The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 1984-1998
Stories, Listed by Author
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- SHEA, MICHAEL (books) (chron.) (continued)
- SHEA, ROBERT J(oseph) (1933-1994) (books)
- * The Eye in the Pyramid (with Robert Anton Wilson) [Illuminatus], (n.) New York: Dell 1975
- * The Golden Apple (with Robert Anton Wilson) [Illuminatus], (n.) New York: Dell 1975
- * Last of the Zinja, (n.) Jove/HBJ Books 1981
- * Leviathan (with Robert Anton Wilson) [Illuminatus], (n.) New York: Dell 1975
- * The Prometheus Meltdown:
___ Chapter 5, Which Is Sabbath?, (rr) New Libertarian #187 1990
- * Time of the Dragons, (n.) Jove/HBJ Books 1981
- * The Price [Star Trek], (ss) Star Trek: The Next Generation Mar 1990
- SHEARING, JOSEPH; pseudonym of Gabrielle M. V. Long, (1886-1952)
- * The Chinese Apple, (ss) The Illustrated London News Nov 18 1948
- SHECKLEY, JAY (Rothbell); also as Jay Rothbell
- * Alien Mail to the White House, Exclusive: The Plook Letters, (vi) Twilight Zone Oct 1987
- * Bargain Cinema, (ss) Night Cry Win 1985
- * The Case of Vittoria the Circus Belle [Sherlock Holmes], (na) The Confidential Casebook of Sherlock Holmes, ed. Marvin Kaye, St. Martin’s 1998
- * The Frog Prince that Ate Cranford, New Jersey, (ss) Weird Tales Win ’88 - 1989
- * Illuminations: Angel Snare, (ar) Twilight Zone Jun 1988
- * “Juleeeeeeeeeeen!” (with Robert Sheckley), (ss) Twilight Zone Oct 1986
- * Lost Soul, (ss) Devils & Demons, ed. Marvin Kaye, SFBC/Doubleday 1987
- * Megamouse, (ss) Night Cry Fll 1987
- * One-Shot Beamish and His Wonderful Feminals, (ss) Gallery May 1981
- * The Other Side: The Zone of Silence, (ar) Twilight Zone Oct 1987
- * The Other Side: Zoned Again?, (ar) Twilight Zone Aug 1987
- * Spectator Playoffs (with Robert Sheckley), (ss) Night Cry Spr 1987
- * Tomcat, (ss) Night Cry Win 1986
- * What Happened to Harper, (ss) Night Cry Sum 1986
- SHECKLEY, ROBERT (1928-2005) (books) (chron.)
- * The Academy, (nv) If Aug 1954
- * The Accountant, (ss) F&SF Jul 1954
- * Alien Starswarm, (nv) Portland, OR: DimeNovels 1990
- * Aliens: Alien Harvest [Aliens], (n.) Bantam Spectra 1995
- * All the Things You Are, (ss) Galaxy Jul 1956
- * Alone at Last, (ss) Infinity Science Fiction Feb 1957
- * The Altar, (ss) Fantastic Jul/Aug 1953
- * Amsterdam Diary, (ss) Semiotext(e) #14 1989
- * Ask a Foolish Question, (ss) Science Fiction Stories #1 1953
- * At the Conference of the Birds, (ss) 1988
- * Bad Medicine, (nv) Galaxy Jul 1956
- * The Battle, (ss) If Sep 1954
- * Beside Still Waters, (ss) Amazing Oct/Nov 1953
- * The Body, (ss) Galaxy Jan 1956
- * Breakout, (nv) The War Years #2: The Siege of Arista, ed. Bill Fawcett, Penguin/Roc 1990
- * Can You Feel Anything When I Do This?, (ss) Playboy Aug 1969
- * Carhunters of the Concrete Prairie, (na) Foundation’s Friends, ed. Martin H. Geeenberg, Tor 1989
- * Carrier, (nv) If Apr 1954
- * Citizen in Space [“Spy Story”], (ss) Playboy Sep 1955
- * The City of the Dead, (nv) Galaxy Jan/Feb 1994
- * City of the Dead Part II—Weather Sirens, (ss) Galaxy Mar/Apr 1994
- * Cordle to Onion to Carrot, (ss) Playboy Dec 1969
- * Cost of Living, (ss) Galaxy Dec 1952
- * The Cruel Equations, (ss) BOAC 1971
- * Dawn Invader, (ss) F&SF Mar 1957
- * The Day the Aliens Came, (ss) New Legends, ed. Greg Bear & Martin H. Greenberg, Legend 1995
- * Deadhead, (ss) Galaxy Jul 1955
- * Death Freaks [Heroes in Hell], (na) Prophets in Hell, ed. Janet Morris, Baen 1989
- * Death of the Dreammaster [Batman], (na) The Further Adventures of Batman, ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Bantam 1989
- * The Deaths of Ben Baxter, (nv) Galaxy Jul 1957
- * The Demons, (ss) Fantasy Magazine Mar 1953
