Soho Press Launches Horror Imprint

Independent publisher Soho Press has launched a new horror imprint, Hell’s Hundred:

Named after the once bleak, now chic New York City neighborhood of SoHo—formerly known as “hell’s hundred acres” for its grim industrial facades and deadly fires—Hell’s Hundred provides fertile ground for new nightmares to take root. From grisly and macabre to darkly humorous, Hell’s Hundred publishes bold visions of horror from voices new and established.

The line will debut this summer with youthjuice by E.K. Sathue and Blood Like Mine by Stuart Neville. Spring 2025 will see the publication of Our Winter Monster by Dennis Mahoney and David Demchuk & Corinne Leigh Clark’s The Butcher’s Daughter. Sara Gran’s 2003 Soho Press novel Come Closer will be moved to the imprint as well, with other backlist titles to be transferred over later.

For more, see the story in Publishers Weekly.

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One thought on “Soho Press Launches Horror Imprint

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