The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 1984-1998
Stories, Listed by Author
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- TURTLEDOVE, HARRY (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * The Seventh Chapter, (ss) F&SF Sep 1997
- * 6+ [*Tales from the Traders’ World], (na) Analog Sep 1987
- * Strange Eruptions [Basil Argyros], (nv) IASFM Aug 1986
- * Suffer a Sorceress, (ss) Ancient Enchantresses, ed. Kathleen M. Massie-Ferch, Martin H. Greenberg & Richard Gilliam, DAW 1995
- * The Summer Garden, (ss) Kaleidoscope, Ballantine 1990; originally appeared revised as “The Summer’s Garden”, by Eric G. Iverson, Fantasy Book, Feb ’82.
- * Superwine [Basil Argyros], (na) IASFM Apr 1987
- * Ten Times Over, (vi) Amazing Jul 1989
- * Thank You, (bg)
- * They’d Never—, (ss) Alien Pregnant by Elvis, ed. Esther M. Friesner & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW 1994
- * Thicker Than Water, (ss) Fantasy Book Mar 1986
- * Thirty Pieces, (nv) Isaac’s Universe Volume Two: Phases in Chaos, ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Avon 1991
- * Those Who Lose, (nv) War World Vol. IV: Invasion, ed. Jerry Pournelle, Baen 1994
- * Though the Heavens Fall [Sims], (na) Analog Sep 1986
- * Trantor Falls, (ss) Foundation’s Friends, ed. Martin H. Geeenberg, Tor 1989
- * Trapping Run [Sims], (na) IASFM Feb 1988
- * Tribute Maidens, (nv) War World v1, ed. Jerry E. Pournelle, Baen 1988
- * Two Thieves [Riverworld], (nv) Tales of Riverworld, ed. Philip José Farmer, Warner Questar 1992
- * Unholy Trinity [as by Eric G. Iverson; Basil Argyros], (nv) Amazing Jul 1985
- * Vermin, (nv) F&SF Mar 1993
- * Vilest Beast [as by Eric G. Iverson; Sims], (nv) Analog Sep 1985
- * The Weather’s Fine, (ss) Playboy Jul 1987
- * Wereblood [as by Eric Iverson; Gerin the Fox], (n.) Belmont/Tower 1979
- * Werenight [as by Eric Iverson; Gerin the Fox], (n.) Belmont/Tower 1979
- TURVILLE-HEITZ, MEG; see under Heitz, Meg Turville
- TURZILLO, MARY A. (chron.)
- * Aesthetics of Evil, (pm) Weird Tales Spr 1994
- * Alex, (ss) F&SF Mar 1993
- * Alien Dreams, (nv) Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine Issue 11, ed. Kristine Kathryn Rusch, Pulphouse 1991
- * April Flowers, November Harvest, (ss) Midnight Zoo v3 #5 1993; given as by M. Z. Turzillo on story.
- * Arms and the Man, (vi) Interzone Apr 1998
- * Bloodtide, (ss) Xanadu 2, ed. Jane Yolen, Tor 1994
- * Brit Lit One, (pm) New Altars, ed. Dawn Albright & Sandra J. Hutchinson, Angelus Press 1997
- * Chrysoberyl, (ss) F&SF Jun 1998
- * Crimes Against Nature, (ss) Interzone Feb 1994
- * Dash, (pm) Tales of the Unanticipated #16 1996
- * Dinosaurs May Be Ancestors of More than Birds, (pm) Asimov’s Aug 1996
- * Doctor Mather’s Dyschronic Ward, (pm) Tales of the Unanticipated #15 1995
- * Eat or Be Eaten: A Love Story, (ss) Interzone Feb 1996
- * Edward Curtis’s Two Zuni Girls at the River, with Pots, (pm) Best of Ohio, 1994, Ohio Poetry Day Association 1994
- * Encore, (ss) Science Fiction Age Jan 1994
- * Galileo’s Blindness, (pm) IASFM Jul 1989
- * Get with Child a Mandrake, (ss) Weird Tales Spr 1990
- * The Guatemala Cure, (ss) How to Save the World, ed. Charles Sheffield, Tor 1995
