Table of Contents, March 1990

This is the scanned Table of Contents for the issue, embedded as a PDF. It is searchable and includes all of the titles reviewed in the month. These issues are not available digitally yet, but most can be ordered by contacting the Locus offices. Locus-ToC-1990-03

Charles N. Brown
Faren C. Miller
Shelly Rae Clift
Pamela F. Troy
Scott Winnett
Edward Bryant
Richard Curtis
Carolyn F. Cushman
Mark R. Kelly
Fritz Leiber
Tom Whitmore
William G. Contento
Beth Gwinn
Jane Jewell
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Table of Contents
Delahunt Leaves Agenting ……………………………….. 4
Salman Rushdie: One Year L ater …………………….. 4
Xignals G o n e ……………………………………………………… 4
Judge Rules Against Hubbard Biography………….. 4
Nebula Awards Weekend …………………………………. 4
HWA W eekend………………………………………………….. 4
1989 Nebula Awards Nominations…………………….. 5
Analog Turns 60 ………………………………………………… 5
Philip K. Dick Award Nominees………………………… 5
Aboriginal SF Retrenches ………………………………….. 5
SF Publishing in the U .K .- 1 9 8 9 ………………………. 5
Asimov and Doubleday:
40 Years Together …………………………………………. 7
Publishing News ………………………………………………… 9
Court C a se s……………………………………………………… 78
Awards ……………………………………………………………… 78
Announcements ………………………………………………. 78
Magazine N ew s………………………………………………… 78
Book N ews……………………………………………………….. 78
Rights & Options …………………………………………….. 78
Simmons, Dan:
The Year of Dan Simmons ……………………………. 7
People & Publishing…………………………………………… 8
Agent’s Comer, Richard Curtis ………………………. 11
Moons & Stars & Stuff, Fritz L e ib e r……………….. 13
Locus Bulletin B o a rd ……………………………………….. 27
Editorial Matters………………………………………………. 77
Reviews by Fritz Leiber: ………………………………….. 13
Virus, Peter Caine.
Reviews by Faren Miller:………………………………….. 15
Arachne, Lisa Mason; The Dark Hand of
Magic, Barbara Hambly; Mine, Robert R. Mc-
Cammon; Second Contact, Mike Resnick; The
Abraxis Marvel Circus, Stephen Leigh; Matilda
at the Speed of Light: A New Anthology of
Australian Science Fiction, Damien Broderick,
ed. SHORT TAKES: Slightly Foxed But Still
Desirable: Ronald Searle’s Wicked World of
Book Collecting, Ronald Searle.
Reviews by Edward Bryant:……………………………… 17
Trade Secrets, Ray Garton; Dreamer, Peter
James; Seeing Red, David J. Schow; Bloodshift,
Garfield Reeves-Stevens; Stalkers, Ed Gorman
& Martin H. Greenberg, eds.; The Bad Place,
Dean R. Koontz. SHORT TAKES: The Leiber
Chronicles, Fritz Leiber.
Reviews by Carolyn Cushman:………………………… 19
Crescent in the Sky, Donald Moffitt; A G athering
of Stars, Donald Moffitt; The Monstrous
Regiment, Storm Constantine; The Chessmen
of Doom, John Bellairs; Strange Attractors,
William Sleator; Cat’s Gambit, Leslie Gadallah.
Special Reviews by Scott Winnett: ……………………20
Science Fiction from China, Dingbo Wu &
Patrick D. Murphy, eds.; The Best Japanese
Science Fiction Stories, John L. Apostolou &
Martin H. Greenberg, eds.
Reviews by Tom Whitmore:……………………………… 21
Cortez on Jupiter, Ernest Hogan; Strange
Things in Close Up, Howard Waldrop; Second
Contact, Mike Resnick; Scholars and Soldiers,
Mary Gentle. SHORT TAKES: Puzzles of the
Black Widowers, Isaac Asimov; The Wizard o f
Speed and Time, Mike Jittlov (video).
Short Reviews by Scott Winnett:……………………….23
Gorgon Child, Steven Barnes; Dread Brass
Shadows, Glen Cook; Northworld, David
Drake; Carmen Dog, Carol Emshwiller; Bride
of the Slime Monster, Craig Shaw Gardner; The
Further Adventures of the Joker, Martin H.
Greenberg, ed.; Cortez on Jupiter, Ernest
Hogan; Scor-Sting, Frank A. Javor; The Earth
Remembers, Susan Torian Olan; Winterwood
and Other Hauntings, Keith Roberts; The
Fugitive Worlds, Bob Shaw; Warhorse, Timothy
Distillations: Short Fiction Reviews
by Mark R. Kelly: ………………………………………. 27
IASFM 4/90; Analog 4/90; F&SF 1/90; F&SF
2/90; F&SF 3/90; Interzone 1-2/90; Playboy 2/90;
Weird Tales Spring/90; Amazing 5/90.
