World Fantasy Convention Updates

The World Fantasy Convention 2020 committee is ”hard at work designing an online convention that includes many of the elements you’ve come to identify with World Fantasy Convention – and maybe a few new ones.” They ”hope that our virtual convention will be attended by a diverse membership, many of whom are using their craft to create literature and art that not only entertain but introduce fantasy enthusiasts to a wide range of cultures.” The convention has ”received sev­eral offers to sponsor the memberships for people of color to participate in the Virtual World Fantasy Convention,” and encourages those interested to fill out a request form: <>. Mem­bers who paid more than $125 for their member­ship can choose whether the excess money gets refunded, donated to help with operating costs, or donated toward sponsored memberships for people of color. Memberships can also be trans­ferred to next year’s WFC (to be held in Montreal, Canada November 4-7, 2021). Members were permitted to request full refunds before July 30, 2020. For more: <>.

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