ESFS Awards Winners
The European Science Fiction Society (ESFS) Hall of Fame Awards and Spirit of Dedication Awards winners were announced at Shamrokon, the 36th Eurocon, August 24, 2014 in Dublin, Ireland. For more, see the ESFS website.
Jim Fitzpatrick (Ireland) was named European Grandmaster. Other winners and nominees are below.
Awarded to people who have an impact beyond their own country.
Best Author:
- Wolfgang Jeschke (Germany)
- Ulrike Schmitzer (Austria)
- Sergey Bulyga (Belarus)
- Nikolay Tellalov (Bulgaria)
- Vilma Kadlecková (Czech Republic)
- Dunyach, Jean-Claude (France)
- Dario Tonani (Italy)
- Romeu de Melo (Portugal)
- Liviu Radu (Romania)
- Vadim Panov (Russia)
- Juraj Cervenák (Slovakia)
- Yana Dubinianska (Ukraine)
- Paul McAuley (United Kingdom)
Best Translator:
- Ms. Kersti Juva (Finland)
- D. Mogilevcev, K. Kurchenkova (Belarus)
- Sara Doke (Belgium)
- Adrian Lazarovski (Bulgaria)
- Jan Kanturek (Czech Republic)
- Bernhard Kempen (Germany)
- Marco Crosa (Italy)
- Jorge Candeias (Portugal)
- Mihai Dan Pavelescu (Romania)
- Kirill Pleshkov (Russia)
- Sergey Legeza (Ukraine)
Best Promoter:
- Dave Lally (Ireland)
- Wolfgang Niederwieser (Austria)
- Raisa Borovikova (Belarus)
- The team of the Citadel at (Bulgaria)
- Mihaela Marija Perkovic (Croatia)
- Toni Jerrman (Finland)
- Dominique Martel and Ellen Hertzfeld, the Quarante-Deux team (France)
- Hermann Ritter (Germany)
- Silvio Sosio (Italy)
- Marcelina Gama Leandro (Portugal)
- Eugen Lenghel (Romania)
- Alexandr Sidorovich (Russia)
- Katka Bajzíková for Slavcon (Slovakia)
- Brian Aldiss (United Kingdom)
- Yuriy Shevela (Ukraine)
Best Magazine:
- Cosmoport (Belarus)
- Visionarium (Austria)
- Almanah Fantastika (Bulgaria)
- phantastisch! (Germany)
- Fantasy & Science Fiction (Italy)
- CPSF Anticipatia (Romania)
- UFO, the Ukrainian SFF Review (Ukraine)
Best Publisher:
- Angry Robot (United Kingdom)
- Jürgen Schütz’s Septime (Austria)
- Galiafy (Belarus)
- Bard (Bulgaria)
- Argo (Czech Republic)
- L’Atalante (France)
- Ernst Wurdack (Germany)
- Swan River Press (Ireland)
- Delos Digital (Italy)
- Editura Tracus Arte (Romania)
- Azbooka (Russia)
- Aertis Omnis (Slovakia)
- Family Leisure Clu (Ukraine)
Best Artist:
- Jim Fitzpatrick (Ireland)
- Johann Peterka (Austria)
- Valeriy Slauk (Belarus)
- Petar Stanimirov (Bulgaria)
- Pavel Cech (Czech Republic)
- Didier Graffet (France)
- Lothar Bauer (Germany)
- Tomasz Baginski (Poland)
- Pedro Piedade Marques (Portugal)
- Catalin Negrea (Romania)
- Sergey Shikin (Russia)
- Michal Ivan (Slovakia)
- Alexander Prodan (Ukraine)
Spirit of Dedication Award:
These awards are given for works and performances produced since the prior Eurocon.
- Alexander Prodan (Ukraine)
- Petar Stanimirov (Bulgaria)
- Manchu (France)
- Marian Mirescu (Romania)
- Igor Savin (Russia)
Best Fanzine:
- Darker (Russia)
- Citadelata (Bulgaria)
- Présences d’esprits (France)
- Antologia Fénix de Ficção Científica e Fantasia (Portugal)
- Gazeta SF (Romania)
- Jashubeg en Jered (Slovenia)
- Fantasy World (Ukraine)
Best Website:
- Geek Ireland (Ireland)
- (Bulgaria)
- Inverzija (Croatia)
- SF (France)
- Helice (Spain)
- Fandom SK (Slovakia)
- BVI Archive (Russia)
- Star For (Ukraine)
Best Dramatic Presentation:
- Adaptation of Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog (Croatia)
- Aurelion: Eternal Balance (Bulgaria)
- Adrian Chifu (Romania)
- Trudno byt bogom (Russia)
- Liubomyr Levytskiy for Unforgotten Shadows (Ukraine)
Best Creator of Children’s SF or Fantasy Books:
- (tie) Oisín McGann (Ireland), Vladimir Arenev (Ukraine)
- Nikola Raykov (Bulgaria)
- Vladimir Arenev (Ukraine)
- Julia Donaldson (United Kingdom)
Encouragement Awards:
These awards are granted to a young writer or artist from each European country, according to suggestions from National Delegates.
Victor Martinovich (Belarus)
Genoveva Detelinova (Bulgaria)
Irena Hartmann (Croatia)
Míla Linc (Czech Republic)
Anthea West (Ireland)
Robert M. Wegner (Poland)
Rui Alex (Portugal)
Eugen Cadaru (Romania)
Roman Shmarakov (Russia)
Lenka Štiblaríková (Slovakia)
Igor Silivra (Ukraine)