray Bradbury, Pat Murphy, Tim Powers, Robert Charles Wilson, and Candas Jane Dorsey; addresses Hugo Fact and Myth in response to comments in Locus Online and elsewhere; comments on File 770 and other recent publications; and reports on the World Fantasy Awards winners.
Fantastic Metropolis (http://www.sfsite.com/fm/) SF web portal devoted to literary SF, founded by Gabe Chouinard. Updated regularly. • Recent features include an interview with J.R.R. Tolkien from 1966 (first published in New Worlds), here newly introduced by Michael Moorcock and David Pringle; a long Christmas Editorial by Moorcock; and "Best of 2001" lists (of books both real and imaginary) compiled by Michael Moorcock, Jeff VanderMeer, Paul Witcover, and Zoran Zivkovic. Fiction posts (original and reprinted) are by Moorcock, VanderMeer, James Sallis, Jeffrey Ford, Stepan Chapman, and others.
Fantastica Daily (http://www.mervius.com/) SF and fantasy reviews, news, and commentary. Updated daily. • Recent reviews include Eva Wojcik-Obert's four-star rating for Victorian Fantasy Literature: Literary
Battles with Church and Empire, by Karen Michalson, and other reviews of The Lord of the Rings, Twin Peaks on DVD, etc.
Future Orbits (http://www.futureorbits.com/) Bimonthly fiction magazine available in various e-book formats, edited/published by Tom Vander Neut • Issue 2, December 2001/January 2002 Fiction by Mary Soon Lee, Richard Parks, Ryck Neube, Andrew Burt, Marissa K. Lingen, and Trent
Jamieson, plus commentary on human cloning in science fiction by Gregory E. Pence.
Hellnotes E-mail newsletter about the horror field, edited by David B. Silva and Paul F. Olson; subscription info. Updated weekly. • Vol. 5, Issue 48, December 7, 2001 The editors explain why they're taking the rest of the year off, and Don D'Auria looks backward, and ahead. Features include a book review by Hank Wagner and part 1 of an interview with Stephen Jones. Plus news, market report, etc.
Ideomancer (http://www.ideomancer.com/) Digital fiction, articles, and reviews, published by Chris Clarke with managing editor Amber van Dyk • Slickly designed website--but you have to use IE version 5+ to see it--with SF, fantasy, horror, slipstream, flash, and classic fiction; interviews, articles, and reviews. Recently posted is SF The Great Moon Hoax [this is an unframed link] by Arlan Andrews, Sr., and fantasy Perihelion by Lauren Halkon.
The Infinite Matrix (http://www.infinitematrix.net/) Stories, articles, columns, edited by Eileen Gunn. Updated daily. • Recent posts include a novel excerpt by Cory Doctorow, and a review of Michael Swanwick's next novel by John Clute; plus daily or near-daily posts from Terry Bisson, Bruce Sterling, and Richard Kadrey.
RevolutionSF (http://www.revolutionsf.com/) Fiction, articles, and reviews of science fiction, fantasy, comics, anime, and gaming. Updated daily. • Mark Finn and Rick Klaw review The Fellowship of the Ring; fiction by Michael Moorcock, Don Webb, and Steve Aylett; articles on books for fans who've read everything, by Mark Finn, and on good Christmas books, by Robert R. Chase.
Sci Fiction (http://www.scifi.com/scifiction/) Fiction webzine, edited by Ellen Datlow. Updated weekly (Wednesdays). • Posted 12.12.01, Grandmother Mist by William R. Eakin, and classic story The Heat Death of the Universe by Pamela Zoline. Posted 12.19.01, Life on Earth by Pat Cadigan.
Science Fiction Weekly (http://www.scifi.com/sfw/) News and review webzine, edited by Scott Edelman. Updated weekly (late Mondays). • Issue 242, Vol. 7, No. 50, December 10, 2001 Scott Edelman's editorial reports on his visit to China, and the Site of the Week is Chinese Science Fiction World. There are reviews of new books by Donald Kingsbury and William F. Nolan, and Paul Di Filippo's look back at the original Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
Science Fiction Weekly (http://www.scifi.com/sfw/) News and review webzine, edited by Scott Edelman. Updated weekly (late Mondays). • Issue 243, Vol. 7, No. 51, December 17, 2001 Wil McCarthy's Lab Notes column considers The Lord of the Rings scientifically. Reviews are of new books by L. Neil Smith and Marc Scott Zicree & Barbara Hambly.
