George R.R. Martin, John Picacio (by Francesca Myman)George R.R. Martin appeared on stage in conversation with artist John Picacio on August 14, 2018 at the historic Fox Theatre in Redwood City CA. The event was hosted by SF in SF, with proceeds from ticket sales benefitting the Locus Science Fiction Foundation. An audience of nearly 600 (including various genre luminaries in town for Worldcon) gathered for a wide-ranging discussion that stretched over more than two hours (with a Q&A period). Picacio and Martin covered topics including Game of Thrones and other media adaptations of Martin’s work, his love for SF art, his writing process, his early successes and setbacks, his work in the Wild Cards shared universe, his views on the importance of Worldcon, and advice for young writers. (When Picacio asked how the forthcoming Song of Ice and Fire volume The Winds of Winter is going, Martin roared, “I’m working on it!” to applause.) Soma FM recorded the discussion for a future episode of their SF in SF podcast.
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