Beneath Ceaseless Skies and Diabolical Plots: Reviews by Charles Payseur

Beneath Ceaseless Skies 12/26/24 Diabolical Plots 12/24

There’s only one December issue of Beneath Ceaseless Skies this year, and it contains a pair of epistolary stories dealing with injustice, royalty, and punishment. Shoshana Groom’s “The Be­loved Sisters of the Sun-Bleached Hills” unfolds as a series of letters between sisters Zarina and Durdana, who live in different kingdoms but who are facing the same alarming trend – their ...Read More

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GigaNotoSaurus, Lightspeed, and Small Wonders: Reviews by Charles Payseur

GigaNotoSaurus 12/24 Lightspeed 12/24 Small Wonders 12/24

December’s GigaNotoSaurus is Sabrina Vourvou­lias’s “Dead reckoning in 6/8 time”, a story that finds Adriana remembering her mother’s stories about being a bailadora in Mexico and losing a contest to the devil himself. Which means that, now that her mother has passed, her soul is the devil’s, and that doesn’t sit well with Adriana, who determines that she will succeed ...Read More

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Cast of Wonders, Strange Horizons and Hexagon Winter: Reviews by Charles Payseur

Cast of Wonders 12/3/24 Strange Horizons 11/18/24, 12/9/24 Hexagon Winter ’24

Alexander Hewitt defies genre horror expecta­tions in “Emily” from the December Cast of Wonders. In it, a queer couple who are trying to adopt buy an old doll in anticipation of their new family member, only for the doll to begin to exhibit some… alarming behaviors. The narrator at first attributes these spooky goings-on to her partner ...Read More

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Flash Fiction Online, Goblins & Greatcoats by Travis Baldree, and Unquiet on the Eastern Front by Wole Talabi: Reviews by Charles Payseur

Goblins & Greatcoats, Travis Baldree (Subter­ranean) June 2024. Unquiet on the Eastern Front, Wole Talabi (Subterranean) October 2024. Flash Fiction Online 11/24

Subterranean Press has recently been of­fering short fiction online for free, and I’m catching up with June’s “Goblins & Greatcoats” by Travis Baldree, which follows Zyll, a goblin escaping the rain and road at a small inn which just happens to be at ...Read More

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Fusion Fragment, GigaNotoSaurus and Diabolical Plots 11/24: Short Fiction Reviews by Charles Payseur

Fusion Fragment 11/24 GigaNotoSaurus 11/24 Diabolical Plots 11/24

November’s Fusion Fragment starts strong with Emry Jordal’s novelette “The Little Black Wand for Every Occasion”, in which a technology known as Serendipity is growing in popularity, though not without some controversy. It allows people a redo, erasing six minutes or so of time so that people can undo any “mistakes” they just made. In practice, it allows people ...Read More

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The Year in Review 2024 by Charles Payseur

I’d be lying if I said I was in a particularly great mental space to look back at the previous year with anything like insight or objectivity. Not only for the most obvi­ous reasons, but because the year took it out of me in ways personal and rather profound. Of course, that seems to be largely par for the course for the last decade, which fittingly coincides with the years ...Read More

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Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Small Wonders, and Lightspeed: Short Fiction Reviews by Charles Payseur

Beneath Ceaseless Skies 11/14/24, 11/28/24 Small Wonders 11/24 Lightspeed 11/24

Beneath Ceaseless Skies opened November with an issue focused on revolution, including “Another Tide” by Will Greatwich, which finds the narrator leaving their home in a long-conquered area of a vast empire to visit and study its fringes, where resistance still lives embodied in a man named Goruna. The two meet, and the narrator joins Go­runa’s cause ...Read More

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Flash Fiction Online, Cast of Wonders, and Strange Horizons: Short Fiction Reviews by Charles Payseur

Flash Fiction Online 10/24 Cast of Wonders 10/20/24, 11/11/24 Strange Horizons 10/21/24, 11/4/24

Flash Fiction Online released an extra-large issue in honor of the spookiest month, which is capped off by Christine Lucas’s haunting “Final Harvest”, in which the daughter of a rather abusive and manipulative mother returns to perform said mother’s final rites – the harvest of nekrophyta that grows on the body of the dead. ...Read More

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Escape Pod, Worlds of Possibility, and Samovar: Short Fiction Reviews by Charles Payseur

