Rios Wins Service to SFWA Award
Julia Rios has been awarded the 2020 Kevin O’Donnell, Jr. Service to SFWA Award, which “recognizes a member of SFWA who best exemplifies the ideal of service to his or her fellow members.” Rios established and oversaw the SFWA Mentoring Initiative. SFWA president Mary Robinette Kowal said:
One of the most effective pieces of outreach and education that SFWA currently has is our mentorship program. Julia Rios’s work to match mentors and mentees has been the backbone of that program. More importantly, they set up robust processes so that the program is not person dependent and has room for growth.
The award will be presented during SFWA’s 55th Annual SFWA Nebula Conference, May 28-31, 2020 at the Marriott Warner Center in Woodland Hills CA.
For more information, see the SFWA website.
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