The Dark, Uncanny, Apex, and Weird Horror Fall: Short Fiction Reviews by Paula Guran

The Dark 6/24 Uncanny 7-8/24 Apex #145 Weird Horror Fall ’24

The Dark #109 features two originals. “The Aban­doned” by Jack Klausner is a haunting story that begins with a little girl finding a box in the schoolyard. It takes us through tragic mystery and ends in resignation. The protagonist in Beth Goder’s interesting “Labyrinth” visits the infa­mous Winchester Mystery House in a story that ...Read More

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Reactor, The Sunday Morning Transport, and Nightmare: Short Fiction Reviews by Paula Guran

Reactor 6/5/24 to 7/10/24 The Sunday Morning Transport 5/26/24 to 7/14/24 Nightmare 7/24

Reactor continues to present top-quality fic­tion. Rich Larson’s “Breathing Constella­tions” (June 5) is small-scale but excellent SF story revolving around a struggling human commune in Argentinian Patagonia seeking the permission of a pod of orcas to begin harvesting plankton in their waters.

In the heartwarming “Reduce! Reuse! Re­cycle!” (June 12) by TJ ...Read More

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Paula Guran Reviews Momma Durtt by Michael Shea

Momma Durtt, Michael Shea (Hippocampus Press 978-1-61498-417-7, 310pp. $20.00, tp) July 2024. Cover by Tom Brown.

Michael Shea (1946 – 2014) is usually noted for his World Fantasy Award-winning fantasy novel Nifft the Lean, but he is almost as well-known among horror lovers for his Lovecraftian fiction. Among a multitude of short work in this latter category is a 2012 novelette: ‘‘Momma Durtt’’. It is a good allegorical ...Read More

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Paula Guran Reviews The Deadlands and Uncanny

Uncanny 5-6/24 The Deadlands Spring ’24

Seven new stories in issue 58 of the always-commendable Uncanny. “Three Faces of a Beheading” by Arkady Martine may or may not be your cup of tea. I slurped it up with glee, but its complex construction, mul­tiple styles and points of view, and academic angle may turn some off. Part of the premise, as Martine writes, is “Historians are liars.” The ...Read More

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Paula Guran Reviews Apex, The Sunday Morning Transport and Reactor

Apex #144 The Sunday Morning Transport 4/7/24, 4/21/24, 4/28/24, 5/5/24, 5/19/24 Reactor 1/1/24 – 5/22/24

Apex #144 features five original stories. “Those Left Behind” by Kanishk Tantia is a deftly writ­ten SF story about two robotic caregivers crafted to look and act exactly like dead human spouses. When their elderly humans permanently leave Earth (along with every other human on the plan­et) the robots realize that that those ...Read More

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Paula Guran Reviews Wild Cards: Sleeper Straddle edited by George R.R. Martin & Melinda M. Snodgrass

Wild Cards: Sleeper Straddle, George R.R. Mar­tin & Melinda M. Snodgrass, eds. (Bantam 978-0-59335-783-5, 402pp, $28.00, hc) February 2024.

The Wild Cards universe is a fertile play­ground for writers, as its premise encour­ages a wide creative range. Created by George R.R. Martin, the universe departs from ours in 1946, when an alien virus arrives on Earth. Ninety percent of those who contract it die; the DNA of the ten percent ...Read More

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Paula Guran Reviews The Proper Thing and Other Stories by Seanan McGuire

The Proper Thing and Other Stories, Seanan McGuire (Subterranean ISBN 978-1-64524-192-8, 508pp. $50.00, hc) April 2024. Cover by Carla McNeil.

Probably best-known for her Wayward Children series, Hugo, Nebula, and Locus Award-winner Seanan McGuire is also a prolific writer of short fiction. McGuire’s second collection (she has two others writing as Mira Grant) is both massive and enchanting. The two dozen stories tend toward darkness but, more often than not, ...Read More

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Paula Guran Reviews The Angel of Indian Lake by Stephen Graham Jones

The Angel of Indian Lake, Stephen Graham Jones (Saga 978-1-66801-166-9, $28.99, 464pp, hc) March 2024.

