Magazines Received, October 2021

This list covers new SF/F/H print, online, and electronic periodicals (including regularly updated websites) seen by Locus magazine, focusing on those that publish fiction or reviews and criticism. To submit titles for listing on these pages, please send to Locus Publications, 655 13th St. #100, Oakland CA 94612 or email

Cossmass Infinities

  • Paul Campbell, ed.
  • No. 6, September 2021
  • $9.99 print/$3.99 digital tri-annually, 211pp, 12½ x 20½ cm.
  • This issue has eight original short stories by Monica Joyce Evans, Uchechukwu Nwaka, Brian Hugenbruch, and others. Some of their stories are posted free on their website. Cover by Grandfailure. Subscriptions: $12.00 for three digital issues from their website <>. Single print copies available from

Fusion Fragment

  • Cavan Terrill, ed.
  • Issue #8, Sep­tember 2021
  • Online pay-what-you-want or purchase a print copy through Blurb <>, this issue $26.99 CAD (prices vary by issue)
  • Irregular, 112 pp, 21½ x 28 cm
  • Online speculative fiction magazine. This issue includes original work by Avery Becard, Maria Dong, Avra Margariti, and others, and reprinted work by Priya Chand; each story includes a short Q&A with the author. Cover by KiTT St. Joans. Subscription: Available through Patreon <>.

The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fic­tion

  • Sheree Renée Thomas, ed.
  • Vol. 141 No. 5 & 6, Whole No. 758, November/December 2021
  • $9.99, bimonthly, 260pp, 13 x 19½ cm.
  • This issue includes a no­vella by Natalia Theodoridou; novelettes by Nalo Hopkinson, T.R. Napper, Graham Edwards, and Eleanor Arnason; short sto­ries by Megan Lindholm, Victor Pseftakis, Alexander Glass, K.A. Teryna, Hayley Stone, and Jennie Goloboy; a science article by Jerry Oltion; poetry; reviews, and etc. Cover by Maurizio Manzieri.

Pulp Literature

  • Jennifer Landels, et al. eds.
  • No. 31, Summer 2021
  • C $14.99, quarterly, 226pp, 13½ x 20½ cm
  • Canadian small‑press fiction magazine dedicated to all types of pulp literature with substantial genre content. This issue includes stories by Brenda Carre, Elsa M. Carruthers, Hajera Khaja, and others; an interview with Brenda Carre; a graphic story by Matthew Nielsen; the next chapters in ongoing series by Mel Anastasiou and JM Landels; poetry; etc. Cover by Tatjana Mirkov-Popovicki. Subscription: C$50.00 Canada/$C68.00 continental USA/C$86.00 elsewhere for four print issues to Pulp Literarure Press, 21955 16 Ave., Langley BC, V2Z 1K5, Canada; $C17.99 for digital.

On Spec

  • Diane L. Walton, ed.
  • Vol. 31 No. 3, Whole No. 117,
  • C$6.95, 2021, quarterly, 126pp, 13½ x 20½ cm
  • Cana­dian small‑press fiction magazine. This issue has stories by Mike Rimar, Robert Silverberg, Roxanne Klimek, and others; interviews with Dan O’Driscoll (cover artist) and Halle Gulbrandsen (author); poetry and art. Cover by Dan O’Driscoll. Subscription: Print: C$24.00/C$30.00 US/C$45.00 overseas a year to On Spec, c/o Variant Edition Comics, 15129 Stony Plain Rd., Edmonton, AB T5P 3YT, Canada; digital subscriptions available through Weightless, Kobo, and others


  • Dean Wesley Smith, ed.
  • Issue No. 13, September 2021
  • $12.99 print/$6.99 digital, quarterly, 220pp, 17½ x 25½ cm
  • This issue includes 19 pieces of short fiction, including stories from Jerry Oltion, Rick Wilber, Kristine Kathryn Rusch, Robert Jeschonek, and others; and a one page graphic story from J. Steven York. Cover by inarik/Depositphotos. Subscription: six issues for $69.99 print/$34.99 digital, available at <>

