2018 D Franklin Defying Doomsday Award Winners

Twelfth Planet Press announced two winners of the 2018 D Franklin Defying Doomsday Award, given in recognition of “work in disability advocacy in SFF literature”: R.B. Lemberg for blog post “Sergeant Bothari and Disability Representation in the Early Vorkosiverse” (Strange Horizons 7/16/18) and Ace Ratcliff for blog post “Staircases In Space: Why Are Places In Science Fiction Not Wheelchair-Accessible?” (io9 7/31/18).

The prize is judged by Tsana Dolichva, Holly Kench, and Alisa Krasnostein, and sponsored by D Franklin. Each winner receives a cash prize of $200 per year for three years. For more information, see the official website.

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