2014 Prix Utopiales Européen Jeunesse
The shortlist for the 2014 Prix Utopiales Européen Jeunesse has been announced.
- Bazmaru et la fille du vent, Maëlle Fierpied (L’école des loisirs)
- Les substituts, Johan Heliot (Seuil)
- Dresseur de fantômes, Camille Brissot (L’Atalante)
- La symphonie des abysses Livre 1, Carina Rozenfeld (Robert Laffont)
- Pixel noir, Jeanne-A Debats (Syros)
- Automne, Jan Henrik Nielsen, translated by Aude Pasquier (Albin Michel)
Finalists were selected by a three-person jury. The Utopiales “European Youth Prize” is awarded for “literature of the imagination” for novels or collections by European authors that are published in French in the prior year. The winner receives €2,000 and will be announced the weekend of October 29, 2014 at the Nantes International Science Fiction Festival.
For more information on other Utopiales finalists, see the prior Locus Magazine article, or visit the official Utopiales website.