Table of Contents, June 1995
This is the scanned Table of Contents for the issue, embedded as a PDF. It is searchable and includes all of the titles reviewed in the month. These issues are not available digitally yet, but most can be ordered by contacting the Locus offices. Locus-ToC-1995-06
J u n e
Table of Contents v o l . 34 no. 6
1995 Hugo Awards
Nominations …………………………. 7
Cadigan Wins Clarke Award…. 8
Paul Williams Badly Hurt……….. 8
1995 Prix Aurora Awards…….. 8
Copyright Law Changes ……….. 8
1995 Dell Magazine Awards … 8
BSFA Awards………………………….. 9
Aldiss Time Capsule Recovered 9
Book Prices Increase……………… 9
Amazing Refunds Subscriptions 9
Upheaval in Comics
Distribution……………………………. 9
Readings & Signings………………….. 9
Publishing News……………………….. 68
Financial New s …………………………. 68
Bookstore News……………………….. 68
Court Cases………………………………68
Online News……………………………… 68
Awards & Contests…………………… 68
Book News………………………………… 68
Convention News ………………………69
Multi-Media News………………………69
Rights & Options……………………….69
Market News……………………………… 69
Multi-Media Received………………..69
Charles Monteith……………………66
Appreciation by
Brian W. Aldiss ……………………66
Christopher Hodder-Williams ..66
Appreciation by
David V. Barrett…………………. 66
Stanley D. McNail…………………. 66
Stefan T. Possony …………………66
Cy Endfield: An Appreciation
by Brian W. Aldiss……………… 66
Norm Clarke…………………………… 67
Letters, information, and credit card subscriptions
can be sent by E-mail to: locus@, or by fax to 510-339-8144.
O ver
List begins
ON page 28.
Nancy Springer:
Looking Under Rocks………….. 4
Jack Womack: Random Acts .. 5
Philip K. Dick
Award Presentation…………… 11
Durgin Accepts
Compton Crook Award……….11
1995 Nebula Weekend………….42
Forthcoming Books…………………..28
British Forthcoming Books……… 38
Magazines Received – April…….48
Books Received – April……………49
British Books – March…………….. 59
Photo Listing………………………………74
People & Publishing………………….10
Locus Letters……………………………. 67
Editorial Matters………………………..67
Locus Looks a t Books
– 13-
Distillations: Short Fiction
Reviews by Mark R. Kelly:
Omni Online 2/95, 4/95, 5/95, 6/95; Interzone
3/95; Interzone 4/95; SF Age 5/95; Analog 8/95;
Asimov’s 8/95; F&SF 5/95; Tomorrow #14 (4/95);
Pulphouse 18; VB Tech Journal #1, #2; Through
the Corridor… Spring ’95.
– 17-
Reviews by Russell Letson:
Kaleidoscope Century, John Barnes; Armed
Memory, Jim Young; Worldwar: Tilting the Balance,
Harry Turtledove; SHORT TAKE: The Work
of Jack Vance: An Annotated Bibliography and
Guide, Jerry Hewett & Daryl F. Mallet.
– 21-
Reviews by Gary K. Wolfe:
Slow River, Nicola Griffith; Gaia’s Toys, Rebecca
Ore; III Wind, Kevin J. Anderson & Doug Beason;
Kaleidoscope Century, John Barnes; Dead
Boys, Richard Calder; Between Time and Terror,
Robert Weinberg, Stefan Dziemianowicz, &
Martin H. Greenberg, eds.
Reviews by Faren Miller:
The Memoirs of Elizabeth Frankenstein,
Theodore Roszak; Resurrection Man, Sean
Stewart; The Ivory and the Horn, Charles de Lint;
The Panic Hand, Jonathan Carroll; The Calvin
Coolidge Home for Dead Comedians, Bradley
Denton; The Conflagration Artist, Bradley
Denton; Tombs, Edward E. Kramer & Peter
Crowther, eds.
Short Reviews
by Carolyn Cushman:
Swashbuckling Editor Stories, John Gregory
Betancourt, ed.; Fortress in the Eye of Time,
C.J. Cherryh; Dreamseeker’s Road, Tom Dietz;
Season of Shadows, Ellen Foxxe; The Night
Room, E.M. Goldman; Fifth Quarter, Tanya Huff;
Fools Errant, Matt Hughes; The Baker’s Boy,
J.V. Jones; Dagger Magic, Katherine Kurtz &
Deborah Turner Harris; A Certain Magic,
Kathleen Morgan; A Breach in the Watershed;
Douglas Niles; Orphans of the Night, Josepha
Sherman, ed.
