Table of Contents, May 1993

This is the scanned Table of Contents for the issue, embedded as a PDF. It is searchable and includes all of the titles reviewed in the month. These issues are not available digitally yet, but most can be ordered by contacting the Locus offices. Locus-ToC-1993-05

Charles N. Brown
Faren C. Miller
Marianne S. Jablon
Carolyn F. Cushman
Kirsten Gong-Wong
Edward Bryant
Mark R. Kelly
Russell Letson
Tom Maddox
Scott Winnett
Gary K. Wolfe
William G. Contento
Beth Gwinn
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Table of Contents
1993 Hugo Awards Nominations…………………… 7
1992 Nebula Awards W inners……………………….8
Tiptree Award Presented……………………………… 8
Proposed Copyright Changes…………………………8
Disney Expose Book Sparks Lawsuit…………….. 8
Asimov Award Established…………………………….8
Arthur C. Clarke Award………………………………..8
Asimov’s Seeks Book Reviewers……………………. 9
ABA-Sponsored Study Suggests New Patterns .. 9
SF Author Jailed…………………………………………..9
New Specialty Stores Opening……………………….9
HarperCollins UK SF & Fantasy Imprint……….9
UK Publishing Financial Picture Mixed………….9
Changes in BDD Mass-Market T erms……………9
Asimov First Edition Problem………………………. 9
Publishing News…………………………………………… 9
Electronic Publishing…………………………………… 9
Bookstore News…………………………………………… 9
Court Cases………………………………………………..70
Announcements…………………………………………. 70
Book News………………………………………………….70
Magazine News…………………………………………… 70
Market News……………………………………………….70
Rights & Options……………………………………….. 70
Audio Received…………………………………………..70
Publications Received………………………………….70
Catalogs Received……………………………………… 71
Poppy Z. Brite: Taking the Plunge………………… 4
Bob Eggleton: Making it Real………………………..5
Ursula K. Le Guin: Looking Back…………………. 6
People and Publishing………………………………… 10
Reports from the Electronic Frontier,
Tom Maddox………………………………………….. 13
Locus Letters………………………………………………68
Avram Davidson…………………………………….. 68
Ethan Ellenberg……………………………………… 69
Ian McDowell…………………………………………. 69
Alan Brennert………………………………………… 69
Dave Duncan…………………………………………..69
Editorial Matters……………………………………….. 69
Distillations: Short Fiction Reviews
by Mark R. Kelly:……………………………………15
Forward the Foundation, Isaac Asimov;
Asimov’s 4/93; Asimov’s 5/93; F&SF 4/93; Science
Fiction Age 5/93; Amazing 5/93; Tomorrow 4/93;
Interzone 4/93; Playboy 3/93; Omni 5/93.
Reviews by Faren Miller…………………………….19
Against a Dark Background, Iain M. Banks;
Glory Season, David Brin; Jerusalem Commands,
Michael Moorcock; Sister Water, Nancy
Willard; The Kingdom of Kevin Malone, Suzy
McKee Chamas; SHORT TAKES: Moonblood,
Philip G. Williamson; Throy, Jack Vance; Angel,
Garry D. Kilworth.
Reviews by Edward Bryant:…………………………23
The Hammer of God, Arthur C. Clarke; Manhattan
Transfer, John Stith; Beastchild, Dean R.
Koontz; Garden, Matthew J. Costello; Northern
Frights, Don Hutchison, ed.; Pain Grin, Wayne
Allen Sallee; SHORT TAKES: Terror on the
High Skies, Joe R. Lansdale; The Black Egg of
Atlantis, Neal Barrett, Jr.; La Luz Canyon,
Royce H. Allen/Going Mobile, Glen E. Cox.
Reviews by Gary K. Wolfe:………………………….27
Styles of Creation: Aesthetic Technique and the
Creation of Fictional Worlds, George Slusser
and Eric S. Rabkin, eds.; Science Fiction and
Postmodern Fiction: A Genre Study, Barbara
Puschmann-Nalenz; Vultures of the Void: A History
of British Science Fiction Publishing, 1946-
1956, Philip Harbottle and Stephen Holland;
Christian Fantasy: From 1200 to the Present,
Colin Manlove; SHORT TAKES: Earthsea
Revisioned, Ursula K. Le Guin; American Literature
and Science, Robert J. Scholnick, ed.;
Dream Messenger, Masahiko Shimada.
