Marcus Sedgwick (1968-2022)
Author and illustrator Marcus Sedgwick, 54, died unexpectedly in France on November 17, 2022. He wrote more than 40 books, most for children and teens, including many of genre interest.
Born April 8, 1968 in Preston, Kent, England, Sedgwick worked as a bookseller and for a small children’s publisher before becoming a full-time writer.
He wrote several series, including the Dead Days sequence, the Cudweed trilogy, the Raven Mysteries, and Elf Girl and Raven Boy. Other books of genre interest include debut Floodland (2000); Witch Hill (2001); The Dark Horse (2002); The Foreshadowing (2005); My Swordhand Is Singing (2006) and sequel The Kiss of Death (2008); Blood Red, Snow White (2007); White Crow (2010); Michael L. Printz Award winner Midwinterblood (2011); collection of linked stories The Ghosts of Heaven (2014); A Love Like Blood (2014); Killing the Dead (2015); Mister Memory (2016); The Monsters We Deserve (2018); and Snowflake, AZ (2019). He co-wrote book-length poem Voyages in the Underworld of Orpheus Black (2019, with his brother Julian Sedgwick, illustrated by Aexi Deacon). He also did interior art for some of his own titles.
For more, see his entry in the Encyclopedia of Science Fiction.