A ce………………………46,47 Locus………………………. 74
Avon………………………… 75 Magnum Opus Con …52
Baen…………………6,18,76 Metropolitan Bk. Fairs 63
Bantam……………….36,37 Northwest Publishing 52
Blue Moon Books……35 SFAge……………………… 12
Century……………………..54 Sirius Fiction…………….50
Classifieds……………….61 Tachyon Publications 53
Del R ey …………………… 20 III Publishing……………. 54
Interzone…………………. 51 To r…………..2,14,16,22,71
Island Books…………… 63 White Wolf…………………24
Publisher & Editor-in-Chief: Charles N. Brown; Managing Editor: Marianne S. Jablon; Editors: Faren C. Miller, Carolyn F. Cushman;
Assistant Editor: Kirsten Gong-Wong; Editorial Assistant: Amy Sisson; Contributing Editors: Edward Bryant, Mark R. Kelly,
Russell Letson, Gary K. Wolfe; Special Projects: William G. Contento; Photographer: Beth Gwinn.
Locus, The Newspaper of the Science Fiction Field (ISSN 0047-4959), is published monthly, at $3.95 per copy, by Locus Publications, 34 Ridgewood Lane, Oakland CA 94611. Please send
all mail to: Locus Publications, P.O. Box 13305, Oakland CA 94661. Telephone (510) 339-9196 ; (510) 339-9198. FAX (510) 339-8144. E-mail: Individual subscriptions
in the US: $40.00 for 12 issues, $74.00 for 24 issues via second class mail. In Canada: $45.00 for 12 issues, $84.00 for 24 issues via second class mail. First class individual subscriptions
in the US or Canada are $50.00 for 12 issues, $90.00 for 24 issues. Individual overseas subscriptions are $45.00 for 12 issues, $84.00 for 24 issues via sea mail. Individual subscriptions to
Europe or South America via air mail are $67.00 for 12 issues, $114.00 for 24 issues. Individual subscriptions to Australia, Asia, or Africa via air mail are $78.00 for 12 issues, $130.00 for 24
issues. Institutional subscriptions are $3.00 extra per year. Make checks payable to Locus Publications. All subscriptions payable directly in US funds only. Overseas checks must be drawn on
a US bank and include computer encoding numbers at bottom. When converting from second class to first class delivery, please convert all remaining issues on your present subscription ($1.00
per issue). The number after your name on the mailing label is that of the last issue on your present subscription. If you change your address, please notify us immediately. Second class mail
is not usually forwarded; it is either returned or destroyed. We subtract one issue from your subscription for each returned copy. We keep expired addresses on file for one year, so tell us if
your subscription is a renewal or completely new. British Subscription Agent: Fantast (Medway) Ltd. P.O. Box 23, Upwell Wisbech, CAMBS PE14 9BU, UK. Japanese Subscription Agent:
Yoshio Kobayashi, 3-34-14-301, Kitasenzoku, Ohta-ku, Tokyo, 145, Japan; Australian Subscription Agent: Justin Ackroyd, Slow Glass Books G.P.O Box 2708X, Melbourne, Victoria, 3001,
Australia. Bookseller discounts available. Display advertising rates on request. ° 1995 by Locus Publications. We take no responsibility for unsolicited submissions. Printed in the United States.
Second class postage paid at Oakland, California. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Locus Publications, P.O. Box 13305, Oakland CA 94661.
LOCUS June 1995/3
Table of Contents v o l . 34 no. 6
1995 Hugo Awards
Nominations …………………………. 7
Cadigan Wins Clarke Award…. 8
Paul Williams Badly Hurt……….. 8
1995 Prix Aurora Awards…….. 8
Copyright Law Changes ……….. 8
1995 Dell Magazine Awards … 8
BSFA Awards………………………….. 9
Aldiss Time Capsule Recovered 9
Book Prices Increase……………… 9
Amazing Refunds Subscriptions 9
Upheaval in Comics
Distribution……………………………. 9
Readings & Signings………………….. 9
Publishing News……………………….. 68
Financial New s …………………………. 68
Bookstore News……………………….. 68
Court Cases………………………………68
Online News……………………………… 68
Awards & Contests…………………… 68
Book News………………………………… 68
Convention News ………………………69
Multi-Media News………………………69
Rights & Options……………………….69
Market News……………………………… 69
Multi-Media Received………………..69
Charles Monteith……………………66
Appreciation by
Brian W. Aldiss ……………………66
Christopher Hodder-Williams ..66
Appreciation by
David V. Barrett…………………. 66
Stanley D. McNail…………………. 66
Stefan T. Possony …………………66
Cy Endfield: An Appreciation
by Brian W. Aldiss……………… 66
Norm Clarke…………………………… 67
Letters, information, and credit card subscriptions
can be sent by E-mail to: locus@, or by fax to 510-339-8144.
O ver
List begins
ON page 28.