SF Site (http://www.sfsite.com/) Reviews, interviews, feature, links; published by Rodger Turner. Updated semi-monthly. • mid-December 2001 Reviews by William Thompson, Rich Horton, Lisa DuMond, Donna McMahon, David Soyka, etc. Michael Moorcock contributes a list of 10 Overlooked Odd Speculative Fiction Classics, and Jayme Lynn Blaschke interviews Charles de Lint.
Tangent Online (http://www.tangentonline.com/) Short fiction reviews, edited by Dave Truesdale. Updated regularly. • Redshift is reviewed both by Jay Lake and by Steve H Silver. Other recent reviews covers the February issues of F&SF, Asimov's, and Realms of Fantasy, and issue 4 of The Spook.
The Spook (http://www.thespook.com/) Montly PDF horror magazine • Issue 5, December 2001 Fiction by P.D. Cacek, Helen Highwater, Tia V. Travis, Jack Owens, and Anthony Frewin; reviews; etc. There's also a Bonus section with interviews with Peter Straub, Richard Matheson, and Ray Bradbury; a deleted chapter from Ramsey Campbell's latest novel; etc. The main site also has David Pogue's The Spook for Dummies.
New Links
8 December 2001
Periodical Webzines and Newsletters
Ansible (http://www.dcs.gla.ac.uk/Ansible/) British sf/fan newsletter, published by Dave Langford. Updated monthly. • Issue 173, December 2001 News and notes about and from Michael Moorcock, Christopher Priest, Terry Pratchett, and Andy Sawyer; obits, awards news, reactions to John Norman's Locus Online letter, and much else.
Best SF (http://www.bestsf.net/) Short fiction reviews by Mark Watson. Updated regularly. • Recent reviews are of Spectrum SF #7, the January and December issues of Asimov's, Fall On Spec, and October Interzone.
Electric Story (http://www.electricstory.com/) Publisher of new and reprint e-books • Lucius Shepard's long, disgruntled review of the Harry Potter movie apparently brought so much flak that editor Bob Kruger posted a response. Shepard also a review of K-PAX.
The Eternal Night (http://www.eternalnight.co.uk/) Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Fiction. Updated monthly. • Issue 8, December 2001 Fiction by Michael J. Arruda, Brian A. Hopkins, Paul Kane, John B. Rosenman, and Maxine Wesson; sample chapters by William Meikle and Linda Shillabeer; interviews of Hertzan Chimera, John Deakins, and Linda Shillabeer. Plus a summary recent news; reviews; bibliographies.
Fantastic Metropolis (http://www.sfsite.com/fm/) SF web portal devoted to literary SF, founded by Gabe Chouinard. Updated regularly. • An editorial by Michael Moorcock clears away earlier rumors of the website's suspension; though founder Gabe Chouinard has taken temporary leave, the site is being led by a consortium including Moorcock, Jeff VanderMeer, and Zoran Zivkovic. Recent posts include fiction by Kathryn Cramer [her Nature vignette from 2000], Colin Brush, and Michael Moorcock; reviews by Dusica Potic and Jeff Topham; essays by Rhys Hughes; and an interview with Dan Pearlman.
Fantastica Daily (http://www.mervius.com/) SF and fantasy reviews, news, and commentary. Updated daily. • The editors comment on recent books, movies, DVD releases, the weekly NYT bestseller lists and weekly box office, forthcoming books, and occasionally react to items posted on Locus Online. . .
Fictionwise (http://www.fictionwise.com/) Publisher of eBooks for handheld devices and personal computers.. Updated regularly. • Recent new releases include Robert Silverberg's "Nightwings", The Masks of Time, and others; Alan Dean Foster's Journeys of the Catechist trilogy; Lois McMaster Bujold's Shards of Honor and Barrayar; George Alec Effinger's What Entropy Means to Me. Also available are recent issues of Analog, Asimov's, and (for free) the webzine Strange Horizons.
Hellnotes E-mail newsletter about the horror field, edited by David B. Silva and Paul F. Olson; subscription info. Updated weekly. • Vol. 5, Issue 47, December 7, 2001 Publishing news, including small press; reviews by Bev Vincent, William P. Simmons, and Garrett Peck; movie and TV news; author news; magazines received; market reports; editorial.
The Infinite Matrix (http://www.infinitematrix.net/) Stories, articles, columns, edited by Eileen Gunn. Updated daily. • December Bruce Sterling posts a daily weblog, "Schism Matrix"; other regular features are David Langford's "The Runcible Ansible" and Terry Bisson's "This Week in History". Other recent posts include Richard Kadrey's nanotale "Viper Wire", and Avram Davidson's previously-unpublished "Young Vergil and the Wizard".
