Magazines Received – January
Analog Science Fiction and Fact
- Trevor Quachri, ed.
- Vol. 92 Nos. 1 & 2, January/February 2022
- $7.99, bimonthly, 208pp, 15 x 21½ cm
- This issue includes a novella by Jay Werkheiser & Frank Wu; novelettes by Tony Ballantyne, Joe M. McDermott, and Tom Jolly; short stories by Meghan Hyland, Ted Rabinowitz, Adam-Troy Castro, Paul Starkey, M. Bennardo, Jen Downes, Liz A. Vogel, Louis Evans, Stephen L. Burns, Benjamin C. Kinney, David Cederstrom, Rachel S. Bernstein, and Raymund Eich; flash fiction by David Whitaker and Ian Randal Strock; a science fact by Jay Werkheiser; a special feature by Brishti Guha; poetry; reviews, etc. Cover by Eldar Zakirov
- Sheila Williams, ed.
- Vol. 46 Nos. 1 & 12, Whole Numbers 540 & 541, January/February 2022
- $7.99, bimonthly, 208pp, 15 x 21½ cm
- This issue includes novellas by Nick Wolven and Sean Monaghan; novelettes by A.A. Attanasio, Michèle Laframboise, and Ian Creasy; short stories by Jandayi Brooks-Flemister, Joel Armstrong, Joel Richards, Michael Swanwick, Tom Purdom, and Stephanie Feldman; columns by Robert Silverberg and James Patrick Kelly; poetry; reviews, etc. Cover by Dominic Harman
- Andy Cox, ed.
- Issue No. 80/81, 2021
- £11.99, tri-annually, 192pp, 17 x 24 cm
- British dark SF/F and horror magazine with stories by Rhonda Pressley Veit, Steve Rasnick Tem, Claire Rudy Foster, Sarah Lamparelli, Françoise Harvey, Jolie Toomajan, and Mike O’Driscoll; and reviews. Cover by Richard Wagner. Subscription: Not available. Single issues can be purchased from TTA Press, 5 Martins Lane, Witcham, Ely, Cambs CB6 2LB, UK; website: <>; email: <>.
- Erik Secker, ed.
- Issue No. 25, December 2021
- $12.95 print/$1.99 digital/free online, three times a year, 152pp, 12½ x 20 cm
- Literary speculative fiction magazine with stories by Anthony Panegyres, Gregory Norman Bossert, E. Catherine Tobler, and others. Cover by Dan Quintana. Subscription: available through Patreon <>. Copies can be purchased from; website: <>.
Foundation: The International Review of Science Fiction
- Paul March-Russell, ed.
- Vol. 50, Issue No. 3, #140, 2021
- £8.00/$15.00, three times yearly, 136pp, 14½ x 21 cm
- Peer-reviewed journal published by the Science Fiction Foundation. This issue includes a section looking at 50 year of the Science Fiction Foundation with a roundtable discussion about the SFF at 50, a conversation with John Clute, and an essay about the creation of the SFF logo; a number of articles including Gabriel Burrow’s humanization of the resident of Harmont in Roadside Picnic by the Strugatsky’s; Anne-Marie Callus & Victor Grech’s examination of ability and disability through the characters of Clane Linn by A.E. Van Vogt and Miles Vorkosigan by Lois McMaster Bujold; Milan M. Ćirković’s consideration of the intersection of thought between Karl Popper and Stanisław Lem regarding the problem of prediction; Aidan Power’s analysis of the movie Aniara to track the European response to the climate crisis; Tara B.M. Smith’s examination of Frank Herbert’s Dune Trilogy as an argument for ecological conservation; and Elizabeth Stanway’s examination of how the concept of the habitability of the solar system changed in the Dan Dare comic strip between 1950s and 2010s; conference reports; Larissa Lai’s feature on Octavia E. Bulter’s Xenogenesis and Lilith’s Brood; and book reviews. Subscription: UK £25.00/Rest of Europe £28.00/Elsewhere £32.00/USD$48.00/Students £15.00/USD$25.00 (proof required) for three issues, specify year of commencement. Inquire for cost to institutions. Send checks made out to ‘‘The Science Fiction Foundation’’ to The Science Fiction Foundation,75 Rosslyn Avenue, Harold Wood, Essex RM3 0RG; email: Roger Robinson (‘‘SFF’’ in subject line) <>; website: <>.
