A.C. Wise Reviews Short Fiction: Asimov’s, Clarkesworld and khōréō

Asimov’s 11-12/23 Clarkesworld 11/23 khōréō 3.2

Asimov’s November/December issue includes three novellas, along with an assortment of short stories and novelettes. The wide variety of themes and styles in this issue work well, with stories evoking classic science fiction, stories with an epic science fantasy feel, and others taking a quiet slice-of-life approach. “Berb by Berb” by Ray Nayler is one of the most effective pieces in the ...Read More

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A.C. Wise Reviews Short Fiction: Analog, Clarkesworld and Flash Fiction Online

Analog 9-10/23 Clarkesworld 10/23 Flash Fiction Online 10/23

Analog’s September/October issue opens with the excellent novelette “The Apotheosis of Krysalice Wilson” by Howard V. Hendrix. Teen­age figure skater Krysalice is approached with the opportunity to implant experi­mental technology that will give her bet­ter reaction times and improve her sense of spatial relations – a kind of natural GPS akin to the way birds navigate as they migrate – enhancing ...Read More

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A.C. Wise Reviews Short Fiction: Asimov’s and Clarkesworld

Asimov’s 9-10/23 Clarkesworld 8/23, 9/23

Asimov’s “Slight Spooky” September/October 2023 issue starts off strong with the novelette “Deep Blue Jump” by Dean Whitlock. The story is set amongst a group of children who have been sold or abandoned into a life of harvesting drug-like dream berries. The conditions are brutal, working long hours, risking their lives climb­ing on dangerous vines to reach the berries, and watched over by slappers ...Read More

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A.C. Wise Reviews Short Fiction: Augur and khōréō

Augur 6.1 khōréō 3.1

Augur issue 6.1 is packed with a mix of fic­tion and poetry and includes Bailey Ma­cabre‘s “âniskac”, a comic which features lovely art and is set in a world recovering from environmental collapse looking back on the follies and failures of the past. Several of the stories and poems in the issue reflect on similar themes of climate change, regret over the past, ...Read More

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