2024 FAAn Awards Winners

The winners of the 2024 Fan Activity Achievement Awards (FAAns) were announced at Corflu 41, held February 29 – March 3, 2024 in Las Vegas, NV.

Best Personal Zine

  • This Here…

Best Genzine

  • SF Commentary

Best Special Publication

  • Beyond Fandom

Best Fan Writer 

  • Mark Plummer

Best Letterhack

  • Jerry Kaufman

Best Fan Artist

  • Ulrika O’Brien

Best Fanzine Cover Art

  • IDEA #13, Sue Mason

Corflu Lifetime Achievement Award

  • Joe Siclari and Edie Stern

Past Presidents, Fan Writers of America

  • Jerry Kaufman, Jennifer Farey

For more information, see the Corflu site.

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