Table of Contents, March 1992
This is the scanned Table of Contents for the issue, embedded as a PDF. It is searchable and includes all of the titles reviewed in the month. These issues are not available digitally yet, but most can be ordered by contacting the Locus offices. Locus-ToC-1992-03
Charles N. Brown
Faren C. Miller
Marianne S. Jablon
Carolyn F. Cushman
Edward Bryant
Dan Chow
Richard Curtis
Mark R. Kelly
Fritz Leiber
Russell Letson
Tom Whitmore
Scott Winnett
Gary K. Wolfe
William G. Contento
Beth Gwinn
Jane Jewell
Locus, (ISSN-0047-4959), The Newspaper of the
Science Fiction Field, is published monthly by LOCUS
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Table of Contents
Hugo’s (and Edgar’s) Awards to Firefighters……..4
1991 Nebula Awards Nominations…………………….6
Time Warner Buys Macdonald………………………….6
Arthur C. Clarke Award Nominees……………………6
British Book Summary: 1991…………………………….6
Del Rey Discoveries…………………………………………7
Eurocon and World SF Meeting Relocate………… 7
Star Trek: Problems…………………………………………. 7
Fritz Leiber at 81 ……………………………………………..9
Skipp & Spector’s Bridge Party……………………….75
Publishing News……………………………………………….7
Satanic Verses Update…………………………………….. 7
Bookstore N ews……………………………………………..74
Book News……………………………………………………..74
Magazine News……………………………………………….74
Awards………………………………………………………….. 74
Market News…………………………………………………..74
Video News…………………………………………………….74
Audio News…………………………………………………… 74
Gaming News………………………………………………….74
Publications Received……………………………………. 74
Rights & Options……………………………………………74
Catalogs Received…………………………………………..75
Alexander Jablokov: The Literary Lab Bench…….4
Joan D. Vinge: The Summer Queen in Fall………..5
People & Publishing…………………………………………8
Agent’s Corner, Richard Curtis……………………….11
Moons & Stars & Stuff, Fritz Leiber……………….. 13
Locus L etters………………………………………………….73
Editorial Matters…………………………………………….73
Distillations: Short Fiction Reviews
by Mark R. Kelly:………………………………………..15
Asimov’s 3/92, Amazing 3/92; F&SF 3/92;
Interzone 2/92; Analog 3/92.
Reviews by Faren Miller:…………………………………17
Snow Crash, Neal Stephenson; Sideshow, Sheri S.
Tepper; Anvil of Stars, Greg Bear; Lord Kelvin’s
Machine, James P. Blaylock; SHORT TAKES:
The Tax Inspector, Peter Carey; Her Monster, Jeff
Reviews by Edward Bryant:……………………………..21
Wolf Flow, K. W. Jeter; Blood Moon, Melanie Tem;
Dark at Heart, Karen Lansdale and Joe R.
Lansdale, eds.; Courting Disasters, Nina Kiriki
Hoffman; In the Blood, Nancy A. Collins; Hideaway,
Dean R. Koontz.
Reviews by Russell Letson:……………………………..25
Worlds Enough and Time, Joe Haldeman; A Fire
Upon the Deep, Vernor Vinge; Anvil of Stars, Greg
Bear; The Venging, Greg Bear.
Reviews by Gary K. Wolfe:……………………………. 27
Doomsday Book, Connie Willis; Worlds Enough
and Time, Joe Haldeman; The Memory of Earth,
Orson Scott Card; Last Call, Tim Powers; John
Berkey, Painted Space, John Berkey.
Reviews by Dan Chow:…………………………………..31
Lord Kelvin’s Machine, James P. Blaylock; Out of
the Night and Into the Dream: A Thematic Study
of the Fiction of J.G. Ballard, Gregory
Stephenson; In Pursuit of Valis: Selections From
the Exegesis, Philip K. Dick; Lawrence Sutin, ed.;
Spiderworld: The Magician, Colin Wilson.
