Niall Harrison Reviews In Ascension by Martin MacInnes

In Ascension, Martin MacInnes (Atlantic 978-1-83895-624-0, 496pp, £16.99, hc) February 2023. Cover by Carmen R. Balit.

Towards the end of Martin MacInnes’s cerebral third novel, Helena Hasenbosch recalls a moment shared with her older sister Leigh, when they were children. It’s the end of a long summer day, and Helena is sent to call Leigh home for dinner. Leigh doesn’t want to go, and “gently, softly,” she grabs Helena ...Read More

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Niall Harrison Reviews Miracles & Marvels: Stories by Tim Pratt

Miracles & Marvels: Stories, Tim Pratt (The Merry Blacksmith Press, 978-1-69571-634-6, $14.95, 289pp, pb) November 2019.

Patreon fiction is the dark matter of our field: it’s hard to tell how much there is, and how substantial it is. Many writers have estab­lished Patreons, and many of them offer regular original stories to their supporters; and since that counts as first publication, many or most of those stories never make ...Read More

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Niall Harrison Reviews Taty Went West by Nikhil Singh

Taty Went West, Nikhil Singh (Jacaranda 978-1-909762-61-9, £9.99, 408pp, pb) October 2017. (Rosarium Publishing 978-0-998705-90-3, $17.95, 400pp, tp) January 2018.

In search of reference points for Nikhil Singh’s energetically transgressive first novel, perhaps cued by the 40-odd black-and-white illustra­tions scattered throughout the text, I find my­self reaching as much for graphic novels as the prose kind. Think of Grant Morrison circa The Invisibles or Alan Moore circa Lost Girls ...Read More

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