The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 1984-1998
Stories, Listed by Title
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- Sunset Ree Young (pm)
- Sunset of the Blue Heron J. A. Coppinger (ss)
- Sunset of the Red Star Ivan Martynov (ar)
- The Sunset of the Soul Robert Campbell (ss)
- Sunset on the Water Isaac Asimov (ss)
- The Sunset Perspective Michael Moorcock (ss)
- A Sunset So Glorious Rycke Foreman (ss)
- Sunshakers War, Tom Deitz Tom Whitmore (br)
- The Sunshine Club Ramsey Campbell (ss)
- Sunshine Corner Brandon W. Totman (pm)
- Sunshine Delight Paul Edwards (ss)
- Sunshine Drugs Redieux Barbara Toner (vi)
- Sunshine Over Shirleyland? John Shirley Interviewed David Mathew (iv)
- Sunshine, and Her Brothers and Sisters Louisa May Alcott (ss)
- Sunshine, Genius, and Rust Jeffery D. Kooistra (nv)
- Sunside Robots Steve Sneyd (pm)
- Sunspacer George Zebrowski (n.)
- Sunspeak Ann K. Schwader (pm)
- Sunspot Hal Clement (ss)
- Sunstat Lee Goodloe & Jerry Oltion (nv)
- Sunstroke, David Kagan Scott Winnett (br)
- Sunt lacrimae rerum Ursula K. Le Guin (pm)
- Sup Full of Horrors Robert Bloch (ar)
- Super Acorns Mike Resnick & Lawrence Schimel (ss)
- The Super Alkaloid Jack Snow (ss)
- Super Nova Francis Wesley Alexander (pm)
- Super Tuesday David B. Riley (ss)
- Super-Easy-No-Tag-Special Jeff Noon (ss)
- Super-String Bikini John G. Bentley (pm)
- Super-Toys Last All Summer Long Brian W. Aldiss (ad)
- Superable Ryck Neube (ss)
- The Superb Companion of André de V., Anti-Pygmalion Thomas Ligotti (vi)
- Superbia Edward Ford (ss)
- Superfuturs, Philippe Curval Pascal J. Thomas (br)
- Superheroes Caitlín R. Kiernan (ss)
- Superhorrors: an Interview with Ramsey Campbell Andrew Darlington (iv)
- Superintelligence! Tom Rainbow (ar)
- Superiority Arthur C. Clarke (ss)
- Superiority Complex Thomas N. Scortia (ss)
- Superman George Lowther (nv)
- Superman: Leaping Over the Changing Decades Greg Bear (mr)
- Supermans Diary B. Brandon Barker (ss)
- Supermarket Dennis Hamley (ss)
- The Supernatural Leo Weber (pm)
- The Supernatural Fiction & Fact Peter James (ar)
- Supernatural Fiction Writers: Fantasy and Horror, Vols. I & II, Everett F. Bleiler Dan Chow (br)
- Supernatural Horror in Literature H. P. Lovecraft (ar)
- The Supernatural in Fiction A. M. Burrage (ar)
- Supernatural Oddities from Arthur Conan Doyle Christopher Roden (ar)
- Supernatural Romance of Suzanne Louis Barrow (ss)
- The Supernatural Stories of H.G. Wells David Longhorn (ar)
- The Supernatural? Naturally! J. N. Williamson (ar)
- Supernaturally Incorrect Tim Waggoner (ss)
- Supernova Ian Watson (ss)
- Supernova, Roger MacBride Allen & Eric Kotani Dan Chow (br)
- Supernovae: Creative Cataclysms in the Galaxy David J. Helfand (ar)
- The Supernumerary Corpse Clark Ashton Smith (ms)
- Superstar Robert Campbell (ss)
- Superstition Carola Dunn (ss)
- Superstition - or Instinct Arthur Machen (ar)
- superstition chant Barry Hammond (pm)
- Superstitious Ignorance Michael Cornish (ss)
- The Superstitious Mans Story Thomas Hardy (ss)