Smith’s Monthly

  • Dean Wesley Smith
  • , Issue #53, September 2021
  • $6.99 digital/$12.99 print, monthly, 190pp, 17½ x 25½ cm
  • A magazine written entirely by Dean Wesley Smith with four short stories; a full Thunder Mountain novel; and a serialization of a novel (part 5 of 6). Subscription: Digital: $29.99 (six is­sues)/$49.99 (12 issues)/US print plus digital: $59.99 (six issues)/$99.99 (12 issues)/Outside the US print plus digital: $99.99 (six issues)/$199.99 (12 issues) at <>

Online Magazines

Abyss & Apex Magazine 

  • Wendy S. Delmater, ed.
  • Issue #80, 4th Quarter 2021
  • Free online; quarterly.
  • Online speculative fiction magazine. This issue includes stories by Finlay Harper, Simon Kewin, and others; flash fiction, poetry, and small press reviews. Subscription: Unavailable.


  • Michael Matheson, Chinelo Onwualu & Andrew Wilmot, eds.
  • Issue #13, Sep­tember 2021
  • Free online or $3.99 CAD digital; tri-annual.
  • Anathema: Spec from the Margins is a tri-annual speculative fiction magazine of work by queer POC /Indigenous/Aboriginal creators.” This is their Africa Issue with with fiction by Kemi Ashing-Giwa, Liza Wemakor, and others; and poetry. Cover by Mikoto. Subscriptions: $10.00 CAD/year for three digital issues from their website <>.

Apex Magazine

  • Jason Sizemore, ed.
  • Issue #126, October 2021
  • Digital free online or $4.99 per issue; bi-monthly.
  • Online SF/fantasy/horror magazine publishing both new and reprinted fiction. Special bonus issue focusing on Indigenous Futurists, guest edited by Allison Mills, with original short fiction by Pamela Rentz, Theodore C. Van Alst, Jr., Jessie Loyer, Kevin Wabaunsee, Tiffany Morris, and Norris Black; reprinted fiction from Rebecca Roanhorse; nonfiction by Sloane Leong; interviews with Pamela Rentz and Kevin Wabaunsee, and cover artist Megan Fe­heley; and reviews. The issue’s content was made available free online. Cover by Megan Feheley. Subscription: $24.00 digital for a six issue recurring subscrip­tion from Apex <>. Also available from third-party sellers.


  • Dirk Strasser, ed.
  • No. 145, October 2021
  • $2.99, 10 times a year (every month except January and December)
  • This issue incudes fiction from Carol Ryles, John Higgins, and Clark Lewis; articles by Amy Laurens, Claire Fitzpatrick, and Simon Foster; and reviews. Subscrip­tions $19.99/year for 10 issues from their website.

Beneath Ceaseless Skies

  • Scott H. Andrews, ed.
  • Issue #339, September 23, 2021,
  • Free online, biweekly
  • Online fantasy/adventure magazine. This issue includes original fiction by Tamara Jerée (with accompanying podcast) and Kate Francia, and a reprint from C.L. Clark. Cover by Jérôme Comentale. Subscrip­tion: $19.99/year from Weightless Books <>.

Beneath Ceaseless Skies

  • Scott H. Andrews, ed.
  • Issue #340, October 7, 2021
  • Online fan­tasy/adventure magazine. Thirteenth An­niversary double issue with original fic­tion by Carrie Vaughn, K.J. Parker (with accompanying podcast), R.K. Duncan, and March McCarron, reprinted fiction from Alix E. Harrow; and the repeat of an earlier podcast from a story by Yoon Ha Lee. Cover by Godwin Akpan. Subscrip­tion: $19.99/year from Weightless Books <>.

Black Cat Weekly

  • John Betancourt, ed.
  • Issue #4, Sep­tember 26, 2021
  • $3.99, weekly
  • Weekly reprinted SF and mystery magazine. This issue includes science fiction or fantasy stories by Paul Di Filippo, Nina Kiriki Hoffman, and Lester del Rey; and a science fiction novel by John Boyd; as well as four mystery stories and a mystery novel. Subscriptions: $3.99/month or $19.99/year (subscriptions include electronic copies of their other magazines also).