The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction
- Sheree Renée Thomas, ed.
- Vol. 142 No. 1 & 2, Whole No. 759, January/February 2022
- $9.99, bimonthly, 260pp, 13 x 19½ cm
- This issue includes a novella by Eugie Foster; novelettes by Nick DiChario, Karen Heuler, Auston Habershaw, and J.A. Pak; short stories by Christopher Mark Rose, Paul Lorello, ML Clark, Maiga Doocy, Cara Mast, Innocent Chizaram Ilo, Joe Baumann, and Paul Di Filippo; poetry; reviews, and etc. Cover by Kent Bash.
- Sean Clancy, ed.
- No. 12, Autumn 2021
- $14.00, tri-annual, 103pp, 15 x 21 cm
- Perfect-bound, small‑press fiction magazine specializing in ‘‘weirdo science fiction, speculative fiction, and paranormal horror’’. This issue has stories by Dan Stintzi, Lucy Zhang, Christina Delia, and others. Cover by Kels Hyde. Subscription: three print issues for $30.00, four digital issues (‘‘buy 1, gift 1’’) for $20.00; website: <>; email: <>.
- Dean Wesley Smith, ed.
- Issue No. 15, December 2021
- $12.99 print/$6.99 digital, bi-monthly, 192pp, 17½ x 25½ cm
- This issue includes 20 pieces of short fiction, including stories from Robert Jeschonek, Louisa Swann, Ray Vukcevich, and others; and a one-page graphic story from J. Steven York. Subscription: six issues for $69.99 print/$34.99 digital, available at <>; website: <>.
- Dean Wesley Smith
- Issue #55, November 2021
- $6.99 digital/$12.99 print, monthly, 172pp, 17½ x 25½ cm
- A magazine written entirely by Dean Wesley Smith with four short stories; a full Thunder Mountain novel; and a full holiday short story collection. Subscription: Digital: $29.99 (six issues)/$49.99 (12 issues)/US print plus digital: $59.99 (six issues)/$99.99 (12 issues)/Outside the US print plus digital: $99.99 (six issues)/$199.99 (12 issues) at <>; website: < >.
Online Magazines
- Wendy S. Delmater, ed.
- Issue #81, 1st Quarter 2022, free online; quarterly
- Online speculative fiction magazine. This issue includes stories by Ray Daley, Fiona Moore, Gordon Linzner, and others; flash fiction, poetry, and small press reviews. Subscription: Unavailable.
- Tom Dullemond, ed.
- Vol 17 No. 4, #85, December 2021
- $9.95, quarterly, 130pp
- Australian SF and fantasy small-press magazine. This issue includes short fiction by Max Lavergne, Lucinda Taylor, Matthew Castleman, and others; an interview with Claire Fitzpatrick; poetry, and reviews. Cover by Julie Dillon. Subscription: A$29.95 for four digital issues to <>.
- Jason Sizemore, ed
- Issue #129, January 2022, digital free online or $4.99 per issue; bi-monthly
- Online SF/fantasy/horror magazine publishing both new and reprinted fiction. This issue includes original short fiction by Lavie Tidhar, Yilun Fan (S. Qiouyi Lu, trans.), Bianca Sayan, Rich Larson, Cristina Jurado (Monica Louzon, trans.), and M. Shaw; reprinted fiction from Oghenchovwe Donald Ekpeki and Benjanun Sriduangkaew; nonfiction by C.S.E. Cooney and Mercedes M. Yardley; interviews with M. Shaw, Bianca Sayan and artist Luka Brico; and reviews. Cover by Luka Brico. Subscription: $24.00 digital for a six issue recurring subscription from Apex <>. Also available from third-party sellers.
