Beagle Wins 2020 Jack Trevor Story Memorial Prize

Peter S. Beagle has been awarded the Jack Trevor Story Memorial Prize/Prix du Goncourt by judges Jean-Luc Fromental, Rick Klaw, Guy Lawley, Michael Moorcock, Linda Steele, Lili Sztajn, and Brandy Whitten. The prize is “typically for excellence in humorous writing,” and named for author Jack Trevor Story, who died in 1992. Beagle will receive a memorial cup and a $500 prize, which

must be spent in a ‘a week to a fortnight’ and refers to Mr Story’s reply to a bankruptcy judge who asked where his money went. ‘You know how it is, judge. Two hundred or two thousand. It always lasts a week to a fortnight.’

The award committee traditionally meets at Le Goncourt in Paris, but met virtually this year. For more information, see the announcement on the Tachyon Publications website.

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