2018 Kurd Laßwitz Preis
Winners of the 2018 Kurd Laßwitz Preis for best German science fiction works and translations have been announced:
Best German SF Novel
- WINNER: Der Kanon mechanischer Seelen, Michael Marrak (Amrûn)
- Die Welten der Skiir, Dirk van den Boom (Cross Cult)
- Das Erwachen, Andreas Brandhorst (Piper)
- Versuchsreihe 13 – Die Epidemie, Uwe Hermann (Atlantis)
- Divided States of America, Claudia Kern (Cross Cult)
- QualityLand, Marc-Uwe Kling (Ullstein)
- Neanderthal, Jens Lubbadeh (Heyne)
- Die Krone der Sterne, Kai Meyer (Fischer Tor)
- Junktown, Matthias Oden (Heyne)
- Walpar Tonnraffir und die Ursuppe mit extra Chili, Uwe Post (Atlantis)
- Die Außerirdischen, Doron Rabinovici (Suhrkamp)
Best German SF Short Story
- WINNER: “Das Internet der Dinge”, Uwe Hermann (Spektrum der Wissenschaft 6/17)
- “Der Raum zwischen den Worte”, Uwe Hermann (Exodus 6/17)
- “Ans Tageslich”, Oliver Koch (Meuterei auf Titan)
- “Protoplasma mit Hut”, Nikolaj Kohler (Das Alien tanzt Kasatschok)
- “Omega 4”, Frank Lauenroth (Meuterei auf Titan)
- “Störfall”, Jacqueline Montemurri (Meuterei auf Titan)
- “Ein halbes Dutzend Eier”, Monika Niehaus (Das Alien tanzt Kasatschok)
- “PET”, Melanie Vogltanz (Das Dimensionstor)
- “Die größte Reise”, Ernst Wegbreiter (Leichter als Vakuum)
Best Foreign SF Work Published in German
- WINNER: Das Buch des Phönix [The Book of Phoenix], Nnedi Okorafor (Cross Cult)
- Die Sphären [Les dames blanches], Pierre Bordage (Heyne)
- American War, Omar El Akkad (S. Fischer)
- Die Geschichte der Bienen [Bienes historie], Maja Lunde (BTB)
- Luna and Wolfsmond [Luna: New Moon and Luna: Wolf Moon], Ian McDonald (Heyne)
- Borne, Jeff VanderMeer (Antje Kunstman)
- Dunkelheit and Licht [Blackout and All Clear], Connie Willis (Cross Cult)
Best SF Translation Into German
- WINNER: Claudia Kern for translating Dunkelheit and Licht [Blackout and All Clear], Connie Willis (Cross Cult)
- Frank Böhmert for translating Afterparty, Daryl Gregory (Fischer Tor)
- Pia Oberacker-Pilick for translating Krieg der Schrecken [La guerra contra los Langostas], Vlad Hernández (Saphir im Stahl)
- Bernhard Kempen for translating Imperial Radch Trilogie [Imperial Radch Trilogy], Ann Leckie (Heyne)
- Peter Torberg for translating Dieser Volkszähler [This Census-Taker], China Miéville (Liebeskind)
- Helga Parmiter for translating Funkstille [Going Dark], Linda Nagata (Cross Cult)
- Helga Parmiter for translating Vagant [The Vagrant], Peter Newman (Cross Cult)
- Gerd Rottenecker & Susanne Gerold for translating Dark Side [The Dark Side], Anthony O’Neill (Knaur)
- Bernhard Kempen for translating Kollaps [The Collapsing Empire], John Scalzi (Fischer Tor)
- Michael Kellner for translating Borne, Jeff VanderMeer (Antje Kunstman)
Best German Audio Work
- WINNER: Paradise Revisited
- Die Prometheus-Protokolle
- Der Wald
Best Cover Art or Illustration
- WINNER: Lothar Bauer for the cover of Luna Incognita, Axel Kruse (Atlantis)
- Dirk Berger for the cover of phantastisch! 3/17
- Thomas Hofmann for the cover of Die Wurmloch-Odyssee, Angela Steinmüller, Karlheinz Steinmüller & Erik Simon (Memoranda)
- Michael Marrak for the cover and illustrations for Der Kanon mechanischer Seelen, Michael Marrak (Amrûn)
- Greg Ruth for the cover of Das Buch des Phönix, Nnedi Okorafor (Cross Cult)
- Meike Schultchen for the cover of Exodus 6/17
- Andreas Schwietzke for the cover of Andromeda Nachrichten 4/17
- Andreas Schwietzke for the cover of Andromeda Nachrichten 10/17
- Julian Tapprich for the cover of Die Verbesserung unserer Träume, Sebastian Guhr (Luftschact)
Special Award For Outstanding Achievement
- WINNER: Thomas Le Blanc
- Bernd Behr
- The DortCon committee
- Mike Hillenbrand and his team
- Uschi Zietsch & Gerald Jambor
The award ceremony will take place during Elstercon 2018, to be held September 21-23, 2018 in Leipzig Germany.
For more information, see the official website.
[via File770]
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