Philip K. Dick Award Announced
The 2018 Philip K. Dick Award winner was announced on Friday, March 30, 2018 at Norwescon 41, in SeaTac, Washington. The winner for the distinguished original science fiction paperback published for the first time during 2017 in the US is Bannerless by Carrie Vaughn (Mariner/Houghton Mifflin Harcourt). Special citation was given to After the Flare by Deji Bryce Olukotun (The Unnamed Press).
The Philip K. Dick Award is presented annually with the support of the Philip K. Dick Trust for distinguished science fiction published in paperback original form in the United States. The award is sponsored by the Philadelphia Science Fiction Society and the Philip K. Dick Trust and the award ceremony is sponsored by the NorthWest Science Fiction Society.
The judges were Deborah J. Ross (chair), Robert Onopa, James Stoddard, Amy Thomson, and Rick Wilber.
For the full story plus photos, and more news like it, see the May issue of Locus magazine.
You can view the award ceremony on the Norwescon Youtube channel.