- Superstitious, R. L. Stine Gary K. Wolfe (br)
- Superstrings Margaret L. Silbar (ar)
- Superstupidity Isaac Asimov (ed)
- Supertanks David A. Drake (ms)
- Superwine Harry Turtledove (na)
- Superzod Michel Méry (ss)
- Suphlatus Jessica Amanda Salmonson (vi)
- Supper Coral E. Hull (pm)
- The Supper at Elsinore Isak Dinesen (na)
- Supper for Beginners Camilla Decarnin (pm)
- Supper with Miss Shivers Peter Lovesey (ss)
- Suppertime in Sagittarius Charlotte Snowden Bridges (pm)
- Supplanter Kurt R. A. Giambastiani (ss)
- The Supplanter Jacie Ragan (pm)
- Supple Bodies Conrad Williams (ss)
- Supple in Her Glory Steve Sneyd (pm)
- A Suppliant in Space Robert Sheckley (nv)
- A Supplicant in Space Robert Sheckley (nv)
- The Supplier Sian Ross (pm)
- Supply Run A. J. Austin (ss)
- Support Billy Brainwave-Pattern Dominic Dulley (ss)
- Support Unlimited Sandra Saidak (ss)
- Support Your Microbial Scavengers David M. Skov (pm)
- Suppose Don Webb (pp)
- Suppose They Gave a Peace... Susan M. Shwartz (nv)
- Supposed Senior Seniority Max Kerrighan (pm)
- Supposing Eric Finney (pm)
- Suppositions Rod Bergman (pm)
- The Supramarket Leanne Frahm (ss)
- Supremacist Paul A. Collins & Damien Jones (ss)
- The Supremacy of Bacteria Robert Frazier (pm)
- Supremacy of Bacteria Mark Rich (ar)
- Supreme Ken Stone (pm)
- Supreme Being Bobby G. Warner (pm)
- The Supreme Commander John Brunner (vi)
- Supreme Court Decisions David J. Sheskin (ss)
- Supreme Fatigue Ann Keith (pm)
- The Supreme Moment Robert E. Howard (ss)
- Sur Ursula K. Le Guin (ss)
- Suraki Dave Trowbridge (nv)
- The Sure Death of a Mouse, Dan Crawford Carolyn Cushman (br)
- Sure Thing Isaac Asimov (vi)
- Sure Thing Robert F. Staten (vi)
- Surf City Robert Schadt (ss)
- Surface and Substance in The Belgariad Madawc Williams (ar)
- The Surface of Truth Jessica Anderson (vi)
- The Surface of Venus Geoffrey A. Landis (pm)
- A Surface Raid Philip K. Dick (ss)
- Surface Tension James Blish (nv)
- Surface Tension Peter Crowther (ss)
- Surface Tensions Shane Dix (ss)
- Surface Wars Jack Massa (ss)
- Surfaced Tension Arlan Andrews, Sr. (vi)
- Surfaces Richard Chwedyk (ss)
- Surfaces Mark W. Tiedemann (nv)
- Surfacing Walter Jon Williams (na)
- Surfeit Alan Dean Foster (nv)
- A Surfeit of Melancholic Humours Sharon N. Farber (nv)
- Surfeit of Wizards Albert J. Manachino (ss)
- Surfer and the Dreamcastle Stephen Bowkett (ss)
- Surfer Girls Douglas M. Stokes (pm)
- Surfing Spanish Style Garry D. Kilworth (ss)
- The Surge Margaret Ballif Simon (pm)
- The Surgeon Roald Dahl (nv)
- The Surgeon Barbara W. Malenky (ss)
- Surgeon General Ian Watson (vi)
- The Surgeons Don Webb (ss)
- The Surgeons Experiment William C. Morrow (ss)
- Surgeons Steel Diana Gabaldon (nv)
- The Surgeons Tale J. P. Dixon (nv)
- Surgical Graffiti Nick Cornwell (ss)
- Suriels Dream B. Leilah Wendell (pm)
- The Surly Sullen Bell Russell Kirk (ss)
- Surma Holly Day (vi)
- A Surplus Woman Charlotte Perkins Gilman (ss)
- Surprise Isaac Asimov (ed)
- Surprise Rick Hautala (ss)