Jade Daniels – the uber-Final Girl – returns to the bloodily beleaguered town of Proofrock, Idaho, in The Angel of Indian Lake, the last installment of Stephen Graham Jones’s brilliant Indian Lake Trilogy. It’s October 2023, four years since the events of Don’t Fear the Reaper; eight years since we first met ...Read More

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Paula Guran Reviews Nightmare, The Deadlands, and The Dark

Nightmare 2/24, 3/24, 4/24 The Deadlands Winter ’24 The Dark 1/24, 2/24, 3/24

Of the three originals in Nightmare #137, a flash piece satisfied me the most. Jessica Luke García notes in her introduction to “First Girl” that we “live in a Final Girl world” then proceeds to give the girl who dies first in any slasher movie her telling and sometimes risible due.

Two of the new ...Read More

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Paula Guran Reviews The Sunday Morning Transport, Weird Horror, Uncanny, and Apex

The Sunday Morning Transport 1/1/24 – 3/17/24 Weird Horror Spring ’24 Uncanny 1-2/24, 3-4/24 Apex #142, #143

Lots to cover this month, so let’s concentrate on the cream of the crop.

The Sunday Morning Transport publishes new fiction almost every Sunday throughout the year. Each of the stories merits a read, but of the first eleven stories of 2024, six stood out for me.

The title of Mary Robinette Kowal ...Read More

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Paula Guran Reviews The Proper Thing and Other Stories by Seanan McGuire

The Proper Thing and Other Stories, Seanan McGuire (Subterranean ISBN 978-1-64524-192-8, 508pp. $50.00, hc) April 2024. Cover by Carla McNeil.

Probably best-known for her Wayward Children series, Hugo, Nebula, and Locus Award-winner Seanan McGuire is also a prolific writer of short fiction. McGuire’s second collection (she has two others writing as Mira Grant) is both massive and enchanting. The two dozen stories tend toward darkness but, more often than not, ...Read More

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Paula Guran Reviews The Sunday Morning Transport, Uncanny, and The Dark

The Sunday Morning Transport 12/17/23, 12/3/23, 11/19/23, 11/12/23, 11/5/23 Uncanny 11-12/23 The Dark 11/23

By the time you read this, the new year of 2024 will no longer be so new, but there’s still some short fiction from the end of 2023 to catch up on.

A laundry that washes stars? Nikki Brazie takes the unique premise of cleaning luminous celestial bodies and weaves it into a touching tale about ...Read More

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Paula Guran Reviews Apex, Midnight Echo, Podcastle, and Pseudopod

Apex #141 Midnight Echo #18 Podcastle 10/3/23 Pseudopod 11/24/23

J.S. Breukelaar’s novelette “Hole World” in Apex #141 finds the world taken over by ten­tacled somethings. Justin is one of the few left alive. Though limited by a sentient manacle, he still works at Whole Foods, now under “new management,” tending to the frozen meat – guess the source – that is delivered weekly to feed the “managers.” ...Read More

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Paula Guran Reviews Nightmare, Heartlines Spec, and The Deadlands

Nightmare 10/23, 11/23, 12/23 Heartlines Spec #3 The Deadlands 10/23, 11/23

In Nightmare #133, I found “The Sound of Children Screaming” by Rachael K. Jones to be notable. One of the most terrifying of modern horrors is the slaughter of school children by lone gunmen. Jones conjures a magical escape route for the innocents, but it is far from a safe haven. It’s a difficult theme to attempt, ...Read More

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Paula Guran Reviews The Sunday Morning Transport, Apex, and The Dark

The Sunday Morning Transport 10/24/23, 9/10/23, 9/3/23 Apex #140 The Dark 9/23, 10/23

I know I am repeating myself, but every story The Sunday Morning Transport publishes should be read. Of the nine original stories published from the end of August through October 22, I’ll mention only my absolute favorites. Nura – in ‘‘We Will Witness’’ by Martin Cahill – is a 30th-century Witness, sent back in time ...Read More

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Paula Guran Reviews The Reformatory by Tananarive Due

The Reformatory, Tananarive Due (Saga Press 978-1-982-188344, $28.99, 567pp, hc) October 2023.

