Magazines Received – May
This list covers new SF/F/H print, online, and electronic periodicals (including regularly updated websites) seen by Locus magazine, focusing on those that publish fiction or reviews and criticism. To submit titles for listing on these pages, please send to Locus Publications, 655 13th St. #100, Oakland CA 94612 or email
Analog Science Fiction and Fact
- Trevor Quachri, ed.
- Vol. 94 Nos. 5 & 6, May/June 2024, $8.99, bimonthly, 208pp, 15 x 21½ cm.
- Hard SF magazine with fiction by Martin L. Shoemaker, Michael Capobianco, Lance Robinson, Tom Jolly, and others; non-fiction; poetry; reviews; etc. Cover by Kurt Huggins.
- Sheila Williams, ed.
- Vol. 48 Nos. 5 & 6, Whole Numbers 580 & 581, May/June 2024, $8.99, bimonthly, 208pp, 15 x 21½ cm. S
- peculative fiction and fantasy magazine with stories by Amal Singh, Rich Larson, William Preston, Michéle Laframboise, Leonid Kaganov (Alex Shvartsman, trans.), Chris Campbell, Kristine Kathryn Rusch, Christopher Rowe, and others; poetry; columns, etc. Cover by
- Bradford Morrow, ed.
- Fall 2023, $20.00, semi-annually, 360pp, 15 x 23 cm.
- Literary magazine produced by Bard College with works by Yxta Maya Murray, Rick Moody, Joyce Carol Oates, and others; poetry; etc. Cover by Jacob Lawrence.
- Gerry Canavan, et. al., eds.
- Vol. 65 No. 1, Spring 2024, three times a year, 133pp, 17½ x 24½ cm.
- Scholarly peer-reviewed international journal with articles and reviews. This issue includes articles by David Tierney, Eamon Reid, Danny Steur, Yuheng Ko, and Jeffrey Andrew Weinstock.
- Dean Wesley Smith, ed.
- Issue #27, 2024, $12.99 print/$6.99 digital, bimonthly, 283pp, 17½ x 25½ cm.
- The magazine on the “cutting edge of modern short fiction” with 11 short fiction stories per issue.
- This issue includes stories from Kevin J. Anderson, Robert Jeschonek, Nina Kiriki Hoffman, Kristine Kathryn Rusch and others. Cover by SergeyNivens/Depositphotos. #28, 217pp, has stories by Rob Vagle, Anne Reed, J. Steven York, and others. Cover by grandfailure/Depositphotos.
Online Magazines
- Lesley Conner, ed. Issue
- #144, May 2024, free online or $4.99 per issue; bimonthly. SF/fantasy/horror magazine.
- Original fiction by Monica Joyce Evans, Natalia Theodoridou, Wen Wen Yang, and others; reprinted fiction; interviews; and articles. Cover by Tom Edwards.
- Stephen Higgins, ed.
- No. 170, May 2024, $2.99, 10 times a year (every month except January and December). Australian SF/F magazine.
- This issue incudes fiction from Colin Clark, Eliza Baker, and Cameron Fischer; non-fiction; and reviews. Cover by angel_nt.
- Scott H. Andrews, ed.
- Issue #405, April 18, 2024, free online, biweekly. Literary fantasy/adventure magazine. This issue includes work by Christine Hanolsy, Liana Richmond, and Myna Chang. Cover by Nele Diel.
- Issue #406, May 2, 2024 has stories by Marissa Lingen, Aimee Ogden, and Robert Minto. Cover by Scott Harris.
- Issue #407, May 16, 2024 features work by Amanda Helms, J. Bridges, and Marissa Lingen. Cover by Scott Harris.
- John Betancourt, ed.
- Issue #138, $3.99, weekly. Reprint SF and mystery digital magazine. This issue has six science fiction or fantasy stories by Robert F. Young, Damon Knight, and others. Cover by Tom Miller.
- Issue #139 includes five SFF stories by Harlan Ellison, Charles V. De Vet, and others. Cover by Ron Miller.
