2023 Prix Utopiales Shortlist

The shortlist for the 2023 Prix Utopiales has been announced. The prize is awarded to a speculative fiction novel or collection of short stories published in or translated into French.

Finalists are:

  • Le premier jour de paix, Elisa Beiram (L’Atalante)
  • Paideia, Claire Garand (La Volte)
  • Rossignol, Audrey Pleynet (Le Bélial)
  • La trilogie baryonique – Volume 1 : la tragédie de l’Orque, Pierre Raufast (Aux forges de Vulcain)
  • Eversion, Alastair Reynolds (Le Bélial)

The winning title will be selected by a jury and announced this November at Les Utopiales International Science Fiction Festival in Nantes, France. The author will receive a cash prize of €2,000. For more information, see the announcement on the Les Utopiales website.

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