Curtis Brown Agency News

Literary agency Curtis Brown (which will celebrate 120 years of operation in 2019) has announced plans to launch a new division devoted to managing literary estates: Curtis Brown Heritage. The division will be run by Norah Perkins (who has handled estates for the agency for four years) and associate agent Becky Brown. The agency currently represents over 150 literary estates, and Curtis Brown Heritage hopes to reach new audiences and promote adaptations of the estates’s works. Chairman Jonny Geller said, “Curtis Brown at 120 seems like a good time to celebrate our magnificent treasure trove of great writers (and some undiscovered gems). It’s with great pride and enormous excitement that we launch a new initiative to trumpet the lasting legacy of our writers.”

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One thought on “Curtis Brown Agency News

  • November 24, 2018 at 10:02 pm

    literary agencies are snobs. they are not interested in authors. only by invitation. of their preselect friends. talent is irrelevant. submission to trends, fads, current ideological obsessions flatten diversity into endless repeats. I know. I used to be a publisher. The writers who found me were amazing. so unlike the media that is the publishers who think mass appeal is the only criterion current. as such science fiction suffers. endless dystopias. current climate change. important yes. but where is alien sentience? or any sentience at that?


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