Black Cat Weekly

  • John Betancourt, ed.
  • Issue #5, October 4, 2021
  • $3.99, weekly
  • Weekly reprinted SF and mystery magazine. This issue includes science fiction or fantasy stories by A.R. Morlan, Richard Matheson, and Darrell Schweitzer; and a science fiction novel by Stephen Marlowe; as well as four mystery stories and a mystery novel. Subscriptions: $3.99/month or $19.99/year (subscriptions include electronic copies of their other magazines also).

Black Cat Weekly

  • John Betancourt, ed.
  • Issue #6, October 11, 2021
  • $3.99, weekly
  • Weekly re­printed SF and mystery magazine. This issue includes science fiction or fantasy fiction by Ralph Milne Farley, Barb Goff­man, E. Nesbit, A.R. Morlan, and John Gregory Betancourt; and a science fic­tion novel by Dwight V. Swain; as well as five mystery stories and a mystery novel. Subscriptions: $3.99/month or $19.99/year (subscriptions include electronic copies of their other magazines also).

Black Cat Weekly

  • John Betancourt, ed.
  • Issue #7, October 18, 2021
  • $3.99, weekly
  • Weekly re­printed SF and mystery magazine. This issue includes science fiction or fantasy fiction by Andy Duncan, A.R. Morlan, John Betancourt, and Frank M. Robin­son; a science fiction novel by Stephen Marlowe and a Victorian horror novel by Charles Willing Beale; as well as four mystery stories and two mystery novels. Subscriptions: $3.99/month or $19.99/year (subscriptions include electronic copies of their other magazines also).


  • Neil Clarke, ed.
  • Issue #181, October 2021
  • Free online or $2.99 ebook, monthly.
  • Online SF/fantasy maga­zine. This issue includes original fiction by Brenda Cooper (with accompanying podcast), Lavie Tidhar, AnaMaria Curtis, Bo Balder (with accompanying podcast), M.L. Clark, and Eric Fomley & Rich Lar­son; a reprint by Fei Dao (Ken Liu, trans.); an article by Carrie Sessarego; and inter­views with Tobias S. Buckell and Cadwell Turnbull. Cover by Alexander Thümler. Subscription: Digital subscription $35.88 for 12 issue at or issues may be purchased monthly: $2.99 digital/$10.00 print ($14.00 Canada & Europe)/$12.99 print + digital zine. This issue includes original fiction by Aimee Ogden, Osa­hon Ize-Iyamu, Frances Ogamba, and Eliot Fintushel. Cover by Sam Heimer. Subscription: digital subscriptions available for $23.88 for 12 issues from Weightless Books <>. Is­sues can be purchased at a monthly sub­scription rate from at $1.99/month or £1.99/month via; or as single copies at $2.99 from Apple, B&N, Kobo, and Weightless.

Dark Matter Magazine

  • Rob Carroll, ed.
  • Halloween Special, October 2021
  • Free online/$18.00 print/$4.99 digital, bimonthly
  • Dark fantasy and horror magazine. This issue includes original fiction by Ken Altabef, Anna Mad­den, Josh Pearce and others; reprinted fiction by Aeryn Rudel; comics from Sloane Leong and Matthew Wilding & Justin Ryan; interviews with the Tales to Terrify pod­cast, and artists Sam Heimer and Meljen Art. Cover by Sam Heimer. Subscription: digital subscriptions available for $24.95 for six issues from Dark Matter Magazine <­scriptions>.

The Deadlands

  • E. Catherine Tobler, ed.
  • Issue #6, October 2021
  • Digital/free online, monthly
  • “The Deadlands exists in liminal spaces between life, death and elsewhere” with ‘‘speculative fiction that concerns itself with death – but also everything death may involve’’. This issue includes original fiction by Alexis Gunderson, and Jeremy Packert Burke; non-fiction articles by Loren Rhoads, and Amanda Downum; and poetry. Cover by Nathan Rosario. Subscription: $36.00 for 12 digital issues at <>.

