HWA Summer Scares

The Horror Writ­ers Association (HWA) has announced their Sum­mer Scares Reading list for 2024.

Adult: Jackal, Erin E. Adams (Bantam, 2022); Such Sharp Teeth, Rachel Harrison (Berkley, 2022); This Thing Between Us, Gus Moreno (MCD x FSG Originals, 2021).

Young Adult: All These Bodies, Kendare Blake (Quill Tree, 2021); Dead Flip, Sara Farizan (Al­gonquin Young Readers, 2022); #MurderTrend­ing, Gretchen McNeil (Freeform, 2018).

Middle Grade: Ophie’s Ghosts, Justina Ireland (Balzer + Bray, 2021); The Nest, Kenneth Oppel (Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, 2015); My Aunt is a Monster, Reimena Yee (Ran­dom House Graphic, 2022).

The program, now in its sixth year, is run in partnership with United for Libraries, Book Riot, Booklist, and NoveList. ‘‘The goal of Sum­mer Scares is to introduce Horror titles to school and public library workers in order to help them start conversations with readers that will extend beyond the books from each list and promote reading for years to come… the Summer Scares committee will be working with both the recom­mended list authors and Horror authors from all over the country to provide free programming to libraries.’’

The 2024 selection committee was Clay McLeod Chapman, Becky Spratford, Konrad Stump, Caro­lyn Ciesla, Kelly Jensen, Julia Smith, and Yaika Sabat. ‘‘All are welcome to join the Summer Scares committee and featured authors at the HWA’s Librarians’ Day, taking place in person on May 31, 2024, in San Diego as part of StokerCon.’’ For more.


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