Nothing is more horrific than real life. Tananarive Due takes a personal family connection to the terrors of the Dozier School – a reform school operated by the state of Florida from 1900 to 2011 known for its brutal abuse and deaths of incarcerated boys – and the abomination of the Jim Crow South and combines them ...Read More

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Paula Guran Reviews Weird Horror, Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet Summer, and Uncanny

Weird Horror Fall ’23 Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet Summer ’23 Uncanny 9-10/23

With its seventh issue, Weird Horror (Fall 2023) has finally hit its stride. All 11 stories are effective, and sever­al are laudable. Stuart Arthur’s “Devil’s Acre” builds the creep well with the tale of a cruel father who intentionally places his eldest child in supernatural jeopardy. The narrator of “Cre­tins” by Thomas Ha ...Read More

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Paula Guran Reviews Black Static, The Deadlands, The Sunday Morning Transport and Uncanny

Black Static 7/23 The Deadlands 7/23 The Sunday Morning Transport 8/13/23, 8/6/23, 7/30/23, 7/16/23, 7/2/23, 6/25/23 Uncanny 7-8/23

Established by Andy Cox in December 1993, British SF/fantasy/slipstream/horror magazine The 3rd Alternative ran for 42 issues. It re-emerged in 2007 as Black Static with a tighter focus on weird fiction and horror. The magazine has always been an at­tractive publication with good black-and-white art, standout non-fiction, and consistently first-rate fiction. Combined ...Read More

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Paula Guran Reviews The Sunday Morning Transport,, The Deadlands, and The Dark

The Sunday Morning Transport 5/7/23; 5/14/23; 5/18/23; 5/28/23; 6/4/23; 6/11/23; 6/18/23 5/10/23; 5/24/23; 6/4/23; 6/7/23; 6/11/23; 6/18/23 The Deadlands 5/23, 6/23 The Dark 5/23, 6/23

The Sunday Morning Transport contin­ues to publish excellent fiction. Victor Manibo’s “An Incomplete Catalog of the Birds of New York” is a sweet and optimistic story. A young woman, Amaya, learns how to help the birds crashing into the glass of ...Read More

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Paula Guran Reviews Nightmare, PodCastle, and Baffling

Nightmare 6/23, 7/23 PodCastle 4/11/23; 5/9/23; 5/23/23 Baffling 4/23

Ozzie M. Gartrell’s “The Seconds Between Light and Sound” in Nightmare #129 centers on a horned, island-dwelling people who worship a goddess personified by an eternal storm. There are some arresting concepts, but I felt it read a bit like a preface to a longer work. A botanist journeys to Argia in “and its place remembers it ...Read More

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Paula Guran Reviews Podcastle, PseudoPod, and Weird Horror

Podcastle 4/11/23 PseudoPod 4/14/23 Weird Horror Spring ’23


“The Girl Who Never Was” by Harold R. Thompson (Podcastle 782) is an intriguing story about a daughter and a life that never existed.

Richard Dansky’s “Swing Batter Batter” (PseudoPod 861) is a twist on the old tale of a baseball player selling his soul to the devil, but it’s still a good read.

Weird Horror #6 offers ...Read More

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Paula Guran Reviews Uncanny, and Apex

Uncanny 3-4/23, 5-6/23 3/29/23, 4/26/23 Apex #137

This month, instead of covering all the stories in an issue as I usually do, I’ll only be discussing those I feel are the most notable.

My favorite stories from Uncanny #52 are ‘‘The Mausoleum’s Children’’ by Aliette de Bodard and ‘‘The Rain Remembers What the Sky Forgets’’ by Fran Wilde. In the former, Thuận Lộc, haunted ...Read More

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Paula Guran Reviews The Deadlands, The Sunday Morning Transport, and Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet

The Deadlands 4/23 The Sunday Morning Transport Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet 11/22

The standout story in The Deadlands #24 is Katie McIvor’s “Things We Did by the Wind­mill”. Even though Edith is dead, she shows up as usual to share the protagonist’s life. Edith eventually departs but she leaves something that, like Edith herself, must eventually be given up.

E.L. Chen’s “Mother’s Teeth” in ...Read More

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Paula Guran Reviews Uncanny and

Uncanny 1-2/23 2/1/23, 2/8/23, 2/22/23

The year is off to an awesome start with an abundant amount of admirable fiction! I have a few quibbles here and there, but still find everything mentioned here to be worthwhile reading.

