Table of Contents, September 1991

This is the scanned Table of Contents for the issue, embedded as a PDF. It is searchable and includes all of the titles reviewed in the month. These issues are not available digitally yet, but most can be ordered by contacting the Locus offices.


Charles N. Brown
Faren C. Miller
Shelly Rae Clift
Marianne S. Jablon
Leona Benten
Edward Bryant
Dan Chow
Richard Curtis
Carolyn F. Cushman
Fritz Leiber
Russell Letson
Tom Whitmore
Scott Winnett
William G. Contento
Beth Gwinn
Jane Jewell
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Table of Contents
Robinson, Bisson, Win Campbell, Sturgeon
Awards…………………………………………………………… 6
Pulphouse to be Fortnightly……………………………….6
Gryphon Award Postponed……………………………….6
Star Trek 25th Anniversary……………………………….6
Dark Carnival Anniversary P a rty……………………… 6
The Collectible King………………………………………… 7
Upsurge in Trade Paperback Publishing……………7
Publishing News……………………………………………….7
Bookstore News……………………………………………….7
Book News……………………………………………………… 7
Magazine News…………………………………………………7
Awards……………………………………………………………. 7
Audio News…………………………………………………….74
Rights & Options……………………………………………74
Publications Received……………………………………. 74
Catalogs Received…………………………………………..74
Alan Dean Foster: The Entertainer………………….. 4
Elisabeth Vonarburg: A World A p a rt………………. 5
SkagCon Report……………………………………………….9
1991 Locus Survey Results………………………………52
Editorial Matters………………………………………………3
People & Publishing………………………………………… 8
Agent’s Corner, Richard Curtis……………………….11
Moons & Stars & Stuff, Fritz Leiber……………….. 13
Locus Letters………………………………………………….72
Reviews by Faren Miller:…………………………………15
The Summer Queen, Joan D. Vinge; Barrayar,
Lois McMaster Bujold; The Face of the Waters,
Robert Silverberg; Stalin’s Teardrops, Ian Watson;
SHORT TAKES: Riverrun, S.P. Somtow;
Sarah Canary, Karen Joy Fowler; IASFM 6/91,
8/91, 10/91.
Reviews by Russell Letson:……………………………..19
Eternal Light, Paul J. McAuley; Secret Harmonies,
Paul J. McAuley; The King of the Hill and
Other Stories, Paul J. McAuley; Escape from
Loki, Philip Jose Farmer; Red Orc’s Rage, Philip
Jose Farmer.
Reviews by Dan Chow:…………………………………… 23
Tales of the Wandering Jew, Brian Stableford,
ed.; Lunar Descent, Allen Steele; Griffin’s Egg,
Michael Swanwick; SHORT TAKES: The Face
in the Abyss, A. Merritt; Mrs. God, Peter
Straub; The Aeneid of Virgil, Edward McCrorie,
Reviews by Edward Bryant:……………………………. 25
Meridian 144, Meg Files; A Whisper of Blood,
Ellen Datlow, ed.; Dead End: City Limits, Paul F.
Olson & David B. Silva, eds.; The Man Upstairs,
T.L. Parkinson.
Reviews by Carolyn Cushman:…………………………29
The Elvenbane, Andre Norton and Mercedes
Lackey; Starseed, Spider Robinson and Jeanne
Robinson; Orbital Resonance, John Barnes;
The People Collection, Zenna Henderson;
SHORT TAKES: Tongues of Jade, Laurence
Yep; The Dragon Reborn, Robert Jordan, Warlock
and Son, Christopher Stasheff; Journey to
Amanah: The Beginning, Colleen K. Snyder.
Reviews by Tom Whitmore:…………………………… 33
The Summer Queen, Joan D. Vinge; Playground
of the Mind, Larry Niven; Transreal!,
Rudy Rucker; SHORT TAKES: Futurespeak: A
Fan’s Guide to the Language of Science Fiction,
Roberta Rogow; The Report, Christina Yorkand
J. Steven York, eds.
Short Reviews by Scott Winnett: ……………………. 35
More Shapes Than One, Fred Chappell; Harpy
High, Esther M. Friesner; Final Shadows,
Charles L. Grant, ed.; Obsession, Lori Herter;
Under the Fang, Robert R. McCammon, ed.;
The White Mists of Power, Kristine Kathryn
Rusch; Cemetery Dance Spring ’91; F&SF 8/91.
Forthcoming Books……………………………………….. 38
British Forthcoming Books……………………………..46
Conventions………………………………………………….. 55
Magazines Received-July………………………………..57
Books Received—July……………………………………..58
British Books—June………………………………………..65
Dan Henderson…………………………………………….. 72
Isaac Bashevis Singer………………………………………72
Milton Subotsky…………………………………………….. 72
Kim Stanley Robinson, Elizabeth
Anne Hull, Terry Bisson, James
Gunn…………………………….. (EAH) 1
Stephen King………………………. (JJ) 1
Kristine Kathryn Rusch……. (CNB) 1
Isaac Asimov……………………….. (JJ) 1
Alan Dean Foster……………. (SRC) 1
Alan Dean Foster………………(SRC) 4
Elisabeth Vonarburg…………(CNB) 5
Dark Carnival Anniversary .. (CNB) 6
Madeleine L’Engle………….. (CNB) 8
Suzette Haden Elgin……… (DMM) 8
Allen Steele…………………………… (F) 8
Mercedes Lackey,
Larry Dixon……………………….(F) 8
Nancy Kress…………………… (CNB) 9
Dave W olverton…………….. (CNB) 9
Joe Haldeman, Gay Haldeman,
Rusty Hevelin…………………. (F) 9
Solar eclipse………………………..(F) 13
PHOTO CREDITS: (EAH) Elizabeth Anne Hull, (JJ) Jane Jewell, (CNB) Charles N. Brown, (SRC) Shelly Rae Clift, (DMM)
Diane M. Martin, (F) furnished.
ISSUE #368, VOL. 27 NO. 3, September 1991, Mailing Date: August 21,1991
Editorial Matters
This issue has jumped to 80 pages, thanks to the
expanded Forthcoming Books. Our September and
March issues will cover nine months worth of forthcoming
books, while our December and June issues
will cover a mere six months. The difference is
mainly because of the timing of information, as well
as the space available in the magazine. We’ve finally
decided on the split format — an edited list of new
books by author, then a complete list by publisher
and month. Of course, we may change our minds
There isn’t very much news this time around,
since it’s only ten days since the last issue. Some
more material will probably come in at the last
minute, but we can’t keep to our normal schedule
and get this issue out by Worldcon.
Shelly decided to leave even earlier than she had
originally planned, and will be gone by the time you
see this. We’ve hired one person as a trainee, but are
still looking for one more. For details, see the editorial
in the last issue.
In our August bestseller list from B. Dalton, the
#10 paperback spot should be The Mercenaries by
Bill Baldwin (Questar), not Jerry Poumelle (Baen).
In the “Other Bestsellers” section, the last two lines
Continued on page 74
LOCUS September 1991/3