- Scott H. Andrews, ed.
- Issue #346, January 1, 2022, free online, biweekly
- Online fantasy/adventure magazine
- This issue includes original fiction by Jonathan Olfert (with accompanying podcast) and Iona Datt Sharma; and a reprint from Josh Rountree. Coverby Viktor Mukhin. Subscription: $19.99/year from Weightless Books <>.
- Scott H. Andrews, ed.
- Issue #347, January 13, 2022, free online, biweekly
- Online fantasy/adventure magazine. This issue includes original fiction by Marie Brennan and Spencer Ellsworth; a reprint from Grace Seybold; and a podcast replay of a story by Christie Yant. Cover by Viktor Mukhin. Subscription: $19.99/year from Weightless Books <
- John Betancourt, ed
- Issue #16, $3.99, weekly
- Weekly reprinted SF and mystery magazine. This issue includes science fiction or fantasy stories by Nisi Shawl, Michael Swanwick, and Larry Tritten; and a novel by Malcolm Jameson; as well as five mystery stories and a mystery novel. Subscriptions: $3.99/month or $19.99/year (subscriptions include electronic copies of their other magazines also).
- John Betancourt, ed.
- Issue #17, $3.99, weekly
- Weekly reprinted SF and mystery magazine. This issue includes science fiction or fantasy stories by Amy Wolf, Esther Friesner, Malcolm Jameson, and Larry Tritten; and a novel by Paul W. Fairman; as well as four mystery stories and a mystery novel. Subscriptions: $3.99/month or $19.99/year (subscriptions include electronic copies of their other magazines also).
- John Betancourt, ed.
- Issue #18, $3.99, weekly
- Weekly reprinted SF and mystery magazine. This issue includes science fiction or fantasy stories by Elizabeth Bear, E. Hoffmann Price, and Larry Tritten; and a novel by Malcolm Jameson; as well as five mystery stories and a mystery novel. Subscriptions: $3.99/month or $19.99/year (subscriptions include electronic copies of their other magazines also).
- John Betancourt, ed.
- Issue #19, $3.99, weekly
- Weekly reprinted SF and mystery magazine. This issue includes science fiction or fantasy stories by Everil Worrell, Larry Tritten, and others; a novelette by L. Timmel Duchamp; and a fantasy and mystery collection by Richard Marsh; as well as four mystery stories and a mystery novel. Subscriptions: $3.99/month or $19.99/year (subscriptions include electronic copies of their other magazines also).
- John Betancourt, ed.
- Issue #20, $3.99, weekly
- Weekly reprinted SF and mystery magazine. This issue includes science fiction or fantasy stories by Elizabeth Ann Scarborough, Malcolm Jameson, and others; as well as four mystery stories and a mystery novel. Subscriptions: $3.99/month or $19.99/year (subscriptions include electronic copies of their other magazines also).
- Neil Clarke, ed.
- Issue #184, January 2022, free online or $2.99 ebook, monthly
- Online SF/fantasy magazine. This issue includes original fiction by Koji A. Dae (with accompanying podcast), Geoffrey W. Cole, Filip Hajdar Drnovšek Zorko, Megan J. Kerr (with accompanying podcast), R.S.A. Garcia, and Andrea Kriz; a reprint by Gu Shi (S. Qiouyi Lu, trans.); an article by Julie Nováková; and interviews with Ann & Jeff VanderMeer and James S.A. Corey. Cover by Zezhou Chen. Subscription: Digital subscription $35.88 for 12 issue at or issues may be purchased monthly: $2.99 digital/$10.00 print ($14.00 Canada & Europe)/$12.99 print + digital ($16.99 Canada & Europe). Also available from third-party sellers.