Issue 50 of Uncanny is double-sized and probably the best one yet. Lead-off “Collaboration?” by Ken Liu & Caroline M. Yoachim is a creative collaborative effort that explores creative collaboration. Interesting ...Read More

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Paula Guran Reviews The Sunday Morning Transport and Apex

The Sunday Morning Transport 1/8/23, 1/18/23, 1/22/23, 2/5/23, 2/12/23, 2/19/23 Apex 1/23

The Sunday Morning Transport started 2023 on January 8 with the first of a two-part novella, “Tears Waiting to Be Diamondsby Sarah Rees Brennan. The second part was published January 28. Brennan revisits the Borderlands from her acclaimed novel In Other Lands. Set about ten years after the novel begins, the hero, Elliot ...Read More

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Paula Guran Reviews The Deadlands, PodCastle, and Dark Matter

The Deadlands 11/22, 12/22 PodCastle 12/20/22 Dark Matter 11-12/22

The Deadlands is a monthly speculative fic­tion magazine. They “publish short stories, poems, and essays about the other realms, of the ends we face here, and the beginnings we find elsewhere. It is an adventure into the unknown, to meet those who live there still, even though they may be dead. Death is a journey we all will take, but we’d ...Read More

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Paula Guran Reviews, The Dark, The Sunday Morning Transport, and Nightmare 12/1/22, 12/24/22, 1/11/23, 1/18/23, 1/25/23 The Dark 11/22, 12/22 Nightmare 11/22, 12/22 The Sunday Morning Transport

I’ll start 2023 off by looking at three January stories from as well as a couple from December 2022. Chances are, you still haven’t caught up with all of end-of-the-year fiction, so we’ll then look at more from last year.

‘‘Time: Marked and Mended’’ by Carrie Vaughn ( 1/11/22) is ...Read More

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The Year in Review 2022 by Paula Guran

First, I want to rave. It took me most of 2022 to finally catch up to online periodical The Sunday Morning Transport. Julian Yap, editor-in-chief, and Fran Wilde, managing editor, publish a single science fiction or fantasy (sometimes dark) short story (almost) every Sunday. Free subscrib­ers receive one story a month. Paid subscrib­ers receive one story each week, 50 weeks a year. Last year’s contributors included Max Gladstone, Karen Lord, ...Read More

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Paula Guran Reviews The Dark, Nightmare, and The Deadlands

The Dark 9/22, 10/22 Nightmare 10/22 The Deadlands 10/22, 11/22

The Dark 89 offers its usual four originals. In ‘‘The Eighth Cigarette’’ by Lisa Cai, a woman who, in one of her previous lives was inspiration for Pierre Loti’s Madame Chrysanthème (published in 1887), takes revenge for the decades the author’s fiction had impact on the West’s understanding – or rather misunderstanding – of Asian women and culture. A real ...Read More

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Paula Guran Reviews PodCastle, PseudoPod, and Weird Horror

PodCastle 7/5/22 PseudoPod 9/9/22, 9/16/22 Weird Horror Fall ’22

PodCastle 742: “The Morning House” by Kate Heartfield deals with the shifting perceptions of reality involved with an aging parent suffering from dementia and, well, shifting reality.

PseudoPod 828: “Taxiptómy” by Shannyn Campbell presents a consideration of a “con­troversial art of deliberately causing the death of a human as part of a public performance, before preparing and ...Read More

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Paula Guran Reviews, Apex, and Uncanny 10/12/22, 9/21/22, 9/14/22, 9/7/22, 8/24/22 Apex 133 Uncanny 9-10/22, 11-12/22’s Fall offerings are all good, but I liked some better than others. PH Lee offers a clever tribute to Stanislaw Lem’s The Cyberiad series with “How the Crown Prince of Jupiter Undid the Universe, or, The Full Fruit of Love’s Full Folly”, in which an impossible romance is made possible. A routine trip to Mercury to ...Read More

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Paula Guran Reviews Breakable Things by Cassandra Khaw

Breakable Things, Cassandra Khaw (Undertow Publications 978-1-98896-437-9, $20.00, 250pp, tp) November 2022. Cover by Mario Sánchez Nevado.

Cassandra Khaw starts their superbly strange and beautiful debut collection Breakable Things with the story ‘‘Don’t Turn On the Lights,’’ a stygian twist on urban legend. It, in turn, begins:

Stories are mongrels. It don’t matter whether they were lightning-cut into stone or whis­pered over the crackle of a dying flame; no ...Read More

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