Reviews by Carolyn Cushman:………………………. 33
The Chalchiuhite Dragon, Kenneth Morris; The
Genocidal Healer, James White; The Meri, Maya
Kaathryn Bohnhoff; The Songkiller Saga #3:
Strum Again?, Elizabeth Ann Scarborough; The
Catswold Portal, Shirley Rousseau Murphy;
Mariel of Redwall, Brian Jacques; Dragon War,
Laurence Yep; Suisun, Phyllis Carol Agins;
SHORT TAKES: The Island and the Ring, Laura
C. Stevenson.
Reviews by Tom Whitmore:………………………….. 35
Humans, Donald E. Westlake; The Modular Man,
Roger MacBride Allen; The Avenger, Louise
Cooper; The Magicians of Night, Barbara
Short Reviews by Scott Winnett: …………………….37
Divina Trace, Robert Antoni; The War of Don
Emmanuel’s Nether Parts, Louis de Bernieres;
Cybernetic Jungle, S.N. Lewitt; Salem Is My
Dwelling Place: A Life of Nathaniel Hawthorne,
Edwin Haviland Miller; The Blood of the Lamb,
Thomas F. Monteleone; Practical Demonkeeping,
Christopher Moore; The Testimony of
Daniel Pagels, Vickery Turner; A Resonance of
Blood, Robert E. Vardeman.
Forthcoming Books………………………………………..38
British Forthcoming Books……………………………. 48
Convention Listings……………………………………….52
Magazines Received — January………………………54
Books Received – January……………………………. 55
British Books — December……………………………. 65
Bestsellers…………………………………………………….. 71
Angela Carter……………………………………………….. 72
Vincent Miranda…………………………………………… 72
Appreciation by Brian Aldiss…………………….. 73
Con Sellers…………………………………………………… 73
George MacBeth……………………………………………73
Avon……………………………….. 18
Clarion West……………………. 58
L.W. Currey……………………..60
PHOTO CREDITS: (CNB) Charles N. Brown, (F) furnished, (MM) Mike Moir, (BG) Beth Gwinn, (JJ)
Jane Jewell, (RM) Ricia Mainhardt, (SI) Scott Imes.
ISSUE #374, VOL 28 NO. 3, March 1992, Mailing Date: March 2,1992
LOCUS March 1992/3
Del Rey……………………….. 36,79
Dream Park Corp…………….. 57
Robert Gavora…………………. 56
Locus Press………………….. 51,70
Longmeadow P re ss……………56
Maclay & Associates………….59
MZB’s Fantasy Magazine……54
Penguin Roc…………………10,28
Spine-Tingling P ress………… 20
Sunset Productions………….. 58
T o r…………………………. 14,24,30
T SR …………………………………80
Warner Questar………………..16
Worlds of Wonder……………58
Joan D. Vinge…………(CNB) 1
Fritz Leiber Birthday . (CNB) 1
Alexander Jablokov…. (CNB) 4
Uncle Hugo’s F ire ……….(SI) 4
Joan D. Vinge…………(CNB) 5
Vonda N. McIntyre………(F) 8
Michael Cadnum………….(F) 8
David Gemmell………..(MM) 8
Pauline Ashwell………(CNB) 8
Susan Shwartz…………(CNB) 8
Rick Hautala……………. (BG) 8
Nick Pollotta……………… (JJ) 9
Melinda Snodgrass….(CNB) 9
Fritz Leiber, Marion Zimmer
Bradley………………. (CNB) 9
Fritz Leiber……………. (BG) 13
Angela C a rte r…………… (F) 72
Vincent Miranda,
Sarah Clemens…..(CNB) 72
Bridge Party………….. (RM) 75
Charles N. Brown
Faren C. Miller
Marianne S. Jablon
Carolyn F. Cushman
Edward Bryant
Dan Chow
Richard Curtis
Mark R. Kelly
Fritz Leiber
Russell Letson
Tom Whitmore
Scott Winnett
Gary K. Wolfe
William G. Contento
Beth Gwinn
Jane Jewell
Locus, (ISSN-0047-4959), The Newspaper of the
Science Fiction Field, is published monthly by LOCUS
PUBLICATIONS Editorial address: 34 Ridgewood
Lane, Oakland, CA 94611. Please send all mail to Locus
Publications, P.O. Box 13305, Oakland, CA 94661.