Cosmic Roots and Eldritch Shores
- Fran Eisemann, ed.
- December 2021/January 2022, free online
- Online genre fiction magazine; content (generally one illustrated story per month, plus occasional interviews and articles) is posted throughout the month. For December and January the site posted a story by Malda Marlys. Subscriptions $12.00/year.
- Sean Wallace, ed.
- Issue #80, January 2022, free online or digital available for $1.99-$2.99, monthly
- Dark fantasy and horror magazine. This issue includes original fiction by Jack Klausner, Margo McGovern, Seán Padraic Birnie, and Octavia Cade.Cover by Adolf Hirémy-Hirschl. Subscription: digital subscriptions available for $23.88 for 12 issues from Weightless Books <>. Issues can be purchased at a monthly subscription rate from at $1.99/month or £1.99/month via; or as single copies at $2.99 from Apple, B&N, Kobo, and Weightless.
- E. Catherine Tobler, ed.
- Issue #9, January 2022, digital/free online, monthly
- ‘‘The Deadlands exists in liminal spaces between life, death and elsewhere’’ with ‘‘speculative fiction that concerns itself with death – but also everything death may involve’’. This issue includes original fiction by Michael Baez Arroyo, Alix E. Harrow, and Cara Masten DiGirolamo; non-fiction by Katie Gill and Amanda Downum; and poetry. Cover by Skulltura. Subscription: $36.00 for 12 digital issues at <>.
- Four weekly podcasts: Escape Pod <> S.B. Divya & Mur Laffery, eds. (SF), PodCastle <> Shingai Njeri Kagunda & Eleanor R. Wood, eds. (fantasy), PseudoPod <> Shawn Garrett & Alex Hofelich, eds. (horror), and Cast of Wonders <www.castofwonders. org/> Katherine Inskip, ed (YA).
- Free online. Genre podcasts of both original and previously published stories with accompanying text.
- For December 2021/January 2022, Escape Pod aired stories from Helen De Cruz, Erik Grove, Kiya Nicoll, and Sam Schreiber (part 1 & 2); PodCastle aired stories by Martha Wells, Gary McKay, Claire Humphrey, Nathaniel Lee, Avi Burton, and Nicole D. Sconiers; PseudoPod aired stories from Jamie Grimes, Orrin Grey, D.H. Lawrence, and E.F. Benson; plus flash fiction by Eric J. Guignard, Can Wiggins, Hailey Piper, and Anthony Oliveira; and Cast of Wonders aired stories by Ivy Grimes, Marie Vibbert, Johnny Caputo, Sid Jain, and Avra Margariti. Subscriptions: Free
- Christie Yant & Arley Sorg, eds.
- Issue #75, January 2022, free online or $3.99 ebook, monthly. Online Fantasy magazine
- This issue includes original flash fiction by Moses Ose Utomi and Saswati Chatterjee; short fiction by Shalini Srinivasan and Corey Flintoff; an interview with Tochi Onyebuchi; and poetry. On the website, each month’s contents are serialized throughout the month with new features published on the first four Tuesdays. The ebook edition is available on the first of the month. Cover by warmtail / Adobe Stock Image. Subscription: $2.99/month via or $23.88 for 12 issues from Fantasy <> or Weightless Books <>.
- Aigner Loren Wilson, guest ed.
- Issue #99, January 2022, $5.00 digital only, monthly
- In the January issue, the site posted short fiction by Katherine Quevedo, Hester J. Rook, and others. Subscriptions: digital subscriptions available for $60.00 for 12 issues at <>.
Fiyah: Magazine of Black Speculative Fiction
- DaVaun Sanders, ed.
- Issue #21, Winter 2022, $3.99 digital only, quarterly.