- * Hamsters, (pm) Star*Line May/Jun 1992
- * The Hunter’s Mothers, (pm) Asimov’s Mar 1998
- * An Ice Place to Play, (vi) 2AM Win 1989
- * if you loved me, (pm) Asimov’s Dec 1993
- * Jewlly, Erased, (ss) Space & Time Win 1990
- * Kill Dance, (ss) MZBFM Win 1990
- * Kings, (nv) Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine: Issue 3, ed. Kristine Kathryn Rusch, Pulphouse 1989
- * Kraken, (ss) F&SF Apr 1990
- * Mage and Lady, (pm) IASFM Jan 1990
- * The Mandlebrot Dragon, (ss) The Ultimate Dragon, ed. Byron Preiss & John Betancourt & Keith R. A. DeCandido, Dell/DTP 1995
- * Mate, (ss) F&SF Feb 1997
- * Miranda’s Monster, (ss) F&SF Aug 1995
- * The Monster’s Mother, (pm) Once Upon a Midnight, ed. Jame A. Riley, Michael N. Langford & Thomas E. Fuller, Unnameable Press 1995
- * Morgaine Mourns the Loss of Lancelot, (pm) Once Upon a Midnight, ed. Jame A. Riley, Michael N. Langford & Thomas E. Fuller, Unnameable Press 1995
- * Mucusoids, (pm) Tales of the Unanticipated #4 1988
- * Neezies, (ss) Universe 3, ed. Robert Silverberg & Karen Haber, Bantam Spectra 1994
- * No Poem, (pm) Star*Line Mar/Apr 1992
- * Past Lives, (pm) Worlds of Fantasy & Horror Sum 1994
- * Report, (pm) IASFM mid-Dec 1989
- * The Sleel, (ss) Interzone Jul 1992
- * A Song Against the Dark, (ss) Science Fiction Age Jan 1996
- * Still Life with Crocus, (ss) The Ultimate Witch, ed. Byron Preiss & John Betancourt, Dell 1993
- * This Is Just to Say, (pm) Asimov’s Aug 1996
- * Those Quarks, (pm) Star*Line v15 #1 1992
- * Unbound Planet, (pm) Asimov’s Sep 1994
- * Visit to the Medicine Man, (pm) Vision Quests, ed. Dawn Albright & Sandra J. Hutchinson, Angelus Press 1995
- * What Do I See in You?, (ss) L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future v4, ed. Algis Budrys, Bridge 1988
- * Worm Turned, (ss) Tomorrow Aug 1993
- TUTTLE, LISA (1952- ) (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * And The Poor Get Children, (ss) New Worlds 4, ed. David S. Garnett, London: Gollancz 1994
- * Background: The Dream, (vi) Off-Limits, ed. Ellen Datlow, St. Martin’s 1996
- * Birds of the Moon, (ss) Fantastic Jan 1979
- * A Birthday, (ss) Tales from the Forbidden Planet, ed. Roz Kaveney, Titan 1987
- * Bits and Pieces, (ss) Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine Issue 9, ed. Kristine Kathryn Rusch, Pulphouse 1990
- * The Bone Flute, (ss) F&SF May 1981
- * Bug House, (nv) F&SF Jun 1980
- * Changelings, (ss) Galaxy Mar 1975
- * Children of the Centaur, (nv) Amazing Sep 1984
- * The Colonization of Edward Beal, (ss) F&SF Oct 1987
- * Community Property, (ss) Shayol #4 1980
- * The Cure, (ss) Light Years and Dark, ed. Michael Bishop, Berkley 1984
- * Dead Television, (ss) Zenith 2, ed. David S. Garnett, Orbit 1990
- * Dollburger, (ss) F&SF Feb 1973
- * The Dragon’s Bride, (nv) Night Visions 3, ed. George R. R. Martin, Arlington Heights, IL: Dark Harvest 1986
- * A Dress, (nv) Crossing the Border: Tales of Erotic Ambiguity, ed. Lisa Tuttle, Gollancz 1998
- * Every Fear is a Desire, (ar) Clive Barker’s Shadows in Eden, ed. Stephen Jones, Underwood-Miller 1991
- * The Extra Hour, (ss) Destination Unknown, ed. Peter Crowther, White Wolf 1997