Reviews by Russell Letson: …………………………31
White Queen, Gwyneth Jones; Forward the
Foundation, Isaac Asimov; Isaac Asimov’s
Caliban, Roger MacBride Allen.
Reviews by Carolyn Cushman:…………………….33
Powers that Be, Anne McCaffrey & Elizabeth
Ann Scarborough; The Wolf and the Raven,
Diana L. Paxson; The Sword and the Lion,
Roberta Cray; His Conquering Sword, Kate
Elliott; Changeweaver, Margaret Ball; Jaydium,
Deborah Wheeler; SHORT TAKES: Split
Heirs, Lawrence Watt-Evans & Esther M. Friesner,
Colin the Librarian, Rich Parsons & Tony
Keaveny; Switching Well, Peni R. Griffin; Solay,
Mark Jonathan Harris; Winter of Fire, Sherryl
Jordan; The Books of the Keepers, Ann Downer.
Short Reviews by Scott Winnett:…………………37
The Devil You Say, Elisa DeCarlo; Hawk’s
Author’s Pseudonyms for Book Collectors: A
Collector’s Reference of Modern Author’s
Pseudonyms, Pat Hawk; Angel, Garry D. Kilworth;
Seaward, Brad Leithauser; Himalaya,
Nicholas Luard; Anno Dracula, Kim Newman;
The Monster Show: A Cultural History of Horror,
David J. Skal; Dracula: The Ultimate Illustrated
Edition of the World-Famous Vampire
Play, David J. Skal, ed.; Jesus & the Sweet Pilgrim
Baptist Church, Clayton Sullivan; Split
Heirs, Lawrence Watt-Evans & Esther Friesner.
1993 Conference on the Fantastic………………. 40
1993 World Horror Convention………………….42
Convention Listings…………………………………… 43
Magazines Received – March…………………….45
Books Received — March……………………………46
British Books — February……………………………59
Bestsellers…………………………………………………. 65
Baird Searles………………………………………………66
Appreciation by Brian M. Thomsen………… 66
Appreciation by Beth Meacham &
Tappan King………………………………………..66
John Hersey……………………………………………….66
Frank McKeever…………………………………………66
Scott Meredith: An Appreciation
by Richard Curtis…………………………………… 66
Ursula K. Le G u in …………… (CNB)1
Bob Eggleton………………………(BG) 1
Poppy Z. Brite……………………..(BG) 1
Poppy Z Brite……………………..(BG)4
Bob Eggleton……………………(CNB)5
Ursula K. Le G u in …………… (CNB)6
Maureen F. McHu gh……………..(F)8
Susan Sandon, Fred Clarke. (CA)8
Michael D ird a …………………. (SW)10
Philip Jose Farmer,
Bette Farmer……………….. (CNB)10
Allen Steele…………………………..(F)10
Mary Margraf, Tom Maddox, Molly
Margraf, Emma Margraf…..(F)10
Sara Smith, S.N. Lewitt, Ellen
Kushner, Delia Sherman . (DS) 11
Continued on page 69
PHOTO CREDITS: (BG) Beth Gwinn, (CNB) Charles N. Brown, (F) Furnished, (CA) Charles Adams, (BC/LH) Bob
Collins & Leonard Heldreth, (DS) Delia Sherman, (DW) Dede Weil, (SW) Susan Wood.
ISSUE #388, VOL 30 NO. 5, May 1993, Mailing Date: April 29,1993
LOCUS May 1993/3
Anamnesis Press…………………….50
Atomic Comics………………………….5 2
A vo n …………………………………………,
Baen ………………………….. 13,24,28,34
B antam …………………………. . ‘. . . 3 8 ,39
Broken Mirrors Press…………………. 7
Classified Ads……………………………61
Cleveland State University……….4 7
LW. Currey………………………………..16
D AW ………………………………………….. 3 6
Del Rey………………………………….
Duke University Press…………… ‘..4 6
Graphic Image Press………………..1 4
Locus ………………………………………… 74
Locus Back Issues…………………..63
Penguin Roc……………………………..7 5
Serendipity Books………………….r 4 9
T o r …………………………………..
Worlds of Wonder…………………… jo