Table of Contents, September 1987

This is the scanned Table of Contents for the issue, embedded as a PDF. It is searchable and includes all of the titles reviewed in the month. These issues are not available digitally yet, but most can be ordered by contacting the Locus offices.


Charles N. Brown
Faren C. Miller
Carolyn F. Cushman
Pamela F. Troy
Dan Chow
Richard Curtis
Fritz Leiber
Debbie Notkin
Frank M. Robinson
Amy Thomson
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World Fantasy Awards Nominations p.1
Slonczewski, Moffett Win Campbell/
Sturgeon Awards 1
Mars Photo 1
Editorial Matters 3
L. Ron Hubbard Still Controversial 4
Marion Zimmer Bradley’s Fantasy Forum 4
New Crown/Waldenbooks Mass Market Line 4
Widows & Orphans Exception 4
Noreascon Hotel Problems Eased 4
Gregory Benford: Shoulder to the Ground 5
Carr Fanzine Collection Sold 5
Clive Barker Movie Problems 5
Record Advance for Unpublished Writer 5
The Data File 5
People & Publishing 7
The Media Scene, Frank M. Robinson 9
Agent’s Corner, Richard Curtis 11
Locus Looks at Books, Faren Miller 13
Moons & Stars & Stuff, Fritz Leiber 15
Ace 43,45,47
Arbor House 24
Avon 61
Baen 20,49
Bantam 8,16,26,27
Bridge 10
Classified Ads 54
Lloyd Currey 52
DAW 18
Del Rey 6,57
Editrice Kronos 48
Editorial Matters
Welcome to another giant issue of Locus. As
usual, once we up to a larger size at least once, it
becomes the norm within a couple of months.
We’re rapidly reaching the limits of saddle stitch
binding and may be perfect one of these days –
unless we can find larger staples.
The main feature this month is Along Publisher’s
Row, a scheduling of the next six months in sf and
fantasy books. Some of it is very tentative, and
should not be taken as gospel. A lot of it was done
over the telephone, so mistakes in spelling will
probably occur. (For instance, Bitter Gold Hearts, a
future fantasy/private eye novel by Glen Cook,
became Bitter Gold Harvest recently.) We try to use
the telephone as little as possible for specific book
information. There are too many slips between
voice, handwriting, and transcription. It’s also part
of the reason we won’t take changes of address for
subscribers over the telephone. We need a written
COA for accuracy and to pass on to our computer
We’ve had some trouble with photographs in the
last few issues. Some of them are printing problems,
and we’re working to correct these – mostly dark
“flat” (no highlights) reproductions. Other problems
depend on the quality of the photographs we start
with. Obviously, for news stories we take what we
can get. Color photos tend to reproduce badly in
black and white. They get fuzzier and darker. The
SFRA photos last issue looked fine in color, but
reproduced badly. The “Voices In the Wilderness”
photo was blown up far too much and came out
blurred. We can do better with color slides, but it’s
fairly expensive. Many authors, when they send us
notes for “People In Publishing”, send along photos
also. This is appreciated, but the color ones are fairly
difficult to run – skin tones turn to grey on black
when reproduced in black and white. Also, printing
on a web press – the kind we use — adds about 15%
in contrast. The best photos to submit for use are
black and white photos on soft paper.
The new Locus book finally went to the printer.
In the classic small press tradition, it took twice as
long and cost twice as much as we thought it would.
The title was changed to Science Fiction, Fantasy,
and Horror: 1986 to reflect more accurately what
the book is. It’s a third again as long as the 1985
book, with a lot more information and better organization.
It should be ready to ship in late September.
As usual, there’s a special pre-publication
price. See the ad on page 51.
Our eventual goal is to have it ready each April.
Two more years should get us on schedule.
Meanwhile, we still plan to issue a 1984 volume to
close the gap between our 1985 volume and Bill
Contento’s Index to the Science Fiction Anthologies
and Collections, 1978 to 1983, for which, you will
note, we’ve taken over distribution. The pre-1978
Contento Index is out of print.
The Best All-Time Novels lists last issue sparked
straight sf talk at the last mailing party. The obvious
question was, “How many of them have you read?”
The answers were sometimes shocking. There were
people who consider themselves sf readers, who
admitted they read less than half of the list. Some
had obviously read even less. We kept asking the
question for the next two weeks. Those who had
read most were the professionals – mostly writers
who also claimed they didn’t have time to read any
more. Worst read were the convention fans. Maybe
(Continued on page 63)
LOCUS September 1987 / 3
Locus Looks at More Books, Dan Chow 17
Locus Looks at More Books, Debbie Notkin 19
Locus Looks at More Books, Trevin Matlock 21
Small Wonders, Amy Thomson 23
Special Guest Review, Gregory Benford 25
Locus Survey Results 28
Along Publishers Row 30
Conventions 36
Magazines Received-July 40
Books Received-July 42
British Books-June 50
Locus Bulletin Board 54
Classified Ads 54
Bestseller Lists 60
Obituary: Ray Peuchner 62
Other Edens 63
Arizona Sf Writers 64
Locus Letters 64
Catalogs Received 64
ISSUE #320 • VOL. 20, NO. 9 • SEPTEMBER 1987 Mailing date: August 24,1987
Table of Contents
Bob Gavora 44
Donald M. Grant 46
Houghton Mifflin 41
Locus 66
Locus Press 39,51
NAL Signet 53
Phantasia 22
Popular Library Questar 55
Putnam Perigee 38
St. Martin’s 12
Tor insert,2,14,59,67,68
Index to Ads