Realms of Fantasy Changes Hands Once Again
According to SF Scope, publisher Warren Lapine has announced the sale of fiction magazine Realms of Fantasy to Damnation Books. As a result, the December 2010 issue of the magazine will now be in print instead of online only. The new owners will publish the magazine starting with the February 2011 issue, and hope to continue to produce “the same quality fiction magazine in print and to expand digital editions for e-book and desktop readers. The April 2011 issue will be themed “dark fantasy” to coincide with World Horror Convention 2011, where Damnation Books will be hosting a party, and a booth in the dealers’ area.”
While there is no news at present about whether the editorial staff will continue as before, the magazine is open to submissions again, effective immediately, and the website remains at
The new mailing address is
Realms of Fantasy
P.O. Box 1208
Santa Rosa, California 95402 USA
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