- * The Destruction of Atlantis [“The Truth About Atlantis”], (ss) 1989
- * Devildeal, (ss) Deals with the Devil, ed. Mike Resnick, Martin H. Greenberg & Loren Estelman, DAW 1994
- * Diaghilev Plays Riverworld [Riverworld], (nv) Quest to Riverworld, ed. Philip José Farmer, Warner Questar 1993
- * Dial-a-Death, (ss) 1987
- * Diplomatic Immunity, (nv) Galaxy Aug 1953
- * The Disorder and Early Sorrow of Edward Moore Kennedy, Homunculus, (ss) Alternate Kennedys, ed. Mike Resnick, Tor 1992
- * Disposal Service, (ss) Bluebook Jan 1956
- * Disquisitions on the Dinosaur, (ss) Dinosaur Fantastic, ed. Mike Resnick & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW 1993
- * Divine Intervention, (ss) 1988
- * Doctor Zombie and His Little Furry Friends, (ss) Can You Feel Anything When I Do This?, Garden City, NY: Doubleday 1971
- * Double Indemnity, (nv) Galaxy Oct 1957
- * Down the Digestive Tract and Into the Cosmos with Mantra, Tantra, and Specklebang, (ss) Galaxy Feb 1971
- * The Dream Country, (nv) The Crafters Book 2, ed. Christopher Stasheff & Bill Fawcett, Ace 1992
- * Dreamworld, (ss) The People Trap and Other Pitfalls, Dell 1968; revised from “The Petrified World”, If Feb ’68.
- * Dukakis and the Aliens, (ss) Alternate Presidents, ed. Mike Resnick, Tor 1992
- * Duplication, (vi) Playboy May 1959; Triplication, gp.
- * Early Model, (ss) Galaxy Aug 1956
- * Earth, Air, Fire and Water, (ss) Astounding Jul 1955
- * Emissary from a Green and Yellow World, (ss) F&SF Oct/Nov 1998
- * End City, (ss) Galaxy May 1974
- * The Eryx, (ss) Lord of the Fantastic: Stories in Honor of Roger Zelazny, ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Avon Eos 1998
- * The Eye of Reality, (vi) Omni Oct 1982
- * Fear in the Night, (ss) Today’s Woman 1952
- * Feeding Time, (ss) Fantasy Fiction Feb 1953
- * Fishing Season, (ss) Thrilling Wonder Stories Aug 1953
- * Five Minutes Early, (vi) Twilight Zone Oct 1982
- * Fool’s Mate, (ss) Astounding Mar 1953
- * Forever [as by Ned Lang], (ss) Galaxy Feb 1959
- * Fortunate Person, (ss) Fantastic Universe Feb 1955; also as “The Luckiest Man in the World”.
- * The Future Lost, (ss) Omni Aug 1980
- * The Future of Sex: Speculative Journalism, (fa) Puritan 1982
- * Game: First Schematic, (ss) Can You Feel Anything When I Do This?, Garden City, NY: Doubleday 1971
- * Ghost V [AAA Ace], (ss) Galaxy Oct 1954
- * The Girls and Nugent Miller, (ss) F&SF Mar 1960
- * Good-By Forever to Mr. Pain, (ss) Destinies Jan 1979
- * Gray Flannel Armor, (ss) Galaxy Nov 1957
- * The Gun Without a Bang [as by Finn O’Donnevan], (ss) Galaxy Jun 1958
- * Hands Off, (nv) Galaxy Apr 1954
- * The Helping Hand, (vi) Twilight Zone Apr 1981
- * Holdout, (ss) F&SF Dec 1957
- * The Homecoming [Buck Rogers], (na) Buck Rogers: Arrival, ed. Anon., TSR 1989
- * How Pro Writers Really Write—Or Try To, (fa) The Best of Omni Science Fiction, No. 3, ed. Ben Bova & Don Myrus, Omni 1982
- * Human Man’s Burden, (ss) Galaxy Sep 1956
- * The Humours [“Join Now”], (na) Galaxy Dec 1958
- * Hunting Problem, (ss) Galaxy Sep 1955
- * I See a Man Sitting on a Chair, and the Chair Is Biting His Leg (with Harlan Ellison), (nv) F&SF Jan 1968
- * If the Red Slayer, (ss) Amazing Jul 1959
- * The Impacted Man, (ss) Astounding Dec 1952
- * Introduction, (in)
- * Is That What People Do?, (ss) Anticipations, ed. Christopher Priest, Scribner’s 1978
- * Join Now, (na) Galaxy Dec 1958; also as “The Humours”.
- * The Joker’s War [Batman], (nv) The Further Adventures of the Joker, ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Bantam 1990
- * Judication, (vi) Playboy May 1959; Triplication, gp.
- * “Juleeeeeeeeeeen!” (with Jay Rothbell Sheckley), (ss) Twilight Zone Oct 1986
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