Table of Contents, June 1987

This is the scanned Table of Contents for the issue, embedded as a PDF. It is searchable and includes all of the titles reviewed in the month. These issues are not available digitally yet, but most can be ordered by contacting the Locus offices. Locus-ToC-1987-06

Charles N. Brown
Faren C. Miller
Carolyn F. Cushman
Pamela F. Troy
Dan Chow
Richard Curtis
Fritz Leiber
Debbie Notkin
Frank M. Robinson
Amy Thomson
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Table of Contents
Card, Shepard, Wilhelm, Bear Win Nebula
Awards p.1
1987 Hugo Awards Nominations 1
1986 Nebula Awards Winners 1
1987 Writers of the Future Award 1
Editorial Matters 3
King Over Clarke 8 Million to 1 4
Night Cry Suspended, s f Aborted,
Aboriginal SF Downsized 4
Baen Fantasy Launch in September 4
Horror Novel Goes Off Rails 4
The Data File 4
BSFA Awards 5
David Gerrold Leaves Star Trek 5
Orson Scott Card: Jack of Many Trades 5
People & Publishing 7
Agent’s Corner, Richard Curtis 9
Moons & Stars & Stuff, Fritz Leiber 11
Locus Looks at Books, Faren Miller 13
Locus Looks at More Books, Debbie Notkin 15
Ace 43,49
Amazing 18
Avon 20,37
Baen 2,47
Bantam 14,22,26,insert
Berkley 6
Classified Ads 48
Christian Fantasy Collectibles 40
Del Rey 53
Editorial Matters
Welcome to the largest issue of Locus ever. If the
Bantam insert for the centerfold shows up on time,
this issue will be 70 pages long. Of course, we don’t
count inserts in the actual page count, so it’s only 60
pages, but we add text depending on the full size, so
there’s more material here than ever before. We’ve
included both a foreign section and convention
reports as well as a comprehensive Along Publishers
Row covering most books through the end of 1987.
The September issue will have updates through
March 1988.
As usual, we had both too much and too little material
for this issue. The deadline for the center 40
pages, the magazine section, was before the Nebula
banquet and my trip to New York, so we can’t run
the photo spreads on the Nebula and Writers of the
Future affairs until next issue. We had to stretch the
foreign and convention coverage to fill the extra 8-
page section dictated by the larger number of ads.
On the other hand, the deadline for the outer 20
pages, the newspaper section, was after the Nebula
banquet, so we could get it on the cover and some of
the notes in the People & Publishing section. The
outer section filled up all too quickly.
Next issue will probably be just the opposite. We
need 5 center pages for the photo spreads, 3 for
convention listings, and 4 for the Locus Awards, plus
our usual 15 pages for columns and book listings
(the first section finished for the printer). But so far
we have no news or outside material left over except
an interview with Ray Feist. We’re not too worried;
something always turns up. If not, there are always
more space scenes.
I guess I’m not a New Yorker anymore. Although
I lived there for 35 years, I now feel out of place, disturbed
by the New York life where paranoia is a survival
factor, and I get lost in the subway system!
I was exhausted after 10 days in New York, and
need another month to collect my thoughts, if any.
Book publishing is not in good shape. There are too
many books; thus returns are up, sales and shelf life
are down, and there are too many hardcovers
fighting for what used to be paperback dollars. The
price of paper went up 20% in the past 6 months, so
there will probably be another round of price
increases. The only good news is that the number of
authors being paid a decent wage of $20,000 per
book has increased dramatically. Welcome back to
the middle class, guys and gals!
I’ve barely had time to read the last issue, let alone
find mistakes. One bad one, though. In the Mahaffey
obituary, Ray Palmer was editor of Amazing,
not Analog. It’s correct later in the same story.
The “Winged Wolves” mentioned in the Boskone
Art Show report (April, p.23) were by Sandra
Santara, not Virginia Dildine.
I missed my second Locus mailing in a row –
probably the first time that’s happened in 20 years.
It will get worse. Carolyn and I will probably be at
ABA in Washington DC for the mailing of this
issue; I’ll be in Europe late in June, and in Brighton
late in August. Somehow it gets done anyway. I
don’t know whether to be glad or worried.
Kristina Anderson took over kitchen chores and
fed Chinese food to Carol, Connie, and AAron
Buchanan, Lisa Goldstein, Doug Asherman, Mikey
Roessner-Herman, and the Locus staff of Faren,
Carolyn, and Pam. The discussion seemed to be
whether or not my absence helped or hindered.
Thank you all.
-C.N. Brown
LOCUS June 1987 / 3
Epic Comics 59
Geller Enterprises 51
Locus 58
Maclay 42
Morrow 41
NAL/Signet 45
Popular Library/Questar 16
Poseidon Press 12
Tor insert,60
Warner 10
Index to Ads
Locus Looks at More Books, Dan Chow 15
Small Wonders, Amy Thomson 17
The Media Scene, Frank M. Robinson 19
1987 Eaton Conference 23
NorWescon’s Alternacon 24
SF in Japan, An Overview: 1986 27
News From the Soviet Union 28
Soviet SF Books & Magazines Received 29
Yugoslavian Awards 30
International Books & Magazines 30
Colin Wilson: Psychology, Sex, and SF 31
Along Publishers’ Row 32
Magazines Received-April 36
Books Received–April 38
British Books-March 44
Classified Ads 48
Bestseller Lists 52
Terry Carr: In Memoriam 54
Obituaries: Gardner Fox, Hugh McCaffrey 54
Locus Letters 55
ISSUE #317 • VOL. 20, NO. 6 • JUNE 1987 Mailing date: May 26,1987