SF in Japan ……………………………………………………….. 43
SF in Spain ……………………………………………………….. 44
SF in Germany…………………………………………………..45
SF in Australia …………………………………………………..46
SF in F ra n c e ………………………………………………………47
Parcon 1989 ………………………………………………………49
SF in the Soviet Union …………………………………….. 50
SF Week in C a n ad a ……………………………………………54
SF in B ra z il……………………………………………………….. 55
SF in C h in a ……………………………………………………….. 56
Along Publishers R ow………………………………………. 30
Along Britain’s Publishers R ow…………………………38
International Books and Magazines Received….. 57
Convention Listings……………………………………………60
Magazines Received — Jan u a ry …………………………62
Books Received —January……………………………….. 63
British Books — De cem b er……………………………… 69
Bestsellers…………………………………………………………. 75
Joseph Payne Brennan …………………………………….. 76
Carl S h e rre ll………………………………………………………76
Ben Barzman …………………………………………………….77
Arthur Thomson ……………………………………………….77
Dan Simmons …………………. (BG) 1
Isaac Asimov, Steve Rubin, Linda
Grey, Lou Aronica………. (RM) 1
Analog Luncheon ……………(JKK) 5
Dan Simmons …………………. (BG) 7
Somtow Sucharitkul ……….. (MK) 8
Jean Auel…………………………. (RH) 8
Dean Ing ……………………….. (CNB) 8
Damon Knight………………………(F) 8
Mickey Zucker Reichert…. (CNB) 8
Robert Anton Wilson ……….. (CS) 8
Melanie Rawn ………………………(F) 9
Fritz Leiber…………………………..(F) 13
Mari Kotani, Takayuki
Tatsumi ……………………….. (MT)43
Yumi Matsuo, Goro Masaki,
Norio Nakai …………………. (SM) 43
Shinji Maki, Ryohei Takahashi,
Nozomi Ohmori…………… (SM)43
Toro Nakamura………………..(SM) 44
Michael Moorcock…………… (AC) 44
Hubbard Characters Attack
Earthling ……………………….. (F)46
Pierre-Paul Durastant …… (PJT)48
Jean-Pierre April, Jean-Francois
Somcynsky ……………….. (PJT)48
Francis Valery ……………….. (PJT)48
Roger Gaillard ……………….. (PJT)48
Jean-Pierre Moumon…….. (PJT)48
Gerard Klein……………………. (PJT)48
Jean-Pierre Andrevon…… (PJT)48
Hubert Evrard, Roland C.
Wagner ……………………… (PJT)48
Jaroslav Veis ……………………. (PS) 49
Capek & Ludvik Awards …. (PS) 49
Vilda Janacek …………………. (PS) 49
Night Ceremony ……………… (PS)49
S. Drugal, G. Gurevich, V. Babenko,
G. Prashkevich …………… (BZ) 50
Sergei Bityutsky……………….. (BZ) 50
Boris Zelensky…………………. (BZ)50
Yuri llkov ………………………….. (BZ) 50
Arkady Strugatsky…………… (BZ)50
A. Shalimov, K. Simonyan (BZ)50
Boris Shtern, Nikolai Chadovich,
Vitaly Babenko, Mikhail
V e lle r…………………………….(BZ) 50
Sergey Berezhnoy, Andrei E.
Chertkov ……………………….. (F)51
Mikhail Yakubovski, Leonid
Korits……………………………… (F)51
S. Kazantsev, V. Bugrov …. (BZ) 51
Alexandr Shalimov, Eremy
Parnov………………………….. (BZ) 51
Daniel Sernine…………………. (LP) 54
Norbert Spehner, Elisabeth
Vonarburg, Luc
Pomerleau……………………. (LP) 54
Samuel R. Delany, Elisabeth
Vonarburg, Candas Jane
Dorsey, Francine Pelletier(LP)54
Joel Champetier, Guiy Sirois, Rene
Beaulieu, Jean Dion, Valerie
Bedard ……………………….. (LP) 54
Chris Salayka, Candas Jane Dorsey,
Samuel R. Delany, Francine
Pelletier……………………….. (LP) 54
Roberto C. Nascimento, Frederik
Pohl, Mr. & Mrs. Jose dos Santos
Fernandes…………………. (CNB) 55
Jose dos Santos Fernandes,
Henrique V. Flory, Charles N.
Brown ………………………..(CNB) 55
Charles N. Brown, Mr. & Mrs. Sergio
Fonseca de Castro……(CNB)55
Sao Paulo Meeting ………. (CNB)55
Rio Sf Club …………………… (CNB)55
Gumercindo Rocha Dorea,
Braulio Tavares………… (CNB)5S
Joseph Payne Brennan…. (CNB) 76
Carl Sherrell …………………….. (F) 76
Arthur Thomson ……………(CNB) 77
PHOTO CREDITS: (BG) Beth Gwinn, (RM) Ricia Mainhardt, (JKK) J.K Klein, (F) Furnished, (MK) Michael
Khandelwal, (RH) Rick Hawes, (JJ) Jane Jewell, (CS) Carlene Schnabel, (MT) Mari Kotani, (SM) Shinji Maki, (AC)
Alejo Cuervo, (PJT) Pascal J. Thomas, (PS) Pavla Sekyrova, (BZ) Boris Zavgorodny, (LP) Luc Pomerleau.
ISSUE #350, VOL 24 NO. 3, March 1990, Mailing Date: February 28 1990
LOCUS March 1990/3