Change to 1941 Retro Hugo Award Ballot
MidAmericon II announced a correction to the 1941 Retro Hugo Award finalists on June 19, 2016. Administrator Dave McCarty explains:
The finalist “Darker Than You Think” by Jack Williamson was mistakenly categorized as a novelette. The story is a novella, but did not receive enough nominations to be a finalist as a novella. It has been marked as not eligible. The novelette “Vault of the Beast” by A.E. Van Vogt (Astounding Science-Fiction, August 1940) should have been listed as the 5th finalist and has been added to the Retro ballot.
Anyone who has already registered votes for the Retro Hugo contest online is encouraged to update their ballot as they feel appropriate. Members voting by mailed in paper ballot may write in “Vault of the Beast” and rank it, the administrators will count their ballot appropriately.
Winners of the 1941 Retro Hugo Award, honoring work from 1940, will be announced in a ceremony at the 74th World Science Fiction Convention, to be held in Kansas City MO, August 17-21, 2016.
The revised list of finalists is below.
Best Novel (352 nominating ballots)
- Kallocain, Karin Boye (Bonnier)
- Gray Lensman, E.E. ‘‘Doc’’ Smith (Astounding Science-Fiction 1/40)
- Slan, A.E. Van Vogt (Astounding Science-Fiction 12/40)
- The Ill–Made Knight, T.H. White (Collins)
- The Reign of Wizardry, Jack Williamson (Unknown 3/40)
Best Novella (318)
- “The Mathematics of Magic”, L. Sprague de Camp & Fletcher Pratt (Unknown 8/40)
- “The Roaring Trumpet”, L. Sprague de Camp & Fletcher Pratt (Unknown 5/40)
- “Coventry”, Robert A. Heinlein (Astounding Science-Fiction 7/40)
- “If This Goes On…”, Robert A. Heinlein (Astounding Science-Fiction 2/40)
- “Magic, Inc.”, Robert A. Heinlein (Unknown 9/40)
Best Novelette (310)
- “Farewell to the Master”, Harry Bates (Astounding Science-Fiction 10/40)
- “Blowups Happen”, Robert A. Heinlein (Astounding Science-Fiction 9/40)
- “The Roads Must Roll”, Robert A. Heinlein (Astounding Science-Fiction 6/40)
- “It!”, Theodore Sturgeon (Unknown 8/40)
- “Vault of the Beast”, A.E. Van Vogt (Astounding Science-Fiction 8/40)**
“Darker Than You Think”, Jack Williamson (Unknown 12/40)
Best Short Story (324)
- “Robbie”, Isaac Asimov (Super Science Stories 9/40 as “Strange Playfellow”)
- “Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius”, Jorge Luis Borges (Sur 1940)
- “Martian Quest”, Leigh Brackett (Astounding Science-Fiction 2/40)
- “The Stellar Legion”, Leigh Brackett (Planet Stories Winter 1940)
- “Requiem”, Robert A. Heinlein (Astounding Science-Fiction 1/40)
Best Dramatic Presentation – Short (123)
- The Adventures of Superman: “The Baby from Krypton”
- The Invisible Man Returns
- Looney Tunes: “You Ought to Be in Pictures”
- Merrie Melodies: “A Wild Hare”
- Pinocchio
Best Dramatic Presentation – Long (250)
- Dr. Cyclops
- Fantasia
- Flash Gordon Conquers the Universe
- One Million B.C.
- The Thief of Bagdad
Best Graphic Story (92)
- Batman #1 (Detective Comics, Spring 1940)
- “The Origin of the Spirit”, Will Eisner (Register and Tribune Syndicate 6/40)
- Captain Marvel: “Introducing Captain Marvel”, Bill Parker & C.C. Beck (Whiz Comics #2, 2/40)
- Flash Gordon: “The Ice Kingdom of Mongo”, Alex Raymond & Don Moore (King Features Syndicate, 4/40)
- The Spectre: “The Spectre”/”The Spectre Strikes!”, Jerry Siegel & Bernard Baily (More Fun Comics #52/53, 3/40, 4/40)
Best Professional Editor Short Form (183)
- John W. Campbell
- Dorothy McIlwraith
- Raymond A. Palmer
- Frederik Pohl
- Mort Weisinger
Best Professional Artist (86)*
- Hannes Bok
- Margaret Brundage
- Edd Cartier
- Virgil Finlay
- Frank R. Paul
- Hubert Rogers
Best Fanzine (63)
- Futuria Fantasia
- Le Zombie
- Novacious
- Spaceways
- Voice of the Imagi-Nation
Best Fan Writer (70)
- Forrest J Ackerman
- Ray Bradbury
- H.P. Lovecraft
- Arthur Wilson “Bob” Tucker
- Harry Warner
*The Best Professional Artist category has six finalists due to a tie for fifth place.
**Added to ballot June 19, 2016.
There were 481 nominating ballots received from members of Sasquan, MidAmericonII, and Worldcon 75.