2018 SFRA Awards
The Science Fiction Research Association (SFRA) has announced the winners of several of its awards:
Mary Kay Bray award for best essay, interview, or extended review to appear in the SFRA Review
- Hugh C. O’Connell for his review of Jack Fennell’s Irish Science Fiction
Thomas D. Clareson award for distinguished service
- Veronica Hollinger
Pilgrim Award for lifetime contribution to SF and Fantasy scholarship
- Carl Freedman
Pioneer Award for best critical essay-length work of the year
- “The Political Economy of Potato Farming in Andy Weir’s The Martian“, Thomas Strychacz (Science Fiction Studies 3/17)
Student Paper Award for outstanding scholarly essay
- WINNER: “New Weird Frankenworlds: Speaking and Laboring Worlds in Cisco’s Internet of Everything”, Josh Pearson
- HONORABLE MENTION: “Towards a Time Travel Aesthetic: Writing-between-worlds in Okorafor, Butler, and Baledosingh”, Kylie Kornsnack
Winners will be honored during the SFRA Annual Conference 2018 to be held July 1-4, 2018 at the Marquette University in Milwaukee WI. For more information, see the SFRA website.
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