Strange Horizons 2016 Readers’ Poll
The results of the 2016 Strange Horizons Readers’ Poll have been announced:
- First place: “Life in Stone, Glass, and Plastic”, José Pablo Iriarte
- Second place: “Das Steingeschöpf”, G.V. Anderson
- Third place: “A Spell to Retrieve Your Lover from the Bottom of the Sea”, Ada Hoffman
- Fourth place: “Applied Cenotaphics in the Long, Long Longitudes”, Vajra Chandrasekera
- Fifth place: “How the God Auzh-Aravik Brought Order to the World Outside the World”, Arkady Martine
- First place: “Notes Towards a Theory of Quantum Blackness”, Sofia Samatar
- Second place: “ICE/SHADOW”, Mari Ness
- Third place (tie): “Culture Shock from Wild Flowers”, Chengyu Liu
- Third place (tie): “Passing Fair”, Shweta Narayan
- Fifth place: “The Sparrows in Her Hair”, Hester J. Rook
- First place (tie): “This is a Real Place, Even Though it’s Invented: An Interview with Garth Nix”, Aishwarya Subramanian
- First place (tie): “Boucher, Backbone, and Blake – the Legacy of Blakes 7“, Erin Horáková
- Third place: “How to Write Like a Queer: A Letter to Myself”, Fabio Fernandes
- Fourth place: “Future Cities: P. D. Smith and Darran Anderson in Conversation”, Darran Anderson & P. D. Smith
- Fifth place: “Our Queer Roundtable”, A. J. Odasso, Anna Anthropy, Rose Fox, Vanessa Rose Phin, Nisi Shawl, Cynthia Ward
- First place: Vajra Chandrasekera
- Second place: Abigal Nussbaum
- Third place: Nina Allan
- Fourth place: Samira Nadkarni
- Fifth place: Rachel Swirsky
- First place: “black gay ordinary: scenes”, Keguro Macharia
- Second place: “Another Letter to Tiptree”, Gillian Polack
- Third place: “Metagames: Playing at Good and Evil”, Andrea Phillips
- Fourth place: “Open Book, Insert Self”, Yoon Ha Lee
- Fifth place: “Marginalia: Skin Readings”, Vajra Chandrasekera
- First place: Galen Dara for “The Right Sort of Monsters” by Kelly Sandoval
- Second place: Aud Koch for “The Witch’s Knives” by Margaret Ronald
- Third place: Sandro Castelli for “Life in Stone, Glass, and Plastic” by José Pablo Iriarte
- Fourth place: Melissa Paglucia for “Gorse Daughter, Sparrow Son” by Alena Indigo Anne Sullivan
- Fifth place: “Deep Time”, Susie Oh for “The Wreck at Goat’s Head” by Alexandra Manglis
Polls were open from January 2-15, 2017, with a new category for “columns” replacing “columnists” in the poll to reflect “the higher-than-usual number of single columns in 2016.” For more information, visit the Strange Horizons website.