Escape Pod 10/31/24 Worlds of Possibility 10/24 Samovar 10/28/24

Escape Pod celebrated Halloween with Ad­dison Smith’s “Mother Death Learns a Trick”, which finds the narrator passing by an old AI robot named Mother Death, who normally predicts the demise of anyone she sees. She becomes part of the background, at least until she starts predicting her own death, which knocks the narrator out of their cycle of ...Read More

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Lightspeed, Baffling, GigaNotoSaurus, and Small Wonders: Short Fiction Reviews by Charles Payseur

Lightspeed 10/24 Baffling 10/24 GigaNotoSaurus 10/24 Small Wonders 10/24

Philip Gelatt and JT Petty anchor the October Lightspeed with “Sully the God”, which imagines Sully as the Elon Musk of magic, the man who stole the discovery from a dead colleague and turned it into the most successful business the world has ever known. He’s become so rich that money has sort of lost meaning, and yet for ...Read More

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Fiyah, Beneath Ceaseless Skies, and Diabolical Plots: Short Fiction Reviews by Charles Payseur

Fiyah 10/24 Beneath Ceaseless Skies 10/3/24 Diabolical Plots 10/24

The October Fiyah is themed around spacefaring aunties, and it opens with a bang with Tatiana Obey’s “Fuck Them Kids”, which finds Jaz visit­ing her mom and sister (and her sister’s kids) for the spacer holiday celebrating the settlement of Europa. It’s something Jaz’s mom participated in personally as a botanist on the first settlement ship, and under ...Read More

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Flash Fiction Online, Cast of Wonders, and Escape Pod: Short Fiction Reviews by Charles Payseur

Flash Fiction Online 9/24 Cast of Wonders 9/29/24 Escape Pod 9/19/24

September’s Flash Fiction Online starts strong with Stefan Alcalá Slater’s “Tornado Break­ers Don’t Cry”, which finds siblings Ethel and Edgar living in the shadow of their father, a famous tornado breaker, long after he’s gone from their lives. Ethel has taken up the mantel, but when she fails to break a tornado that comes through their ...Read More

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Strange Horizons, F&SF, and Kaleidotrope: Short Fiction Reviews by Charles Payseur

Strange Horizons 9/16/24, 10/7/24, 10/14/24 F&SF Summer ’24 Kaleidotrope Autumn ’24

Strange Horizons has been firing on all cylinders lately, as with September’s “A War of Words” by Marie Brennan, a poem that imagines a war where the winners take more than wealth, more than land. They take language, leaving survivors without a way to contain their loss that isn’t filtered through the lens of their oppressors. ...Read More

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GigaNotoSaurus, Diabolical Plots and Hexagon Fall ’24: Short Fiction Reviews by Charles Payseur

GigaNotoSaurus 9/24 Diabolical Plots 9/24 Hexagon Fall ’24

September’s GigaNotoSaurus is Monte Lin’s “Here in the Glittering Black, There is Hope”, which introduces Kavita, the captain of a ship contracted out to the ultrarich to go out and bring back previous materials from the reaches of space, staying young thanks to cryo-sleep while generations pass on Earth. She’s part of a tradition, a movement to the stars ...Read More

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Lightspeed, Small Wonders and Beneath Ceaseless Skies: Short Fiction Reviews by Charles Payseur

Lightspeed 9/24 Small Wonders 9/24 Beneath Ceaseless Skies 9/5/24, 9/19/24

Gabriela Santiago returns to Lightspeed in September with the metatextual “Reconstruct­ing ‘The Goldenrod Conspiracy,’ Edina Room, Saturday 2:30-3:30”, which is framed as a pre­sentation at a fan convention dedicated to the Doctor Who–esque television show Backwards Man. The presentation is on a lost episode that has been remade by fans based on what people could remember ...Read More

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Cast of Wonders, Strange Horizons, and Fusion Fragment: Short Fiction Reviews by Charles Payseur

Cast of Wonders 8/24/24 Strange Horizons 8/19/24, 8/26/24 Fusion Fragment 8/24

Cast of Wonders also closed out August strongly with J.M. Bueno’s haunted house story, “Double Yellow Lines”. Unlike many that use the ele­ment, this story’s haunted house isn’t nearly as malevolent as it could be. Instead, it seems to be a way for people metaphorically haunted by the past and their own grief to try and ...Read More

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Zooscape, Flash Fiction Online, and Escape Pod: Short Fiction Reviews by Charles Payseur

