Link Grip
- A collection of academic essays on Science Fiction in India, edited by Dr. Arvind Mishra (among others), is available on Kindle for just $6.99. [Via Cheryl Morgan]
- Judith Tarr on Being the Other and empathy, particularly in historical fiction. “History is not a theme park.” [Via]
- Adam Roberts reviews Jennifer Egan’s A Visit from the Goon Squad in PowerPoint form.
- John H. Stevens returns from ReaderCon with some thoughts on Samuel R. Delany’s critical writings, particularly The Jewel-Hinged Jaw.
- Jamie Todd Rubin returns from ReaderCon with ruminations on the Hidden History of Science Fiction.
- Robert Pinsky on Slate looks at hatchet job reviews of bygone days, discussing two very mean reviews of Keats’ Endymion.
- This video of an elegant physics demonstration using pendulums of different lengths reminds me of just how beautiful science can be sometimes. [Via]