Nancy Springer:
Looking Under Rocks………….. 4
Jack Womack: Random Acts .. 5
Philip K. Dick
Award Presentation…………… 11
Durgin Accepts
Compton Crook Award……….11
1995 Nebula Weekend………….42
Forthcoming Books…………………..28
British Forthcoming Books……… 38
Magazines Received – April…….48
Books Received – April……………49
British Books – March…………….. 59
Photo Listing………………………………74
People & Publishing………………….10
Locus Letters……………………………. 67
Editorial Matters………………………..67
Locus Looks a t Books
– 13-
Distillations: Short Fiction
Reviews by Mark R. Kelly:
Omni Online 2/95, 4/95, 5/95, 6/95; Interzone
3/95; Interzone 4/95; SF Age 5/95; Analog 8/95;
Asimov’s 8/95; F&SF 5/95; Tomorrow #14 (4/95);
Pulphouse 18; VB Tech Journal #1, #2; Through
the Corridor… Spring ’95.
– 17-
Reviews by Russell Letson:
Kaleidoscope Century, John Barnes; Armed
Memory, Jim Young; Worldwar: Tilting the Balance,
Harry Turtledove; SHORT TAKE: The Work
of Jack Vance: An Annotated Bibliography and
Guide, Jerry Hewett & Daryl F. Mallet.
– 21-
Reviews by Gary K. Wolfe:
Slow River, Nicola Griffith; Gaia’s Toys, Rebecca
Ore; III Wind, Kevin J. Anderson & Doug Beason;
Kaleidoscope Century, John Barnes; Dead
Boys, Richard Calder; Between Time and Terror,
Robert Weinberg, Stefan Dziemianowicz, &
Martin H. Greenberg, eds.
Reviews by Faren Miller:
The Memoirs of Elizabeth Frankenstein,
Theodore Roszak; Resurrection Man, Sean
Stewart; The Ivory and the Horn, Charles de Lint;
The Panic Hand, Jonathan Carroll; The Calvin
Coolidge Home for Dead Comedians, Bradley
Denton; The Conflagration Artist, Bradley
Denton; Tombs, Edward E. Kramer & Peter
Crowther, eds.
Short Reviews
by Carolyn Cushman:
Swashbuckling Editor Stories, John Gregory
Betancourt, ed.; Fortress in the Eye of Time,
C.J. Cherryh; Dreamseeker’s Road, Tom Dietz;
Season of Shadows, Ellen Foxxe; The Night
Room, E.M. Goldman; Fifth Quarter, Tanya Huff;
Fools Errant, Matt Hughes; The Baker’s Boy,
J.V. Jones; Dagger Magic, Katherine Kurtz &
Deborah Turner Harris; A Certain Magic,
Kathleen Morgan; A Breach in the Watershed;
Douglas Niles; Orphans of the Night, Josepha
Sherman, ed.
A ce………………………46,47 Locus………………………. 74
Avon………………………… 75 Magnum Opus Con …52
Baen…………………6,18,76 Metropolitan Bk. Fairs 63
Bantam……………….36,37 Northwest Publishing 52
Blue Moon Books……35 SFAge……………………… 12
Century……………………..54 Sirius Fiction…………….50
Classifieds……………….61 Tachyon Publications 53
Del R ey …………………… 20 III Publishing……………. 54
Interzone…………………. 51 To r…………..2,14,16,22,71
Island Books…………… 63 White Wolf…………………24
Publisher & Editor-in-Chief: Charles N. Brown; Managing Editor: Marianne S. Jablon; Editors: Faren C. Miller, Carolyn F. Cushman;
Assistant Editor: Kirsten Gong-Wong; Editorial Assistant: Amy Sisson; Contributing Editors: Edward Bryant, Mark R. Kelly,
Russell Letson, Gary K. Wolfe; Special Projects: William G. Contento; Photographer: Beth Gwinn.
Locus, The Newspaper of the Science Fiction Field (ISSN 0047-4959), is published monthly, at $3.95 per copy, by Locus Publications, 34 Ridgewood Lane, Oakland CA 94611. Please send
all mail to: Locus Publications, P.O. Box 13305, Oakland CA 94661. Telephone (510) 339-9196 ; (510) 339-9198. FAX (510) 339-8144. E-mail: Individual subscriptions
in the US: $40.00 for 12 issues, $74.00 for 24 issues via second class mail. In Canada: $45.00 for 12 issues, $84.00 for 24 issues via second class mail. First class individual subscriptions
in the US or Canada are $50.00 for 12 issues, $90.00 for 24 issues. Individual overseas subscriptions are $45.00 for 12 issues, $84.00 for 24 issues via sea mail. Individual subscriptions to
Europe or South America via air mail are $67.00 for 12 issues, $114.00 for 24 issues. Individual subscriptions to Australia, Asia, or Africa via air mail are $78.00 for 12 issues, $130.00 for 24
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Yoshio Kobayashi, 3-34-14-301, Kitasenzoku, Ohta-ku, Tokyo, 145, Japan; Australian Subscription Agent: Justin Ackroyd, Slow Glass Books G.P.O Box 2708X, Melbourne, Victoria, 3001,
Australia. Bookseller discounts available. Display advertising rates on request. ° 1995 by Locus Publications. We take no responsibility for unsolicited submissions. Printed in the United States.
Second class postage paid at Oakland, California. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Locus Publications, P.O. Box 13305, Oakland CA 94661.
LOCUS June 1995/3