2020 Dell Award Winner
“Imitation Game” by Rona Wang is the winner of the 2020 Dell Magazines Award for Undergraduate Excellence in Science Fiction and Fantasy Writing. The award is “given annually to the best short-story written in the science fiction or fantasy genres by a full-time undergraduate college student,” and is accompanied by a $500 cash prize, publication in Asimov’s, and an invitation to ICFA (International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts), held March 18-21, 2020 at the Orlando Airport Marriott Lakeside in Orlando FL.
The complete list of honors includes:
- Winner: “Imitation Game”, Rona Wang
- First Runner-up: “The Death of F209-5”, Cyrus Lloyd
- Second Runner-up (tie): “Journey from Middle to Nowhere”, Wenmimareba Klobah Collins
- Second Runner-up (tie): “The Bendix Diner”, Kaley Mamo
- Third Runner-up: “Dragon Fall”, Grace Yang
- Honorable Mention: “The Last Deer in Heaven”, M.C. Chau
- Honorable Mention: “Ode to Andromeda”, Moe Kirkpatrick
- Honorable Mention: “Things to Bring, Things to Burn, Things Best Left Behind”, C.E. McGill
- Honorable Mention: “Cell Culture”, Alexandra Rose Nagele
- Honorable Mention: “Halfsies”, Claire Spaulding
The Dell Magazines Award, formerly the Isaac Asimov Award for Undergraduate Excellence in Science Fiction and Fantasy Writing, was established in 1993 by Asimov’s and the International Association for the Fantastic in the Arts. The awards are co-sponsored by Asimov’s magazine and the IAFA, and supported by the Graduate Program in Creative Writing, low-residency MFA, and MA, Western Colorado University. For more information, visit the Dell Award website.
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