Rocket Stack Rank Reviews on Hiatus
Greg Hullender of Rocket Stack Rank announced that he will be taking an indefinite break from reviewing short stories.
This month marks five years since we started the site, and so it seemed like a good time to pause. Eric will continue to operate the site, producing monthly lists of stories for 11 magazines (with blurbs from the publisher or a few sentences from the story) and aggregating recommendations from other sources (currently 6 reviewers, 16 awards, 7 year’s best anthologies), but I won’t be reviewing stories myself. Not for a while, at least…. We’re still going to produce the Monthly Ratings, the Year-To-Date lists, and themed selections of outstanding speculative short fiction, but I’m going to stop reading and reviewing for the most part.
For more information, see the Rocket Stack Rank website.
[via File770]
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