2021 Neffy Awards Winners
The winners of the 2021 National Fantasy Fan Federation Speculative Fiction Awards (the Neffys) have been announced on Facebook.
Best Novel (tie)
- Machine, Elizabeth Bear (Saga)
- Hussar, Declan Finn (Silver Empire)
Younger Readers (tie)
- “The Shadows of Alexandrium”, David Gerrold (F&SF 9-10/20)
- The Unbearable Heaviness of Remembering, L. Jagi Lamplighter (Silver Empire)
Best Book Editor
- Toni Weisskopf
Best Pro Artist
- Brad Fraunfelter
Best Non-N3F Fanzine
- Event Horizon
Best N3F Fanzine
- Origin
Best Fan Writer
- Jeffrey Redmond
Best Fan Editor
- Justin E.A. Busch
Best Fan Artist
- Alan White
Best Fan Website
Best Literary-Critical or Fan-Historical Work
- First Fandom Annual 2020: Celebrating Robert Madle, John Coker & Jon Swartz, eds. (First Fandom)
There were also awards in media categories. The Neffy awards are presented by the National Fantasy Fan Federation (N3F), “the oldest (founded 1941) national science fiction club in the world.”
[via File 770]
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