Telephone (510) 339-9196
FAX (510) 339-8144
Individual copies are $3.50. Individual subscriptions in
the U.S. are $35.00 for 12 issues, $65.00 for 24 issues
via second class mail. Individual subscriptions in
Canada are $40.00 for 12 issues, $75.00 for 24 issues
via second class mail. First class individual subscriptions
in the U.S. or Canada are $48.00 for 12 issues,
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Contents copyright © 1991 by Locus Publications.
Second class postage paid at Oakland, California.
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P.O. Box 13305, Oakland, CA 94661.
Table of Contents
Hugo’s (and Edgar’s) Awards to Firefighters……..4
1991 Nebula Awards Nominations…………………….6
Time Warner Buys Macdonald………………………….6
Arthur C. Clarke Award Nominees……………………6
British Book Summary: 1991…………………………….6
Del Rey Discoveries…………………………………………7
Eurocon and World SF Meeting Relocate………… 7
Star Trek: Problems…………………………………………. 7
Fritz Leiber at 81 ……………………………………………..9
Skipp & Spector’s Bridge Party……………………….75
Publishing News……………………………………………….7
Satanic Verses Update…………………………………….. 7
Bookstore N ews……………………………………………..74
Book News……………………………………………………..74
Magazine News……………………………………………….74
Awards………………………………………………………….. 74
Market News…………………………………………………..74
Video News…………………………………………………….74
Audio News…………………………………………………… 74
Gaming News………………………………………………….74
Publications Received……………………………………. 74
Rights & Options……………………………………………74
Catalogs Received…………………………………………..75
Alexander Jablokov: The Literary Lab Bench…….4
Joan D. Vinge: The Summer Queen in Fall………..5
People & Publishing…………………………………………8
Agent’s Corner, Richard Curtis……………………….11
Moons & Stars & Stuff, Fritz Leiber……………….. 13
Locus L etters………………………………………………….73
Editorial Matters…………………………………………….73
Distillations: Short Fiction Reviews
by Mark R. Kelly:………………………………………..15
Asimov’s 3/92, Amazing 3/92; F&SF 3/92;
Interzone 2/92; Analog 3/92.
Reviews by Faren Miller:…………………………………17
Snow Crash, Neal Stephenson; Sideshow, Sheri S.
Tepper; Anvil of Stars, Greg Bear; Lord Kelvin’s
Machine, James P. Blaylock; SHORT TAKES:
The Tax Inspector, Peter Carey; Her Monster, Jeff
Reviews by Edward Bryant:……………………………..21
Wolf Flow, K. W. Jeter; Blood Moon, Melanie Tem;
Dark at Heart, Karen Lansdale and Joe R.
Lansdale, eds.; Courting Disasters, Nina Kiriki
Hoffman; In the Blood, Nancy A. Collins; Hideaway,
Dean R. Koontz.
Reviews by Russell Letson:……………………………..25
Worlds Enough and Time, Joe Haldeman; A Fire
Upon the Deep, Vernor Vinge; Anvil of Stars, Greg
Bear; The Venging, Greg Bear.
Reviews by Gary K. Wolfe:……………………………. 27
Doomsday Book, Connie Willis; Worlds Enough
and Time, Joe Haldeman; The Memory of Earth,
Orson Scott Card; Last Call, Tim Powers; John
Berkey, Painted Space, John Berkey.
