The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 1984-1998
Stories, Listed by Author
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- * Marriage, (pm) Kinky, Orchises Press 1997
- DUIGON, LEE (books)
- * Anubis, (pm) 1997
- * Incubus, (pm) 1997
- * Huggins’ World, (ss) Twilight Zone Jul/Aug 1983
- * The Case of the Gring’s Mill Goblin [Oliver Wendell Baker], (nv) Analog Dec 1985
- * Bright-Eyed Shining Star, (pm) 1973
- * Dead City, (pm) 1973
- * Oh Wind, (pm) 1973
- * The Stoic, (pm) 1973
- * To Our Lady of the Battle, (pm) 1973
- DUMARS, DENISE D. (1956- ) (books)
- * Aegyptophile (with Nancy Ellis Taylor), (pm) Gaslight Aug 1993
- * And, (ss) Fantasy Macabre #5 1985
- * Author’s Foreword, (fw)
- * The Bamboo Cage, (pm) Narcopolis & Other Poems, ed. Peggy Nadramia, Hell’s Kitchen Productions 1989
- * Basil, (pm) 2AM Spr 1990
- * Bilateral Symmetry, (pm) Space & Time #86 1995
- * Black Tadpoles, (pm)
- * The Bookseller, (pm) Heliocentric Net
- * Breakfast in Fur, (pm) Thin Ice #6 1990
- * The Bride, (ss) Undinal Songs #7 1983
- * Brother Wand, (pm) Thin Ice #6 1990
- * Cache, (pm) The Blood Review Jan 1990
- * Cacodemon, (ss) Nocturne #1 1988
- * The Calling, (pm) White Knuckles Fll 1996
- * Carl Sagan Was Wrong, (pm) Star*Line v17 #1 1994
- * Carnations, (pm) Twisted #5 1989
- * Cat Poem, (pm) Dreams of Decadence Fll/Win 1995
- * Cat Poem for Lee Ballentine, (pm) Midnight Zoo v2 #4 1992
- * The Center, (pm)
- * A Childhood Memory, (pm) Thin Ice #6 1990
- * Chocolate, (pm)
- * Cityscape Jurassic, (pm) Dreams & Nightmares #15 1987
- * Clockwatcher, (pm) The Urbanite #4 1994
- * Coming Home, (pm)
- * Curse of Bruce Boston’s Wife, (pm) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry Spr 1997
- * Cytojustice, (pm) Star*Line Sep/Dec 1989
- * Dali Drips Through Time (with Nancy Ellis Taylor), (pm) Star*Line v17 #6 1994
- * The Darker Heart: An Insider’s View on Gothic Poetry, (ar) Dark Regions & Horror #10 1998
- * The Deal, (ss) Shoggoth #1 1992
- * Deathfeed, (pm) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry Jul 1989
- * Do Tell, (pm) Do Tell
- * Doors, (ss) Pangaea, Wordcraft of Oregon 1993
- * Dying on Mars, (pm) Beneath Twin Moons, ed. Anon., Running Dinosaur 1990
- * East of Sepulveda, (pm) Poetry/LA
- * Elegy (with Don Webb), (pm) Once Upon a Midnight, ed. Jame A. Riley, Michael N. Langford & Thomas E. Fuller, Unnameable Press 1995
- * Endpoem, (pm) Ice River #5 1989
- * Event, (ss) Pangaea, Wordcraft of Oregon 1993; first published in Austria in Der Riss Im Himmel.
- * The Fern God, (pm) Star*Line v21 #2 1998
- * The Finer Points of Witchcraft, (pm) Black Lotus
- * Free Zone, (pm) White Knuckles Fll 1996
- * The Ghoul, (pm) The Blood Review Jan 1990
- * Gifting, (pm) Cemetery Dance Dec 1988
- * The Gnome, (pm) The Blood Review Jan 1990
- * The Good Sleep, (pm) Haunts #22 1991
- * Heatstroke (with Robert Frazier), (pm) Dreams & Nightmares #42 1994
- * Heavy Water and a Bit of Lithium, (pm) Star*Line v17 #2 1994
- * I am myself—What the others said was true—, (pm) Grue #4 1987
- * I Bid You Welcome, (pm) Weirdbook #22 1987
- * An Ice Cube for the Coffee (with Todd Mecklem & W. Gregory Stewart), (pm) Not One of Us Nov 1993
- * I’m Stopping Up Ahead, (pm) Thin Ice #11 1992
- * In Jonah’s City, (pm) Dark Regions v3 #1 1995
- * In These Hills, (pm) Star*Line v17 #5 1994
- * Incident in a New York Office, (pm) Eldritch Tales #27 1992
- * The Incorruptible, (pm) Dreams of Decadence Fll/Win 1995
- * Introduction, (pm) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry v3 #1 1990
- * Jackalope, (pm) White Knuckles Fll 1996
- * Kore’s Christmas, (pm) Palace Corbie #5 1994
- * Language, (pm) Talebones Spr 1996
- * Lazarus Man, (pm) Grue #13 1991
- * Lenin’s Lich, (ss) Pangaea, Wordcraft of Oregon 1993
- * The Lost Gulag, (pm) Star*Line Sep/Oct 1992
- * Market? I Think I Broke It!, (ar) Star*Line May/Jun 1989
- * The Mirror, (ss) Deathrealm Win 1993
- * Moonday (with Marshall Watts), (pm) Thin Ice #13 1993
- * The Muslim Spaceman, (pm) Star*Line v15 #1 1992