- * The Family Monkey, (na) New Voices in Science Fiction, ed. George R. R. Martin, Macmillan U.S. 1977
- * Flying to Byzantium, (nv) Twilight Zone May/Jun 1985
- * Food Man, (ss) Crank! #4 1994
- * A Friend in Need, (ss) Twilight Zone Aug 1981
- * From a Sinking Ship, (ss) Despatches from the Frontiers of the Female Mind, ed. Jen Green & Sarah Lefanu, London: The Women’s Press 1985
- * From Another Country, (ss) Night Visions 3, ed. George R. R. Martin, Arlington Heights, IL: Dark Harvest 1986
- * The Ghost Trap, (nv) 13 Again, ed. A. Finnis, Scholastic UK 1995
- * Heart’s Desire, (ss) Other Edens III, ed. Christopher Evans & Robert Holdstock, London: Unwin 1989
- * The Hollow Man, (nv) New Voices II, ed. George R. R. Martin, Jove 1979
- * Honey, I’m Home!, (nv) In Dreams, ed. Paul J. McAuley & Kim Newman, London: Gollancz 1992
- * The Horse Lord, (ss) F&SF Jun 1977
- * Husbands, (ss) Alien Sex, ed. Ellen Datlow, Dutton 1990
- * In the Arcade, (ss) Amazing May 1978
- * In Translation, (nv) Zenith, ed. David S. Garnett, London: Sphere 1989
- * Introduction, (in)
- * Introduction, (in) Crossing the Border: Tales of Erotic Ambiguity, ed. Lisa Tuttle, Gollancz 1998
- * Jamie’s Grave, (ss) Shadows #10, ed. Charles L. Grant, Doubleday 1987
- * Lizard Lust, (ss) Interzone #39 1990
- * Lucy Maria, (ss) Xanadu, ed. Jane Yolen & Martin H. Greenberg, Tor 1993
- * The Magic of Diana Wynne Jones, (bg) Fantasycon X Programme Booklet, ed. Stephen Jones & Jo Fletcher, Fantasycon X 1985
- * Meeting the Muse, (ss) F&SF Apr 1996; from The Pillow Friend.
- * Memories of Ortygia House, (ar) Interzone Oct 1994
- * Memories of the Body, (ss) Interzone #22 1987
- * The Memory of Wood, (ss) F&SF Sep 1982
- * The Modern Prometheus [from Husbands], (ex) 1988
- * A Mother’s Heart: A True Bear Story, (ss) IASFM Jan/Feb 1978
- * Mr. Elphinstone’s Hands, (nv) Skin of the Soul, ed. Lisa Tuttle, The Women’s Press 1990
- * Mrs. T, (ss) Amazing Sep 1976
- * My Pathology, (nv) Dark Terrors 4: The Gollancz Book of Horror, ed. Stephen Jones & David Sutton, London: Gollancz 1998
- * Need, (ss) Shadows #4, ed. Charles L. Grant, Doubleday 1981
- * The Nest, (nv) F&SF Apr 1983
- * No Regrets, (nv) F&SF May 1985
- * Notes on Contributors, (bg)
- * ‘Novacon is Twenty-One’, (pm) Novacon 21 Programme Book, Birmingham Science Fiction Group 1991
- * The Other Kind, (nv) IASFM Dec 1984
- * The Other Mother, (nv) F&SF Dec 1980
- * The Other Room, (ss) Whispers Aug 1982
- * Redcap, (ss) F&SF Sep 1984
- * Replacements, (nv) MetaHorror, ed. Dennis Etchison, Dell Abyss 1992
- * Riding the Nightmare, (ss) Night Visions 3, ed. George R. R. Martin, Arlington Heights, IL: Dark Harvest 1986
- * Skin Deep, (ss) Dark Fantasies, ed. Chris Morgan, Legend 1989
- * Soul Song, (ss) Interzone May 1997
- * A Spaceship Built of Stone, (ss) IASFM Sep 1980
- * The Spirit Cabinet, (ss) Women of Darkness, ed. Kathryn Ptacek, Tor 1988
- * The Story of No, (ss) Slow Hand: Women Writing Erotica, ed. Michele Slung, HarperCollins 1992
- * Stranger in the House, (ss) Clarion II, ed. Robert Scott Wilson, Signet 1972
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