Escape Artist

  • Four weekly podcasts: Escape Pod <> S.B. Divya & Mur Laffery, eds. (SF), PodCastle <> Shingai Njeri Kagunda & Eleanor R. Wood, eds. (fantasy), PseudoPod <> Shawn Garrett & Alex Hofelich, eds. (horror), and Cast of Wonders <www.castofwonders. org/> Katherine Inskip, ed (YA).
  • Free online. Genre podcasts of both original and previously published stories with accompanying text.
  • For September/October 2021 Escape Pod aired stories from Christopher Mark Rose, Tim Pratt, Kel Coleman, and a special Black Future Month with four stories (guest edited by Brent C. Lambert) by L.P. Kindred, Anjali Patel, Alex Jennings, and Lina Munroe; PodCastle aired stories from Maria Haskins, Woody Dismukes, Anna Madden, and Tashan Mehta; PseudoPod aired stories from Michael McDowell, Marianne Halbert, Margaret St. Clair, G.G. Pendarves, Michael Kelly, and Frank Oreto; and Cast of Wonders aired stories by Cara Masten DiGirolamo, Chelsea Obodoechina, Ember Randall, and Amadin Ogbewe. Subscriptions: Free.

Fantasy Magazine

  • Christie Yant & Arley Sorg, eds.
  • Issue #72, October 2021
  • Free online or $3.99 ebook, monthly
  • Online Fantasy magazine. This issue includes original flash fiction by Allison King and Gwynne Garfinkle; short fiction by Pamela Rentz and Zebib K.A.; an essay by Premee Mo­hamed; and poetry. On the website, each month’s contents are serialized throughout the month with new features published on the first four Tuesdays. The ebook edi­tion is available on the first of the month. Cover by Pugan & Photo Studio / Adobe Stock Image. Subscription: $2.99/month via or $23.88 for 12 issues from Fantasy <> or Weightless Books <>.


  • Yanni Kuznia, guest ed.
  • Issue #96, October 2021
  • $5.00 digital only, monthly.
  • In the Oc­tober issue, the site posted short fiction by R.L. Thull, Martin Cahill, and others. Sub­scriptions: digital subscriptions available for $60.00 for 12 issues at <>.

Fiyah: Magazine of Black Speculative Fiction

  • DaVaun Sanders, ed.
  • Issue #20, Autumn 2021
  • $3.99 digital only, quarterly
  • Literary Black Speculative Fiction magazine that ‘‘features stories by and about people of the African Diaspora.’’ This issue’s theme is ‘‘Love, Death & Androids’’ and includes stories from K.S. Walker, Cynthia C. Scott, Maryan Mahamed, Nicole Givens Kurtz, and Emir G. Park; non-fiction by KL Burd; and poetry. Cover by Morgan Madeline. Subscription: digital subscriptions available for $15.99 for four issues at <>.

Flash Point SF

  • Thomas J. Griffin & M.A. Dosser eds.
  • Septem­ber/October 2021, free online, bi-weekly
  • Flash fiction SF and fantasy site posting a new story every other Friday. In September/October, the site posted short fiction by Jon Hansen and Douglas DiCicco. Subscrip­tions: digital subscriptions available for $5.00 for one year at <>.


  • Fred Coppersmith, ed.
  • Autumn 2021, free online, quarterly
  • Online speculative fiction magazine with science fiction, fantasy, and horror. This issue has nine original stories by Aimee Ogden, Mari Ness, Robert Je­schonek, and others; and poetry. Cover by Josue Ledesma. Subscription: Unavailable.

Lightspeed Magazine

  • John Joseph Adams, ed.
  • Issue #137, October 2021
  • Free online or $3.99 ebook, monthly
  • Online SF/fantasy magazine. This issue includes original science fiction by Gene Doucette and Yang-Yang Wang; original SF flash fiction by E. Catherine Tobler; reprinted SF by Rich Lar­son; original fantasy from PH Lee & Rachel Swirsky (presented in two parts); original fantasy flash by Coral Alejandra Moore; reprinted fantasy by Endria Isa Richardson; and book reviews. On the website, each month’s contents are serialized throughout the month with new features published on the first four Tuesdays. The ebook edition is available on the first of the month with ex­clusive content not available on the website. This month’s exclusive paid content is an excerpt from a novel by Ryka Aoki. Cover by Chainat / Adobe Stock. Subscription: $2.99/month via or $35.88/year from Lightspeed <www.lightspeed­> or Weightless Books <>.

