Chilean SF News

The Chilean Sci­ence Fiction & Fantasy Association (also known as ALCIFF: Asociación de Literatura de Ciencia Ficción y Fantástica Chilena) hosted its first national convention, AL­CIFFCON, in Santiago, Chile from Novem­ber 25-27, 2022, with over a hundred reg­istered members. They also presented two new literary prizes: the Altísimo Awards and the Aspasia Awards.

The Altísimo Award (Premio Altísimo) 2022 for Best Work Published in 2020-2021 was awarded to Adiós, loxonauta by Leonardo Espinoza Benavides (Sietch Edi­ciones Publisher, 2020). A Retrospective Al­tísimo Award (Retropremio Altísimo) 2022 for Best Work Published in the 2010-2019 decade was awarded to La tienda de rega­los (Abducción Editorial Publisher, 2015), by Andrés Olave. The Altísimo Awards are named after an emblematic Chilean SF novel of 1959, and were organized by the ALCIFF Award Committee and voted by the ALCIFFCON registered members.

The Aspasia Awards, organized by AL­CIFF’s Young Talent Award Committee, called for an open national submission of works by high school students, which were later selected by a jury composed of ALCIFF members. First place was awarded to Tomás Ahumada (age 18, Santiago); second place to Jennifer Flores (14, Coihueco), and third place to Samuel Contreras (16, Rancagua).

For more, including photos of the events, see their site.

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