Zooscape 8/24 Flash Fiction Online 8/24 Escape Pod 8/22/24

The latest from Zooscape features a fresh twist on the Little Red Riding Hood story in Erin Brown’s intense “The Cloak”. Flipping the script in terms of heroes and vil­lains, the wolf narrates the action as he is stalked by a young hunter who has successfully turned the rest of his family into the warm clothes she wears ...Read More

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Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Lightspeed, and Worlds of Possibility: Short Fiction Reviews by Charles Payseur

Beneath Ceaseless Skies 8/8/24, 8/22/24 Lightspeed 8/24 Worlds of Possibility 8/24

J.A. Prentice returns to Beneath Ceaseless Skies with August’s “An Isle in a Sea of Ghosts”, which finds Kreisa on a journey to try and save her brother from a spell that changes him into a different animal every day. After two years, she has gone through almost everything she can think of, and her brother has ...Read More

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GigaNotoSaurus, Diabolical Plots, and Small Wonders: Short Fiction Reviews by Charles Payseur

GigaNotoSaurus 8/24 Diabolical Plots 8/24 Small Wonders 8/24

The August GigaNotoSaurus story is Sarah J. Wu’s “Elves in Illinois”, which finds Linnet growing up in a small rural town that abuts a forest where fae live and hire out their services to farmers to ensure prosperous crop yields re­gardless of drought or blight. Linnet’s family is initially reluctant to pay the fees that the fae ask for ...Read More

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Fiyah, Flash Fiction Online, Escape Pod, and Strange Horizons: Short Fiction Reviews by Charles Payseur

Fiyah Summer ’24 Flash Fiction Online 7/24 Escape Pod 7/25/24 Strange Horizons 7/15/24, 7/29/24, 8/12/24

The Summer ’24 Fiyah theme is disability. The issue seeks to break down stereotypes and expectations that Black people are monolithic and separate from experiences with disability, and it does sharp work of just that, as in F. Kirk’s “Worms Fill My Mouth”, which finds Isaac experiencing an acute horror that the ...Read More

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GigaNotoSaurus, Diabolical Plots, Kaleidotrope, and Small Wonders: Short Fiction Reviews by Charles Payseur

GigaNotoSaurus 7/24 Diabolical Plots 7/24 Kaleidotrope Summer ’24 Small Wonders 7/24

The latest from GigaNotoSaurus is Gustavo Bon­doni’s “Sambra do Espaço”, which finds Letícia working on an orbiting solar satellite array that gives power to a lot of Earth, including a dis­proportionate number of impoverished people. And though during Carnaval she’d much rather be watching her family dance and remembering her time in Brazil, an attack by ...Read More

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Flash Fiction Online, Strange Horizons, and Beneath Ceaseless Skies: Short Fiction Reviews by Charles Payseur

Flash Fiction Online 6/24 Strange Horizons 6/9/24, 6/24/24 Beneath Ceaseless Skies 6/27/24, 7/11/24

The June Flash Fiction Online features a range of rather grim stories about char­acters caught in oppressive situations. Perhaps the most surprising is Kurt Pankau’s “A Pin Drops”, which imagines bowling tech­nology advancing to the point where pins are made intelligent and sentient in order for them to protect one another and form familial ...Read More

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Escape Pod, Lightspeed, and Baffling,: Short Fiction Reviews by Charles Payseur

Escape Pod 7/11/24 Lightspeed 7/24 Baffling 7/24

Brian Hugenbruch features in the July Escape Pod with the rather charming “A Foundational Model for Talking to Girls”. The story unfolds with a backdrop of the ruined Earth, humans surviving in orbit of their home and living very different lives. But social awkwardness is still definitely a thing, which the narrator can at­test to, as he finds himself unable to ...Read More

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Lightspeed, Worlds of Possibility and Reactor: Short Fiction Reviews by Charles Payseur

Lightspeed 6/24 Worlds of Possibility 6/24 Reactor 6/5/24

Lightspeed ushers in June with Oyedotun Damilola Muees’s Warning Notes from an An­nihilator Machine”, which is framed as a series of messages from said Annihilator Machine to Tijani Damilare (known online as Teejay_009) concerning the approved destruction of Earth. Despite the dire message, ANM-722 actually wants to help Tijani, providing information that might help avoid the approaching mechanical apocalypse at ...Read More

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Fusion Fragment, Diabolical Plots, and GigaNotoSaurus: Short Fiction Reviews by Charles Payseur