Reviews by Dan Chow:…………………………………..31
Lord Kelvin’s Machine, James P. Blaylock; Out of
the Night and Into the Dream: A Thematic Study
of the Fiction of J.G. Ballard, Gregory
Stephenson; In Pursuit of Valis: Selections From
the Exegesis, Philip K. Dick; Lawrence Sutin, ed.;
Spiderworld: The Magician, Colin Wilson.
Reviews by Carolyn Cushman:………………………. 33
The Chalchiuhite Dragon, Kenneth Morris; The
Genocidal Healer, James White; The Meri, Maya
Kaathryn Bohnhoff; The Songkiller Saga #3:
Strum Again?, Elizabeth Ann Scarborough; The
Catswold Portal, Shirley Rousseau Murphy;
Mariel of Redwall, Brian Jacques; Dragon War,
Laurence Yep; Suisun, Phyllis Carol Agins;
SHORT TAKES: The Island and the Ring, Laura
C. Stevenson.
Reviews by Tom Whitmore:………………………….. 35
Humans, Donald E. Westlake; The Modular Man,
Roger MacBride Allen; The Avenger, Louise
Cooper; The Magicians of Night, Barbara
Short Reviews by Scott Winnett: …………………….37
Divina Trace, Robert Antoni; The War of Don
Emmanuel’s Nether Parts, Louis de Bernieres;
Cybernetic Jungle, S.N. Lewitt; Salem Is My
Dwelling Place: A Life of Nathaniel Hawthorne,
Edwin Haviland Miller; The Blood of the Lamb,
Thomas F. Monteleone; Practical Demonkeeping,
Christopher Moore; The Testimony of
Daniel Pagels, Vickery Turner; A Resonance of
Blood, Robert E. Vardeman.
Forthcoming Books………………………………………..38
British Forthcoming Books……………………………. 48
Convention Listings……………………………………….52
Magazines Received — January………………………54
Books Received – January……………………………. 55
British Books — December……………………………. 65
Bestsellers…………………………………………………….. 71
Angela Carter……………………………………………….. 72
Vincent Miranda…………………………………………… 72
Appreciation by Brian Aldiss…………………….. 73
Con Sellers…………………………………………………… 73
George MacBeth……………………………………………73
Avon……………………………….. 18
Clarion West……………………. 58
L.W. Currey……………………..60
PHOTO CREDITS: (CNB) Charles N. Brown, (F) furnished, (MM) Mike Moir, (BG) Beth Gwinn, (JJ)
Jane Jewell, (RM) Ricia Mainhardt, (SI) Scott Imes.
ISSUE #374, VOL 28 NO. 3, March 1992, Mailing Date: March 2,1992
LOCUS March 1992/3
Del Rey……………………….. 36,79
Dream Park Corp…………….. 57
Robert Gavora…………………. 56
Locus Press………………….. 51,70
Longmeadow P re ss……………56
Maclay & Associates………….59
MZB’s Fantasy Magazine……54
Penguin Roc…………………10,28
Spine-Tingling P ress………… 20
Sunset Productions………….. 58
T o r…………………………. 14,24,30
T SR …………………………………80
Warner Questar………………..16
Worlds of Wonder……………58
Joan D. Vinge…………(CNB) 1
Fritz Leiber Birthday . (CNB) 1
Alexander Jablokov…. (CNB) 4
Uncle Hugo’s F ire ……….(SI) 4
Joan D. Vinge…………(CNB) 5
Vonda N. McIntyre………(F) 8
Michael Cadnum………….(F) 8
David Gemmell………..(MM) 8
Pauline Ashwell………(CNB) 8
Susan Shwartz…………(CNB) 8
Rick Hautala……………. (BG) 8
Nick Pollotta……………… (JJ) 9
Melinda Snodgrass….(CNB) 9
Fritz Leiber, Marion Zimmer
Bradley………………. (CNB) 9
Fritz Leiber……………. (BG) 13
Angela C a rte r…………… (F) 72
Vincent Miranda,
Sarah Clemens…..(CNB) 72
Bridge Party………….. (RM) 75