Magazines Received – June

This list covers new SF/F/H print, online, and electronic periodicals (including regularly updated websites) seen by Locus magazine, focusing on those that publish fiction or reviews and criticism. To submit titles for listing on these pages, please send to Locus Publications, 655 13th St. #100, Oakland CA 94612 or email

Galaxy’s Edge

  • Lezli Robyn, ed.
  • Issue #62, May 2023, $7.99 print/$4.99 digital, bimonthly, 151pp, 19 x 24½ cm
  • Final issue before Galaxy’s Edge becomes a semi-annual anthology. This issue includes 22 sto­ries by Beth Cato, Deborah L. Davitt, and others; an interview with Daniel Abraham; and columns.

On Spec

  • Diane L. Walton, ed.
  • Vol. 33 No. 1, Whole No. 123, C$6.95, 2023, quarterly, 127pp, 13½ x 20 cm.
  • Canadian small press fiction magazine with stories by Robert Runté, Kajetan Kwiatkowski, Rachel Unger, and others; interviews with Nicole Luiken and Judy Helfrich; non-fiction; poetry and art. Cover by Judy Helfrich.

Planet Scumm: Arcana Major

  • Sean Clancy, ed.
  • No. 15, Spring 2023, $14.00, tri-annual, 121pp, 15 x 21 cm.
  • ‘‘Weirdo science fiction, speculative fiction, and para­normal horror’’ magazine with stories by Renan Bernardo, Yang-Yang Wang, James Stoddard, and others. Cover by Maura McGonagle.

Space and Time

  • Angela Yuriko Smith, ed.
  • No. 141, Spring/Summer 2022, $11.00 print/$2.99 digital, biannual, 81pp, 21 x 27½ cm. Small-press fiction magazine.
  • This issue includes stories by CM Barnes, Andrew Forget, and others; interviews; a graphic story; articles; poetry; and reviews. Cover by Karl Kofoed. #142, Fall/Winter 2022, 79pp has stories by Lynn I. Hsu, Benjamin Henry, and others, etc. Cover by Jason Van Hollander. #143, Spring/Summer 2023, 55pp, publishes fiction by Brian W. Matthews, Bailey Loveless, and oth­ers, etc. Cover by Krya Starr.

Online Magazines


  • Michael Pryor, ed.
  • No. 160, May 2023, $2.99, 10 times a year (every month except January and December). Australian SF/F magazine.
  • This issue incudes fiction from Jordan Chase-Young, L.P. Melling, and Declan Ellis; non-fiction; and reviews. Cover by Vac.

Beneath Ceaseless Skies

  • Scott H. Andrews, ed.
  • Issue #383, June 1, 2023, free online, biweekly.
  • Literary fantasy/adventure magazine with stories by Kat Howard, J.A. Prentice, and Riley Neither. Cover by Roberto Nieto.
  • Issue #384, June 15, 2023 includes stories by Chris Willrich, Margaret Ronald, and Seth Dickinson. Cover by Roberto Nieto.


  • Neil Clarke, ed.
  • Issue #201, June 2023, free online or $2.99 ebook, monthly.
  • SF/fantasy magazine with fic­tion from Dominca Phetteplace, Isabel J. Kim, David Ebenbach, Bella Han, Carrie Vaughn, Angela Liu, Jana Bian­chi, and Rajeev Prasad; articles; and interviews. Cover by Pascal Blanché.

Cosmic Roots and Eldritch Shores

  • Fran Eisemann, ed.
  • May/June 2023, free online. Genre fiction maga­zine with stories, podcast and reviews.
  • In May/June the site posted a story by Rob Nisbet.

The Dark

  • Clara Madrigano & Sean Wal­lace, eds.
  • Issue #97, June 2023, free online or digital available for $$2.99, monthly. Dark fantasy and horror magazine.
  • This issue includes stories by Orrin Grey, Angela Slatter, Lucas Santana (H. Pueyo, trans.), and Ray Cluley. Cover by Aaron Miller.