Infinity Plus (http://www.users.zetnet.co.uk/iplus/) Archive of SFFH fiction, essays, interviews, edited and published by Keith Brooke. Updated regularly. • Recent additions include fiction and interviews of Geoffrey A. Landis, China Mieville, Stepan Chapman; reviews by John Grant, Kit Reed, Stuart Carter, etc. The site also publishes occasional original stories; Adam Roberts's The Ice Submarine on 24 Nov 01; Tony Ballantyne's Worlds Apart on 1 Dec 01. Just published was Infinity Plus One, an anthology of material from the site, edited by Keith Brooke and Nick Gevers.
Made In Canada (http://www.geocities.com/canadian_sf/Newsletters/) Newsletter of Canadian SF, published by Don Bassie. Updated monthly. • Issue #20, Dec 5, 2001 Guest editorial, "Living to 100", is by Donna McMahon; plus news, recently released books by Canadians, featured website, etc.,
The Nutmeg Point District Mail E-mail newsletter published by the Avram Davidson Society, edited by Henry Wessells; back issues and subscription info at http://ad.kosmic.org/. Updated bimonthly. • Vol. VI No. 2-4, 8 December 2001 News of Davidson's forthcoming The Other Nineteenth Century (Tor); a previously unpublished story available at The Infinite Matrix; minutes and publications of the society; etc.
Quantum Muse (http://www.quantummuse.com/) SF, fantasy, and alternative fiction and art, edited by Michael Gallant, Raymond M. Coulombe, and Jason Scherer. Updated monthly. • December 2001 Fiction by Mike Golden, Thomas Doyle, Gary Allen, Stephanie Lenz, Tom Waltz, and Marie O'Regan; plus a gallery of art by Matt Stawicki, comic by William Morton, and an editorial. Also available is an e-book by editor Coulombe.
RevolutionSF (http://www.revolutionsf.com/) Daily webzine of science fiction, fantasy, comics, anime, and gaming. Updated daily. • Recent posts include two humor essays by "Edgar Harris": UK Census Reconsiders Category for Fannish Religions and Whitley Strieber to be Awarded Special Hugo. Also, interviews with Old Earth Books' Michael Walsh; numerous reviews; and fiction by Don Webb (an ongoing series of reprints from Uncle Ovid's Exercise Book), Scott A. Cupp, Guy de Maupassant, Ambrose Bierce, and others.
Sci Fiction (http://www.scifi.com/scifiction/) Fiction webzine, edited by Ellen Datlow. Updated weekly (Wednesdays). • Posted 5 December was Gregory Benford's Brink; the week before, a novelette by Glen Hirshberg, Struwwelpeter, and classic story Dance of the Dead by Richard Matheson. Michael Swanwick's Periodic Table of the Elements is up to Iron.
Science Fiction Weekly (http://www.scifi.com/sfw/) News and review webzine, edited by Scott Edelman. Updated weekly (late Mondays). • Issue 241, December 3, 2001 Highlights include John Clute's review of the big new anthology Redshift, edited by Al Sarrantonio, plus reviews of new books by Jerry Oltion and Vernor Vinge. Issue 240 had an interview with Frederik Pohl, a column by Michael Cassutt, and reviews of Nalo Hopkinson, Pat Murphy, and George Stewart (Earth Abides).
scifidimensions (http://www.scifidimensions.com/) Fiction, commentary, media, science and the paranormal; edited by John C. Snider. Updated monthly. • December 2001 Contents include a short story by R. Scott Russell; interview of Adam Roberts; commentaries by Snider (on prozines and fanzines, previously a letter to SF Weekly), Dr. Massimo Pigliucci, and Dr. Panayiotis Zavos; book, movie, and TV reviews by Snider.
SF Site (http://www.sfsite.com/) Reviews, interviews, feature, links; published by Rodger Turner. Updated semi-monthly. • December 2001 Interview with Walter Jon Williams; reviews by Donna McMahon, William Thompson, Victoria Strauss, Rich Horton, and others. Rick Klaw's Geeks with Books column addresses the Harry & the Hugo controversy, and Rick Norwood reviews the movie.
