2017 Analog AnLab and Asimov’s Readers’ Awards
The winners for the 2017 Analog Analytical Laboratory (AnLab) and Asimov’s Readers’ Awards have been announced. Most are available to read online.
Analog Science Fiction and Fact Analytical Laboratory Winners
Best Novella
- WINNER: “Nexus“, Michael F. Flynn (3-4/17)
- “The Girls With Kaleidoscope Eyes“, Howard V. Hendrix (5-6/17)
- “The Proving Ground”, Alec Nevala-Lee (1-2/17)
- “Not Far Enough“, Martin L. Shoemaker (7-8/17)
- “Native Seeds“, Catherine Wells (11-12/17)
Best Novelette
- WINNER: “For All Mankind“, C. Stuart Hardwick (7-8/17)
- “Europa’s Survivors“, Marianne J. Dyson (3-4/17)
- “The Old Man“, Rich Larson (9-10/17)
- “My Fifth and Most Exotic Voyage“, Edward M. Lerner (9-10/17)
- “Galleon“, Brian Trent (7-8/17)
Best Short Story
- WINNER: “Paradise Regained“, Edward M. Lerner (1-2/17)
- “Long Haul“, Marie DesJardin (1-2/17)
- “The Chatter of Monkeys“, Bond Elam (5-6/17)
- “Time Travel Is Only for the Poor“, S.L. Huang (11-12/17)
- “Focus“, Gord Sellar (May/June 2017)
- “Two Hours at Frontier“, Sean McMullen (11-12/17)
Best Fact Article
- WINNER: “The Quest for the 2:00 Marathon”, Richard A. Lovett (9-10/17)
- “Alien Archaeology”, Michael Carroll (5-6/17)
- “Fatal Starlight”, Paul Fisher (11-12/17)
- “Rendezvous With a Comet: How ESA’s Rosetta Mission is Decoding Ancient Planetary Mysteries”, Richard A. Lovett (1-2/17)
- “Sustainability Lab 101: Cuba as a Simulation of Possible Futures”, Stanley Schmidt (3-4/17)
Best Poem (tie)
- WINNER: “Barriers“, J. Northcutt Jr. (3-4/17)
- WINNER: “Hypothesis/Assertion“, Daniel D. Villani (3-4/17)
- “Space Junk“, Bruce Boston (7-8/17)
- “A Theory of Gravity“, Josh Pearce (7-8/17)
- “Quantum Entanglement“, Fred D. White (11-12/17)
Best Cover
- WINNER: July/August 2017, Rado Javor
- November/December 2017, Marianne Plumridge Eggleton
- January/February 2017, Kurt Huggins
- March/April 2017, Tomislav Tikulin
- September/October 2017, Eldar Zakirov
Asimov’s Science Fiction Readers’ Award Winners
Best Novella
- WINNER: “I Met a Traveller in an Antique Land”, Connie Willis (11-12/17)
- “How Sere Picked Up Her Laundry“, Alexander Jablokov (7-8/17)
- “The Speed of Belief“, Robert Reed (1-2/17)
- “The Girl Who Stole Herself“, R. Garcia y Robertson (7-8/17)
- “The Runabout“, Kristine Kathryn Rusch (5-6/17)
Best Novelette
- WINNER: “Books of the Risen Sea“, Suzanne Palmer (9-10/17)
- “The Discrete Charm of the Turing Machine“, Greg Egan (11-12/17)
- “Soulmates.com“, Will McIntosh (3-4/17)
- “Wind Will Rove“, Sarah Pinkser (9-10/17)
- “Tagging Bruno“, Allen M. Steele (1-2/17)
Best Short Story
- WINNER: “Crimson Birds of Small Miracles“, Sean Monaghan (1-2/17)
- “On the Ship“, Leah Cypess (5-6/17)
- “Number Thirty-Nine Skink“, Suzanne Palmer (3-4/17)
- “Destination“, Jack Skillingstead (1-2/17)
- “Confessions of a Con Girl“, Nick Wolven (11-12/17)
Best Poem
- WINNER: “Titan’s Magic Islands“, Geoffrey A. Landis (7-8/17)
- “Invasion“, Bruce McAllister (7-8/17)
- “How to Die on a Faraway Planet“, H. Mellas (11-12/17)
- “Hubble’s Constant“, Marian Moore (1-2/17)
- “Challenger: A Sedoka“, Jane Yolen (7-8/17)
Best Cover Artist
- WINNER: Eldar Zakirov (11-12/17)
- Bob Eggleton (7-8/17)
- Maurizio Manzieri (1-2/17)
- Cynthia Sheppard (9-10/17)
- Tomislav Tikulin (3-4/17)
Winners will be honored at an awards event during Worldcon 76 to be held August 16-20, 2018 in San Jose CA. For more information about the awards and a gallery of the nominated covers, see the Analog and Asimov’s websites.
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