Nebula Conference Registration Opens
SFWA has opened registration for the 2023 Nebula Conference and Award Ceremony, to be held May 12–14, 2023, both online and in-person at the Sheraton Park Hotel at the Anaheim Resort in Anaheim CA.
Registrations may be purchased at this link. Registration for the online portion of the conference is $150.00 and includes access to broadcasts of the weekend’s panels and the subsequent archive, mentorship opportunities, the Nebula Awards ceremony, a conference Discord, and entry to our ongoing SFWA Nebula Conference events beginning May 1, 2023.
In-person conference registration begins at $349.00. Due to limited space and seating, we anticipate the conference and banquet to sell out, so we are encouraging people to buy their tickets early. Participants may attend panels and the awards ceremony in-person, take part in mentorships and receptions, and visit the SFWA hospitality suite. In-person registration also includes access to the online conference.
For Anaheim attendees, tickets for the Nebula Awards banquet can be purchased for an additional $125.00. This three-course celebration dinner held before the Nebula Awards ceremony on Saturday, May 13, 2023 is a fantastic opportunity to mingle with old friends and meet new peers. Conference attendees who wish to attend the ceremony without purchasing a ticket to the banquet may do so on a space-available basis.
For hotel information and other details, visit the SFWA site.
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