Little Blue Marble

  • Katrina Archer, ed.
  • Midyear 2021
  • free online, monthly.
  • Little Blue Marble is an online speculative climate fiction outlet whose goal is to raise awareness of climate change through the lens of fiction and writing.” Each month the site posts one to two stories, which are collected into an anthology at the end of the year. For Mid­year 2021, the site posted stories by Marie Vibbert, Maria S. Picone, S.A. McKenzie, and others; and poetry. Subscriptions are available through Patreon.


  • B. Morris Allen, ed.
  • November 2021, $7.00 print/$4.00 digital/free online, monthly
  • Online and print speculative fiction maga­zine. This issue includes original stories by A.J. Cunder, Matthew Gomez, J. Tynan Burke, and Jordan Chase-Young. New stories are posted online every Friday. Cover by Lauren Ring. Digital subscriptions available at $3.00/month through Patreon <>. Single issues available from and IngramSpark.

Nightmare Magazine

  • Wendy N. Wagner, ed.
  • Issue #109, October 2021
  • Free online or $2.99 ebook, monthly.
  • Online horror/dark fantasy magazine publishing both original and reprinted fiction as well as poetry. This issue includes fiction by WC Dunlap, Jon Padgett and Dale Bailey; an essay by Lisa Morton; book reviews; and poetry. On the website, each month’s contents are serialized throughout the month with new features published on the first four Wednesdays. Cover by Grand­failure / Adobe Stock. Subscription: $1.99/monthly from Amazon or $23.88/year from Nightmare or Weightless Books <>.

Speculative City: Sound

  • Meera Velu & Yomna Osman, eds.
  • Issue #12, Summer 2021
  • free online or $2.99/digital edition available through, quarterly.
  • Online literary genre fiction magazine, with a focus on integrating speculative fiction with a city setting. This issue’s theme is ‘‘Sound’’ and includes fiction by Nicole D. Sconiers, Hannah Hulbert, and others; an interview with Dorothy: A Publishing Proj­ect; and poetry. Cover by Crystal Vielula. Subscription: unavailable.

Strange Horizons

  • Gautam Bhatia, et al., eds.
  • September/October 2021, free, weekly
  • Online speculative fiction magazine pub­lishing fiction, poetry, essays, reviews, and interviews. New issues are posted each Monday. In September/October, the site posted short fiction (with ac­companying podcasts) by Clara Ward, Cynthia Gómez, Ryah Aqel, Max Fran­ciscovich, and Lisabelle Tay; articles by Lou Cornum an d Olav Rokne; columns by Maria Haskins and Jaymee Goh; an interview with Chandler Davis; weekly poetry; reviews, etc. Covers by Tahlia Day. Subscription: unavailable.

  • Tom Doherty, Irene Gallo, Patrick Nielsen Hayden, et al., eds.
  • September/October, free online
  • Macmillan publishing house site specializing in genre fiction. Each month publishes free fiction and articles including original works, reprints, novel excerpts, and comics; re-reads/re-watches of novels and television shows; an artist gallery; original reviews; articles and commentary; interviews; as well as providing a forum for the genre communi­ty. New material is posted throughout the month. September’s and October’s posts include novel excerpts from books by La­vie Tidhar, Ryka Aoki, Kerri Maniscalco, Marie Lu, Greta Kelly, Cassandra Khaw, Kylie Lee Baker, Gregory Maguire, Garth Nix, Donna Barba Higuera, and Chloe Gong; reprinted fiction by Cixin Liu and Charlie Jane Anders; and original fiction by A.T. Greenblatt and Jasmin Kirkbride.

Underland Arcana

  • Mark Teppo, ed.
  • Issue No. 4, Fall 2021, free online/$12.99 print/$2.99 digital, quarterly
  • This issue includes short fiction from Brandon Crilly, Christi Nogle, Jetse de Vries, and others. Cover by grandfailure. Subscription: $3.00 per digital issue/$10.00 per print + digital issue via Patreon at <>

The Outer Limits

Wired (October 2021) includes a four-article section on Frank Herbert’s Dune; an excerpt from Dave Eggers new SF novel The Every; and a page of “Six-Word Sci-Fi” stories from Wired readers

See this listing and more like it in the November 2021 issue of Locus.

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