- Surprise Francis X. Kane, Stefan T. Possony & Jerry E. Pournelle (ar)
- Surprise Rex Miller (ss)
- A Surprise for Jeannie David Hall Bowman (ss)
- A Surprise for Little Bobby John Lennon (vi)
- Surprise Item H. Russell Wakefield (ss)
- The Surprise Package Sandra Black (vi)
- Surprise Party Donald R. Keitzman (vi)
- Surprise! Charles C. Ryan (ed)
- The Surprise Thomas M. Disch (pm)
- Surprise, Surprise Kevin K. Rattan (vi)
- Surprising Realms and Forbidden Kingdoms James E. Gunn (is)
- A Surprisingly Common Omission David Langford (vi)
- A Surprisingly Sexual Interpretation of H.P. Lovecraft, or The Id Howard Hid Forrest Allen Jackson (ar)
- Surrational Dreams: A.E. van Vogt and Mennonite Science Fiction Scott Ellis (ar)
- Surreal Estate Nina Kiriki Hoffman (ss)
- Surreal World Kevin M. Carr (cl)
- Surreal World:
___ The Montauk Project Kevin M. Carr (cl)
- The Surrealist Athletic Competition Denise D. Dumars (pm)
- Surrealistic Pillow Revisited Cliff Burns (vi)
- Surrender Robert E. Howard (pm)
- Surrender Charlee Jacob (pm)
- Surrender Lucius Shepard (nv)
- Surrender Dorothy! Diane Mapes (vi)
- Surrender None Elizabeth N. Moon (n.)
- Surrender None: The Legacy of Gird, Elizabeth Moon Carolyn Cushman (br)
- Surrender the Buddy Electrical Thomas A. Easton (pm)
- Surrogate Deborah Beard (ss)
- Surrogate Karla Dearsley (ss)
- Surrogate Janet Fox (ss)
- Surrogate Ed Gorman (ss)
- Surrogate John Grey (pm)
- Surrogate Michael Marano (pm)
- Surrogate Mark C. Sumner (ss)
- Survey Gerben Hellinga, Jr. (vi)
- Survey of Modern Fantasy Literature, 5 vols., ed. Frank N. Magill Faren Miller (br)
- Survey of the First Venusian Probe J. W. Donnelly (pm)
- Survey of the Third Planet Keith Roberts (ss)
- A Survey of the Works of Herbert Quain Jorge Luís Borges (ss)
- Survey Team Philip K. Dick (ss)
- The Survey Trip David R. Bunch (ss)
- Survival Joseph Payne Brennan (ss)
- Survival Roald Dahl (ex)
- Survival Stefano Donati (ss)
- Survival Ed Gorman (nv)
- Survival Deborah Millitello (ss)
- Survival Roger Robinson (ms)
- Survival John Wyndham (ex)
- Survival Course Joseph H. Delaney (ss)
- Survival of the Beast Joey Froehlich (ss)
- Survival of the Fittest Marcus Chown & John Gribbin (ss)
- Survival of the Fittest Melissa Gish (ss)
- Survival of the Fittest Grey Rollins (na)
- Survival Planet Harry Harrison (ss)
- Survival Skills Deborah Wheeler (ss)
- Survival Song Ray Russell (pm)
- Survival Technique Poul Anderson & Kenneth Gray (ss)
- Survival with Style Jerry E. Pournelle (ar)
- The Survivalist S. O. Bowman (vi)
- The Survivalist Bentley Little (ss)
- Survivals Nina Kiriki Hoffman (ss)
- The Surviver Jack Pavey (ss)
- Surviving Judith Moffett (nv)
- Surviving Armageddon Jerry E. Pournelle (ar)
- Surviving the Night E. R. James (ss)
- Surviving the SF Supermarket Chris Reed (ed)
- Survivor Valerie Nieman Colander (pm)
- The Survivor August Derleth & H. P. Lovecraft (nv)
- Survivor Katherine V. Forrest (ss)
- The Survivor Alan Dean Foster (sa)
- Survivor Herbert Anthony Kauderer (pm)
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