The Deadlands

  • E. Catherine Tobler, ed.
  • Issue #26, June 2023, free online or digital available for $4.99, monthly, 48pp.
  • Speculative fic­tion magazine ‘‘that concerns itself with death – but also everything death may involve,’’ with fiction by Sarah Pinsker, and A.C. Wise; poetry; and non-fiction. Cover by Eugenia Bathoriya.

Escape Artists

  • Four weekly podcasts: Escape Pod <> Val­erie Valdes & Mur Lafferty, eds. (SF); PodCastle <> Shingai Njeri Kagunda & Eleanor R. Wood, eds. (fantasy); PseudoPod <> Shawn Garrett & Alex Hofelich, eds. (horror); and Cast of Wonders <> Katherine Inskip, ed. (YA).
  • Free online. Genre podcasts of both original and previously published stories with ac­companying text.

Fantasy Magazine

  • Christie Yant & Arley Sorg, eds.
  • Issue #92, June 2023, free online or $2.99 ebook, monthly.
  • Fantasy magazine with stories from Melissa A. Watkins, Daniel Ausema, and others; an essay by Leslye Penelope; and poetry. Cover by Alexandra Petruk / Adobe Stock.

Flash Point SF

  • Thomas J. Griffin & M.A. Dosser eds.
  • May/June 2023, free online, biweekly. Flash fiction SF and fantasy site.
  • In May and June, the site posted short fiction by Rachel Searcey and others.

Fusion Fragment

  • Cavan Terrill, ed.
  • Issue #17, June 2023, online pay-what-you-want or purchase a hardcover through Blurb, 118 pp.
  • Online speculative fiction maga­zine with fiction from Vivian Chou, Cynthia Zhang, and others. Cover by Evelyne Park.

Hexagon Magazine

  • JW Stebner, ed.
  • Issue #13, Summer 2023, digital/free online, quarterly, 44pp.
  • Speculative fiction magazine specializing in ‘‘…the weird, the wondrous, and the whimsical….’’ with fiction by Jade Stewart, Jonathan Olfert, and others. Cover by Matthew Spencer.

Lightspeed Magazine

  • John Jo­seph Adams, ed.
  • Issue #157, June 2023, free online or $3.99 ebook, monthly.
  • Online SF/fantasy magazine with fiction by Domi­nique Dickey, Ruth Joffre, Sarah Grey, Deborah L. Davitt, and others; author spotlights; and reviews. Cover by Ro­man 3d (primary image)/ KanawatTH (background texture) via Adobe Stock.

Nightmare Magazine

  • Wendy N. Wagner, ed.
  • Issue #129, June 2023, free online or $2.99 ebook, monthly.
  • Horror/dark fantasy magazine with fiction by Ozzie M. Gartrell, Neal Auch, and others; au­thor spotlights; an essay; and a media review. Cover by jdrv / Adobe Stock.

Strange Horizons

  • Gautam Bhatia, et al., eds.
  • May/June 2023, free online, weekly.
  • Specula­tive fiction magazine with fiction by L Chan, Tina S. Zhu, Megan Chee, Aimee Ogden, Christi Nogle, Athar Fikry, and others; poetry; articles; columns; and reviews. New issues are posted each Monday. Covers by Tahlia Day.

Tangent Online

  • Dave Truesdale, ed.
  • April/May 2023, free online.
  • Short fiction SF and fantasy review magazine in­cluding reviews of genre magazines, online and electronic publications, and selected collections and anthol­ogies; as well as articles and essays.

  • Tom Doherty, Irene Gallo, Patrick Nielsen Hayden, et al., eds.
  • April/May 2023, free online.
  • Mac­millan house site publishing fiction and articles including short fiction from Jef­frey Ford and Michael Swanwick; novel excerpts; rereads/rewatches of novels and television shows; an artist gallery; reviews; articles and commentary; and interviews.

Tree and Stone: Para el Pueblo

  • Kevin Casin, ed.
  • Issue #1, May 2023, free online or $2.99 ebook, bimonthly, 48pp.
  • Nontraditional, Latine/Latinx-centered, fantasy fiction magazine, this issue is guest edited by A.P. Thayer and includes magic realism stories from Cynthia Gómez, Filomena Acosta and others. Cover by Lonerf.

See this listing and more like it in the July 2023 issue of Locus.

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