Hexagon 6/24 Fusion Fragment 6/24 Diabolical Plots 6/24 GigaNotoSaurus 6/24

The latest issue of Hexagon is devoted to stories focused on climate change and climate resil­ience – people coming together to push back against the forces that have led to ecological and societal disaster and trying to walk humanity back from the brink of ruin. As in Madi Haab’s “Heat Devils”, which features brisk action as two ...Read More

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Escape Pod, Strange Horizons, and Beneath Ceaseless Skies: Short Fiction Reviews by Charles Payseur

Escape Pod 5/16/24 Strange Horizons 5/20/24, 5/27/24, 6/10/24, 6/17/24 Beneath Ceaseless Skies 5/30/24, 6/13/24

Rocky Cornelius returns to Escape Pod with An­drew Dana Hudson’s May story, “The Concept Shoppe: A Rocky Cornelius Consultancy”. Having left uncool hunting behind her, Rocky is a creative consultant for Primal, a new store that’s selling the postapocalypse experience in a future that feels in many ways postapocalyptic, right down to the ...Read More

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Small Wonders, Flash Fiction Online, and Cast of Wonders: Short Fiction Reviews by Charles Payseur

Small Wonders 5/24 Flash Fiction Online 5/24 Cast of Wonders 5/29/24

I’ll start off with May’s Small Wonders, a pub­lication dedicated to flash fiction and poetry, which includes Angel Leal’s powerful poem ‘‘Music of the Seraphim’’. A child meets an angel and is filled with a desire for something new – new experiences, a new body, a new place to be – and find their prayers and ...Read More

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Charles Payseur Reviews Short Fiction: Diabolical Plots, Beneath Ceaseless Skies, and GigaNotoSaurus

Diabolical Plots 5/24 Beneath Ceaseless Skies 5/2/24, 5/16/24 GigaNotoSaurus 5/1/24

The latest from Diabolical Plots includes the aptly named “How to Kill the Giant Living Brain You Found In Your Mother’s Basement After She Died: An Interactive Guide” by Alex Sobel, which follows Grace as she tries to process her mother’s death while also dealing with the strange abomination that is the living, possibly telepathic brain her ...Read More

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Charles Payseur Reviews Short Fiction: Cast of Wonders, Escape Pod, Strange Horizons, and Lightspeed

Cast of Wonders 4/13/24, 5/5/24 Escape Pod 4/25/24 Strange Horizons 4/29/24, 5/16/24 Lightspeed 5/24

Cast of Wonders’ April included Plangdi Neple’s “Bodies of Sand and Blood”, which follows a young trans boy trying to learn the magic of the men of his people, but who again and again is told he cannot because of his body. And yet at his lowest, he hears voices in the darkness ...Read More

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Charles Payseur Reviews Short Fiction: Diabolical Plots, Beneath Ceaseless Skies, and Kaleidotrope

Diabolical Plots 4/24 Beneath Ceaseless Skies 4/4/24, 4/18/24 Kaleidotrope 4/24

Anne Liberton’s “Six-Month Assessment on Miracle Fresh” anchors the April Diabolical Plots, and for marketing fans (or soft drink fans) it’s a rather delightful and sharp look at capital­ism, religion, and corporate interests. Framed as an internal document in a soft drink company that produces Miracle Fresh, which contains blood of the Messiah, the assessment looks at ...Read More

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Charles Payseur Reviews Short Fiction: GigaNotoSaurus, Fiyah, and Baffling

GigaNotoSaurus 3/24 Fiyah Spring ’24 Baffling 4/24

GigaNotoSaurus’s April story, “The Grand­mother Hypothesis” by J.S. Richardson, finds the narrator jumping from reality to reality using a machine of her own creation – one that can­not take her home again. But returning to her own world was never the goal, not after losing her child, and the story follows the narrator as she loses herself trying to explore, ...Read More

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Charles Payseur Reviews Short Fiction: Escape Pod, Three-Lobed Burning Eye, and Strange Horizons

Escape Pod 3/21/24, 3/28/24 Three-Lobed Burning Eye 3/24 Strange Horizons 3/18/24, 3/25/24, 4/1/24, 4/8/24

March’s Escape Pod features a unique post-catastrophe world in Pragathi Bala’s “Summitting the Moon”, which unfolds on an Earth that has experienced the Landing of the Moon, where an asteroid impact has pushed the Moon’s orbit so close to the planet that it has created a Rut and altered not only the world’s ...Read More

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