That warm and fuzzy feeling

(I’ve very, very, very slowly been re-reading Heinlein. Previous posts are here.)

Heinlein’s The Number of the Beast might just be my all-time favorite of his adult novels. No, it’s not the writing, although it does clip along with that Heinleinian efficiency and knack for phrase. No, it’s not how seamlessly Heinlein creates new worlds and how smoothly he signifies their subtle difference from our own. No, it’s not the ...Read More

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Pack up your hoe, honey. We're going to Ganymede.

I’ve been slacking on my re-read of Heinlein’s works. Since I’m not going at it in any systematic way, I tend to wait until the mood strikes me and no other titles are more vigorously demanding my attention. I’d expected to get quite a few more titles re-read this summer but the days have been full and I have been lazy. But Farmer in the Sky was a great choice ...Read More

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More RAH rereading

Since Citizen of the Galaxy held up so well, I reread The Star Beast over the weekend. IMO, the years have been less kind to this tale.

[Warning: spoilers ahead.]
John Thomas — the most recent iteration in a series of John Thomases — was left Lummox, the titular star beast, by his father. Who was left the beast by his father. And so on, back at least a century
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