- Issue #140 features four stories by John Victor Peterson, Edmond Hamilton, and others; and a novel by Arthur Leo Zagat. Cover by Ron Miller.
- Issue #141 has four stories by Robert Silverberg & Randall Garrett, Lester del Rey, and others; and a novel by Gore Vidal. Cover art by Ron Miller.
- Issue #142 has two short stories by Henry Slesar and Robert Silverberg; and novels by Mack Reynolds, Frank Herbert and Thea von Harbou. Cover by Ron Miller.
- Neil Clarke, ed.
- Issue #211, April 2024, free online or $3.99 ebook, monthly.
- SF/fantasy magazine with fiction from Eleanna Castroianni, Rich Larson, Shen Dacheng (Cara Healey, trans.), and others; essays; and interviews. Cover by Longque Chen.
- Sean Wallace, eds.
- Issue #108, May 2024, free online or digital available for $1.99-$2.99, monthly.
- Dark fantasy and horror magazine. This issue includes original fiction by Jorja Osha and Phoenix Alexander, and reprints by Carlie St. George and H. Pueyo. Cover by Stefan Koidl.
- Five weekly podcasts: Escape Pod <> Valerie Valdes & Mur Lafferty, eds. (SF), PodCastle <> Shingai Njeri Kagunda & Eleanor R. Wood, eds. (fantasy), PseudoPod <pseudopod. org/> Shawn Garrett & Alex Hofelich, eds. (horror), Cast of Wonders <> Katherine Inskip, ed. (YA) and CatsCast <> Laura Pearlman, ed. (speculative fiction cat stories).
- Free online. Genre podcasts of both original and previously published stories with accompanying text.
- Thomas J. Griffin & M.A. Dosser eds.
- April/May 2024, free online, biweekl
- Flash fiction SF and fantasy site. In April and May, the site posted short fiction by Shawn D. Brink, Grace Brannan, and others.
- Gareth Jelley, ed.
- #299, May 2024, £5 digital, bimonthly, 185pp
- European SF and fantasy magazine with fiction, columns, author interviews and reviews
- This issue includes stories by E.G. Condé, Seán Padraic Birnie, Rachael Cupp, and others. Cover by Carly A-F.
- John Joseph Adams, ed.
- Issue #168, May 2024, free online or $4.99 ebook, monthly.
- Online SF/fantasy magazine with fiction from Caroline M. Yoachim, Nisi Shawl, Ben Peek, P.H. Lee, and others; author spotlights; and reviews. Cover by Tithi Luadthong / Adobe Stock Images/modified by Lightspeed staff.
- Donald S. Crankshaw & Kristin Janz, eds.
- May/June 2024, free online or via Patreon, bimonthly.
- Online magazine presenting stories that engage “meaningfully with Christianity…although not exclusively from a Christian perspective” has stories by Shawn Vincent Wilson and Joshua Lampkins. Cover by toeken.
- Wendy N. Wagner, ed.
- Issue #140, May 2024, free online or $3.99 ebook, monthly.
- Horror/dark fantasy magazine with fiction by Daniel David Froid, Carlie St. George, and Victor Forna; author spotlights; poetry; and an essay. Cover by iobard/Shutterstock.
- Tom Doherty, Patrick Nielsen Hayden, et al., eds.
- April/May 2024, free online.
- Rebranded website.
- Macmillan house site publishing fiction and articles including fiction from Lavie Tidhar, Michael Cisco, A.T. Greenblatt, and others; novel excerpts; rereads/rewatches of novels and television shows; news, reviews; articles and commentary; and interviews.
- Lezlie A. Kinyon, ed.
- No 1, Vol 1; Spring 2024, free, quarterly
- Premier issue of a new magazine of “Mythopoeia and Fabulism” with fiction by Yvonne Owens, Katherine Kerestman, and others; and poetry. Cover by Helena Domenic.
See this listing and more like it in the June 2024 issue of Locus.
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