- * My Garden Altar, (pm) Talebones Fll 1996
- * The Necrophile, (pm) NOPRESS 1986
- * New Year, (pm) Eldritch Tales #19 1989
- * Ode Written on a Baseball Diamond in a Small Town Where a Friend of Marshall’s Found a Severed Head in the Bushes, (pm) Palace Corbie #7 1997
- * Oggun Changed Allegiances, (pm) Grue #17 1995
- * Orchestra, (pm) Eldritch Tales #18 1989
- * The Original, (ss) Pangaea, Wordcraft of Oregon 1993
- * Pangaea, (ss) Thin Boundaries
- * Personal (with Todd Mecklem & W. Gregory Stewart), (pm) Star*Line May/Jun 1989
- * Press Release, (ms) Star*Line v16 #6/7 1993
- * Projection, (pm) Eldritch Tales #30 1995
- * Raising the Dead, (pm) Vicious Circle Fll 1993
- * Rose, (ss) Witness to the Bizarre #1 1988
- * Scarlet and Gold, (pm) Rouge et Noir
- * Severity, (pm) Star*Line Sep/Dec 1989
- * She Hopes for Light, (pm) Star*Line v21 #3 1998
- * Sirocco (with Robert Frazier), (pm) Grue #16 1994
- * Soliloquy, (pm) Grue #6 1987
- * Somewhere, (pm) Masques #4, ed. J. N. Williamson 1991
- * Speaking Bones, (pm) Speaking Bones, Dark Regions Press 1996
- * Still Life, (pm) Eldritch Tales #16 1988
- * The Strange Case of Richard M. Nixon, (pm) Terra Incognita Spr 1997
- * sugar will kill you, (pm) Space & Time Sum 1986
- * The Surrealist Athletic Competition, (pm)
- * Sweetgulp, (pm)
- * Swing Shift, (pm)
- * A Taste of Time, Buried (with Margaret Ballif Simon), (pm) Deathrealm Spr 1989
- * Temptation, (pm) A Theater of Blood #5 1994
- * There Are Times, (pm) Star*Line Mar/Apr 1991
- * They Saved Mengele’s Face, (pm) Grue #8 1988
- * Thinnest Ice, (pm) Thin Ice #10 1991
- * To Dine with Sticks, (pm)
- * The Toasted Ted Bundy Top Ten, (pm) The Blood Review Jan 1990
- * Toward the Elflight, (pm) Fantasy Book Feb 1983
- * Trophy (with Kevin J. Anderson), (ss) Figment #5 1990
- * untitled (“My floral trellis...”), (pm) Eldritch Tales #29 1993
- * Utility, (pm) Star*Line Sep/Dec 1989
- * The Video, (vi) Haunts #31 1996
- * The View from Tyndale’s Pyre (with Todd Mecklem & W. Gregory Stewart), (pm) Star*Line May/Jun 1989
- * W. Gregory Stewart: The Poetry of Play and Wonder, (in)
- * Waiting, (pm) The Blood Review Jan 1990
- * Wands, (pm) Twisted #5 1989
- * The Way, (ss) Pangaea, Wordcraft of Oregon 1993
- * Where the Gluhwein Pours, (pm) Star*Line v20 #6 1997
- * Windows, (pm)
- * Wisteria, (pm) Thin Ice #6 1990
- * Women, (pm)
- * You and I, (pm) Grue #3 1986
- * You Scared Me, (ss) Fang #3 1992
- _____, reviews:
- DUMAS, ALEXANDRE, père (1802-1870) (books)
- * The Enchanted Whistle [1840s], (ss) The Dumas Fairy Tale Book, Alexandre Dumas, F. Warne & Co. 1924
- * Marceau’s Prisoner, (ss) The Strand Jul 1892
- * The Pale Lady (with Paul Bocage), (nv) Thousand and One Phantoms 1848
- * The Slap of Charlotte Corday [1849], (nv)
- * Solange, (nv) The London Journal 1849
- * The Vampire of the Carpathian Mountains [from Les Mille et un Fantômes: Una Journée a Fontenay-aux-Roses, 1849], (na) Horror at Fontenay, Alan Hull Walton 1975
- * A Visit to the Theatre [from Memoirs], (ex)
- du MAURIER, DAPHNE; [i.e., Dame Daphne du Maurier Browning] (1907-1989) (books)
- * The Alibi, (nv) 1956
- * The Apple Tree, (nv) The Apple Tree, London: Gollancz 1952
- * The Birds, (nv) Good Housekeeping Oct 1952
- * The Blue Lenses, (nv) Ladies Home Journal May 1959
- * Don’t Look Now, (na) 1966
- Classics of the Macabre, Gollancz 1987
- No, But I Saw the Movie, ed. David Wheeler, Penguin 1989
- Foundations of Fear, ed. David G. Hartwell, Tor 1992
- Shadows of Fear, ed. David G. Hartwell, Tor 1994
- Ghost Movies: Famous Supernatural Films, ed. Peter Haining, Severn House 1995
- Mistresses of the Dark: 25 Macabre Tales by Master Storytellers, ed. Stefan R. Dziemianowicz, Denise Little & Robert Weinberg, Barnes & Noble 1998
- * Escort, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post 1940
- * Kiss Me Again, Stranger, (nv) The Apple Tree, London: Gollancz 1952
- * Not After Midnight, (nv) 1971
- * Note to the Reader, (pr)
- * The Old Man, (ss) The Apple Tree, London: Gollancz 1952
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