- Literary Black Speculative Fiction magazine that ‘‘features stories by and about people of the African Diaspora.’’ This issue includes stories from Adelehin Ijasan, Wendy Shaia, Danny Cherry, Jr., and Jendayi Brooks-Flemister; non-fiction by LaDarrion Williams; and poetry. Cover by Terri Ogwulumba. Subscription: digital subscriptions available for $15.99 for four issues at <>.
- Thomas J. Griffin & M.A. Dosser eds.
- December 2021/January 2022, free online, bi-weekly
- Flash fiction SF and fantasy site posting a new story every other Friday. In December/January, the site posted short fiction by Jamie Lackey, Cameron Hunter, S.J.C. Schreiber, and others. Subscriptions: digital subscriptions available for $5.00 for one year at <>
- Fred Coppersmith, ed.
- Winter 2022, free online, quarterly
- Online speculative fiction magazine with science fiction, fantasy, and horror. This issue has ten original stories by Scott Edelman, A.C. Wise, Cynthia Zhang, and others; and poetry. Cover by Cindy Fan. Subscription: Unavailable.
- John Joseph Adams, ed.
- Issue #140, January 2022, free online or $3.99 ebook, monthly
- Online SF/fantasy magazine. This issue includes original science fiction by Lincoln Michel; original SF flash fiction by Aimee Ogden and Jendayi Brooks-Flemister; reprinted SF by Leah Cypess; original fantasy from Maria Dong and Vanessa Fogg; original fantasy flash by Jenny Rae Rappapoprt; reprinted fantasy by N.K. Jemisin; and book reviews. On the website, each month’s contents are serialized throughout the month with new features published on the first four Tuesdays. The ebook edition is available on the first of the month with exclusive content not available on the website. This month’s exclusive paid content is an excerpt from a novel by Tochi Onyebuchi. Cover by Grandeduc / Adobe Stock Image. Subscription: $2.99/month via or $35.88/year from Lightspeed <> or Weightless Books <>.
- B. Morris Allen, ed.
- February 2022, $7.00 print/$4.00 digital/free online, monthly
- Online and print speculative fiction magazine. This issue includes original stories by Devin Miller, Brian Hugenbruch, and others. New stories are posted online every Friday. Cover by Carol Wellart. Digital subscriptions available at $3.00/month through Patreon <>. Single issues available from and IngramSpark.
- Donald S. Crankshaw & Kristin Janz, eds.
- January/February 2022, free online or via Patreon
- Online magazine presenting stories that engage ‘‘meaningfully with Christianity… although not exclusively from a Christian perspective.’’ The site posts one or two stories per month, with occasional interviews and reviews. For January and February the site will post stories by Annaliese Lemmon, Cathy Smith, and Marshall J. Moore. Cover by Darío Mekler. Subscription: Limited-edition digital version (pdf, epub and mobi) available prior to web publication via Patreon.
The New York Review of Science Fiction
- Kevin J. Maroney et al., eds.
- Vol.31 No. 1, Whole No. 355, June 2021
- $5.00 cover price ($10.00 + shipping for two issues sold bimonthly bundled from or $2.99 from Weightless Books <>, monthly, 32pp
- Review and criticism magazine, with essay‑length and short reviews, etc. This issue includes various articles including Mark Scroggins’s consideration of the connections between Michael Moorcock and Algernon Charles Swinburne; Mir Seidel’s look at the influence of Nikola Tesla on Hugo Gernsback and the SF genre; Eric Leif David’s debunking of the story that Hugo Gernsback paid ‘‘absolutely nothing’’ for stories by Stanley G. Weinbaum; Jonathan Hay’s tracing of the trajectory of posthumans in Isaac Asimov’s Foundation Universe; and Terry Thompson’s analysis of H.G. Wells’s ‘‘In the Avu Observatory’’; plus Michael Swanwick’s one question interview with Henry Wessells; an appreciation for Harold Bloom; and reviews. Subscriptions: $30.00 for 12 issues from Weightless Books <>.
- Wendy N. Wagner, ed.