SF Site (http://www.sfsite.com/) Reviews, interviews, feature, links; published by Rodger Turner. Updated semi-monthly. • mid-November 2001 Justina Robson is interviewed and reviewed by Lisa DuMond; other reviews are by Victoria Strauss (on Le Guin), William Thompson (on Jeff VanderMeer), Nick Gevers (on short fiction), Rich Horton (on Dave Langford), etc. Features include a (reprinted) essay on Mars by Gregory Benford, and Rodger Turner's overview of small-press publisher PS Publishing.
SFRevu (http://www.sfrevu.com/) Reviews, articles, and features, edited by Ernest Lilley. Updated monthly. • November 2001 The editor and his associate debate the Harry-and-the-Hugo controversy, and there's a Harry Potter Primer by (13-year-old) Catherine S. McMullen.There's also an interview with Spider Robinson; reviews; market reports; film previews; etc.
Strange Horizons (http://www.strangehorizons.com/) Fiction, art, articles, poetry, and reviews, edited by Mary Anne Mohanraj. Updated weekly (Mondays). • Recent posts include an interview with James Morrow; articles on falconry and Star Wars fan films; fiction by H. Courreges LeBlanc, M.C.A. Hogarth, Beth Bernobich, and Benjamin Rosenbaum; editorial by Jed Hartman; poetry, reviews, etc.
Tangent Online (http://www.tangentonline.com/) Short fiction reviews, edited by Dave Truesdale. Updated regularly. • Recent reviews include Steven H Silver on Redshift, Jay Lake on Man-Kzin Wars IX, Erol Engin on Quantum Musings, plus reviews by Michael P. Belfiore, Deborah Layne, Dave Kirtley, Michae H. Payne, and others, of Realms of Fantasy, F&SF, and stories from Strange Horizons and Sci Fiction.
Zooba Science Fiction E-mail newsletter with weekly features on books, movies, etc.; free subscription at www.zooba.com. Updated weekly. • December 3, 2001 Feature article is "2001: The Origins of the Odyssey" by Jack Cobbs on the film and its literary origins. Zooba's short weekly features seem directed towards novices to SF. There are also recommendations of books and videos, with links to B&N.com.
7 December 2001
New Links
- Added a section of Writers' Resources
- Under SFFH Sites, dropped some inactive sites and added some active ones
- Under e-publishing, added Rosetta Books, which offers titles by Malzberg, Wyndham, etc.
- Not new, but recently relaunched: Gauntlet Press
- Virtuate is an e-Book site for new authors, though so far the available e-books are mostly by Andrew Fisk
- Added
J.G. Ballard,
Ray Bradbury,
Chaz Brenchley and Outremer,
Poppy Z. Brite,
Michael A. Burstein,
Douglas Clegg,
David Coe,
Cecilia Dart-Thornton,
Lisa Goldstein,
M. John Harrison,
James Herbert,
Le Guin's The Ekumen,
Dean Koontz,
Bentley Little,
Brian Lumley,
China Miéville and Runagate Rampant (unofficial),
Martina Pilcerova,
Alan Rabinowitz [artist],
Michaela Roessner,
David B. Silva,
Thomas T. Thomas,
James Van Pelt
- Updated/corrected URLs for
Ben Bova and 2nd site,
Terry Brooks Tribute Site,
Jack Dann,
Avram Davidson about,
L. Timmel Duchamp,
James P. Hogan,
Tom Holt,
Ursula Le Guin's World,
Pat Murphy,
Patrick O'Leary,
Jennifer Roberson,
Anne Rice,
Tad Williams,
- Up-and-coming writer mentions:
Kerry Orchard,
Phillip Ellis Jackson, Ph.D.,
Marc Janeke's Science Fiction Site
- Removed the following dead links--suggestions of updates or replacements would be welcome. (Thanks to Roger Silverstein for inspecting all our author links):
Asimov Spoiler-Laden Guide,
Iain M. Banks Culture Shock,
Michael Blumlein about,
Arthur C. Clarke Foundation,
John Cramer,
Candas Jane Dorsey,
William Gibson straylight,
Joe Haldeman about,
Shariann Lewitt,
Thomas Pynchon about and The Pynchon Files,
Kristine Kathryn Rusch Official Website,
Joanna Russ Unofficial Pages,
Robert Silverberg Unofficial Home Page,
A.E. van Vogt Weird Worlds,
Gene Wolfe about
- Added Total Word Services "Fiction and non-fiction manuscript editing. Delivering stylistic excellence to writers and publishers since 1987"
- Added WritingClasses.com, Online and NYC classes in various genres including SF
- Added SFauthor.com, with links, listings, message boards, etc.
November E-publications