Wiz Duos
Wizard’s Tower Press has announced the new Wiz Duo novella series, edited by Roz Clarke and Joanne Hall, to launch in early 2025. Each volume “will contain two novella-length stories from different writers.” The first two books include stories by David Gullen and Ben Wright, and Juliet Kemp and E.M. Faulds. Their novellas were first acquired by the now-defunct Grimbold Books. Publisher Cheryl Morgan said:
While I love reading novellas, I have always struggled with them from a business point of view. However, the Grimbold novellas needed rescuing, so we had to come up with a solution. The two-novella book concept will allow us to do better covers that we could afford for single novellas, and hopefully they will be interesting for readers too. Sadly modern printing techniques preclude us doing the stories back to back, but we can at least keep the spirit of the legendary Ace Doubles alive.
For more, see the website.
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