- Issue #112, January 2022, free online or $2.99 ebook, monthly
- Online horror/dark fantasy magazine publishing both original and reprinted fiction as well as poetry. This issue includes fiction by Ian Muneshwar, Kiyomi Appleton Gaines, and Jordan Shiveley; an essay by Dante Luiz; an interview with Eric LaRocca; and poetry. On the website, each month’s contents are serialized throughout the month with new features published on the first four Wednesdays. Subscription: $1.99/monthly from Amazon or $23.88/year from Nightmare or Weightless Books <>.
- Brianna Castagnozzi & Justine Norton-Kertson, eds.
- Issue #1, January/February 2022, $6.00 digital only, bi-monthly
- Premiere issue of a new bimonthly online magazine of ‘‘radically hopeful and optimistic science fiction and fantasy.’’ This issue includes stories from Starhawk, Coral Alejandra Moore, Francis Bass, Oyedotun Damilola, and others; non-fiction by Jay Springett, Nina Munteanu, and others; an interview with Kim Stanley Robinson; and poetry. Cover by Brianna Castagnozzi. Subscription: digital subscriptions available for $30.00 for six issues at <>.
- Gautam Bhatia, et al., eds
- December 2021/January 2022, free, weekly
- Online speculative fiction magazine publishing fiction, poetry, essays, reviews, and interviews. New issues are posted each Monday. In December/January, the site posted short fiction (with accompanying podcasts) by Karina Ko, E.M. Faulds, Gabrielle Lucille Fuentes, and T.K. Rex; weekly poetry (with accompanying podcasts); reviews, etc. Covers by Tahlia Day. Subscription: unavailable.
- Tom Doherty, Irene Gallo, Patrick Nielsen Hayden, et al., eds
- December 2021/January 2022, free online
- Macmillan publishing house site specializing in genre fiction. Each month publishes free fiction and articles including original works, reprints, novel excerpts, and comics; re-reads/re-watches of novels and television shows; an artist gallery; original reviews; articles and commentary; interviews; as well as providing a forum for the genre community. New material is posted throughout the month. December and January’s posts include novel excerpts from books by Cassandra Rose Clarke, Akshaya Raman, Laura Sebastian, J. Elle, Meg Long, A.K. Larkwood, and Joanna Ruth Meyer; and original fiction by Kemi Ashing-Giwa
- Lynne M. Thomas & Michael Damian Thomas, and Chimedum Ohaegbu, eds
- Issue #44, January/February 2022, $3.99 digital only, bi-monthly
- Science fiction and fantasy magazine with original and reprint fiction, non-fiction essays, interviews, and poetry. This issue includes fiction by Leah Cypess (with accompanying podcast), Christopher Caldwell, Natalia Theodoridou, Sarah Monette, Kylie Lee Baker, Wen-yi Lee (with accompanying podcast), and Tina Connolly; a reprint by Caroline M. Yoachim; non-fiction from Alex Jennings, Lincoln Michel, Shingai Njeri Kagunda, and Louis Evans; interviews with Christopher Caldwell and Sarah Monette; and poetry. The site also includes podcast interviews with Leah Cypess and Kylie Lee Baker, and additional stories by Sonya Taaffe and Lisabelle Tay. Cover art by Galen Dara. E-book subscribers receive the complete ebook on the first Tuesday of the month. Online readers will receive the first half of the magazine on the first Tuesday of the month. The second half will be available the first Tuesday of the following month. Also available free on the Uncanny website is the Uncanny Magazine podcast with some of the stories, interviews, and other content available for listening. Subscriptions: $23.88 for one year at Weightless Books <>.
The Outer Limits
The New Yorker (January 17, 2022) has Caleb Crain’s article on Stanisław Lem, and how Lem’s experience in wartime Poland affected his life and stories.
Wired (December 2021) includes a short SF story by Paul Ford and an essay by Madeline Ashby on her views of cyberpunk.
See this listing and more like it in the February 2022 issue of Locus.
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