1944 Retro Hugo Awards Winners
Winners for the 1944 Retro Hugo Awards, honoring work from 1943, were announced by Dublin 2019, the 77th Worldcon, during a ceremony held August 15, 2019 at the Convention Centre Dublin in Dublin Ireland.
Best Novel
- WINNER: Conjure Wife, Fritz Leiber, Jr. (Unknown Worlds 4/43)
- Das Glasperlenspiel [The Glass Bead Game], Hermann Hesse (Fretz & Wasmuth)
- Gather, Darkness!, Fritz Leiber, Jr. (Astounding Science-Fiction 5/43-7/43)
- Perelandra, C.S. Lewis (John Lane, The Bodley Head)
- Earth’s Last Citadel, C.L. Moore & Henry Kuttner (Argosy 4/43)
- The Weapon Makers, A.E. van Vogt (Astounding Science-Fiction 2/43-4/43)
Best Novella
- WINNER: The Little Prince, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (Reynal & Hitchcock)
- “We Print the Truth”, Anthony Boucher (Astounding Science-Fiction 12/43)
- “Attitude”, Hal Clement (Astounding Science-Fiction 9/43)
- “The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath”, H.P. Lovecraft (Beyond the Wall of Sleep)
- The Magic Bed-Knob; or, How to Become a Witch in Ten Easy Lessons, Mary Norton (Hyperion)
- “Clash by Night”, Lawrence O’Donnell (C.L. Moore & Henry Kuttner) (Astounding Science-Fiction 3/43)
Best Novelette
- WINNER: “Mimsy Were the Borogoves”, Lewis Padgett (C.L. Moore & Henry Kuttner) (Astounding Science-Fiction 2/43)
- “Citadel of Lost Ships”, Leigh Brackett (Planet Stories 3/43)
- “The Halfling”, Leigh Brackett (Astonishing Stories 2/43)
- “Thieves’ House”, Fritz Leiber, Jr (Unknown Worlds 2/43)
- “The Proud Robot”, Lewis Padgett (Henry Kuttner) (Astounding Science-Fiction 10/43)
- “Symbiotica”, Eric Frank Russell (Astounding Science-Fiction 10/43)
Best Short Story
- WINNER: “King of the Gray Spaces” (AKA “R is for Rocket”), Ray Bradbury (Famous Fantastic Mysteries 12/43)
- “Death Sentence”, Isaac Asimov (Astounding Science Fiction 11/43)
- “Yours Truly – Jack the Ripper”, Robert Bloch (Weird Tales 7/43)
- “Exile”, Edmond Hamilton (Super Science Stories 5/43)
- “Q.U.R.”, H.H. Holmes (Anthony Boucher) (Astounding Science-Fiction 3/43)
- “Doorway into Time”, C.L. Moore (Famous Fantastic Mysteries 9/43)
Best Graphic Story
- WINNER: Wonder Woman #5: “Battle for Womanhood”, William Marsden & Harry G. Peter (DC Comics)
- Plastic Man #1: “The Game of Death”, Jack Cole (Vital Publications)
- Garth, Steve Dowling (Daily Mirror)
- Le Secret de la Licorne [The Secret of the Unicorn], Hergé (Le Soir)
- Buck Rogers: “Martians Invade Jupiter”, Philip Nowlan & Dick Calkins (National Newspaper Service)
- Flash Gordon: “Fiery Desert of Mongo”, Alex Raymond (King Features Syndicate)
Best Dramatic Presentation, Long Form
- WINNER: Heaven Can Wait
- Batman
- Cabin in the Sky
- A Guy Named Joe
- Münchhausen
- Phantom of the Opera
Best Dramatic Presentation, Short Form
- WINNER: Frankenstein Meets the Wolfman
- The Ape Man
- Der Fuehrer’s Face
- I Walked with a Zombie
- The Seventh Victim
- Super-Rabbit
Best Professional Editor, Short Form
- WINNER: John W. Campbell
- Oscar J. Friend
- Mary Gnaedinger
- Dorothy McIlwraith
- Raymond A. Palmer
- Donald A. Wollheim
Best Professional Artist
- WINNER: Virgil Finlay
- Hannes Bok
- Margaret Brundage
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
- J. Allen St. John
- William Timmins
Best Fanzine
- WINNER: Le Zombie
Fantasy News[disqualified]- Futurian War Digest
- Guteto [added to ballot 7/21/2019]
- The Phantagraph
- Voice of the Imagi-Nation
Best Fan Writer
- WINNER: Forrest J Ackerman
- Morojo (Myrtle Douglas)
- Jack Speer
- Wilson “Bob” Tucker
- Art Widner
- Donald A. Wollheim
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