The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 1984-1998
Stories, Listed by Author
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- SMITH, CLARK ASHTON (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * The Mummy-Case of Hammen-Tha [synopsis], (ms)
- * The Muse of Hyperborea, (pp) The Fantasy Fan Jun 1934
- * The Muse of Hyperborea [Dec 21, 1929], (pp) The Fantasy Fan Jun 1934
- * The Music of Death [fragment & synopsis], (uw)
- * The Mysterious Poison [synopsis], (ms)
- * The Nameless Offspring [synopsis], (ms) Jan 1931
- * Narcissus, (pp) The Acolyte Win 1945
- * Necromancy in Naat [Zothique], (nv) Weird Tales Jul 1936
- * Nemesis of the Unfinished (with Don Carter) [1947], (ss) Crypt of Cthulhu #31 1985
- * Neria [synopsis], (ms)
- * The Ninth Skeleton, (ss) Weird Tales Sep 1928
- * Nostalgia of the Unknown, (pp) Ebony and Crystal, Auburn Journal: Auburn, CA 1922
- * The Ocean-World of Alioth [Captain Volmar], (uw) Strange Shadows, Greenwood Press 1989; fragment & synopsis, Sep 1930.
- * Offering [Mar 12, 1928], (pp) Grotesques et Fantastiques, Gerry de la Ree 1973
- * Offerings, (pp) Ebony and Crystal, Auburn Journal: Auburn, CA 1922
- * Offspring of the Grave [synopsis], (ms)
- * (On the Art of Ephriam Doner), (ms)
- * The Osprey and the Shark, (pp) Dec 18 1929
- * The Other Entity [synopsis], (ms)
- * The Parrot, (ss) Jan 5 1930
- * The Passing of Aphrodite, (pp) The Fantasy Fan Dec 1934
- * The Perfect Woman, (vi) Feb 28 1923
- * Peril That Lurks Among Ruins [later manuscript], (pp) The Acolyte Win 1945
- * Peril That Lurks Among Ruins [original manuscript], (pp)
- * A Phantasy, (pp) Bohemia Nov 15 1916
- * The Pilgrim of Eternity [synopsis], (ms)
- * The Planet of the Dead, (ss) Weird Tales Mar 1932
- * The Planet of the Dead [synopsis], (ms)
- * A Platonic Entanglement, (vi)
- * The Plutonian Drug, (ss) Amazing Sep 1934
- * The Point of the Jest, (uw) Crypt of Cthulhu #27 1984
- * Poseidon [synopsis], (ms)
- * The Powder of Hyperborea [Satampra Zeiros], (ss) Saturn Mar 1958; also as “The Theft of the Thirty-Nine Girdles”.
- * Preference, (pp) Nostalgia of the Unknown, Necronomicon Press 1988
- * The Princess Almeena, (pm) The Smart Set Feb 1920
- * Prisoners of the Black Dimension [synopsis], (ms)
- * Prisoners of the Black Dimension (title only), (ms)
- * A Prophecy of Monsters, (vi) F&SF Oct 1954; also as “Monsters in the Night”.
- * The Protean People [synopsis], (ms)
- * Queen of the Sabbat [synopsis], (ms)
- * The Re-Union [synopsis], (ms)
- * The Rebirth of the Flame [synopsis], (ms)
- * Remoteness, (pp) Ebony and Crystal, Auburn Journal: Auburn, CA 1922
- * A Rendezvous in Averoigne, (ss) Weird Tales Apr/May 1931
- * The Return of the Sorcerer, (ss) Strange Tales of Mystery and Terror Sep 1931
- Rod Serling’s Night Gallery Reader, ed. Carol Serling, Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh, Dembner 1987
- Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos, ed. August Derleth, Arkham 1969
- Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos, ed. Anon., Arkham House 1989
- Rivals of Weird Tales, ed. Robert E. Weinberg, Stefan R. Dziemianowicz & Martin H. Greenberg, Bonanza 1990
- * The River of Mystery [synopsis], (ms)
- * The Scarab [synopsis], (ms)
- * The Secret Rose, (pp) Ebony and Crystal, Auburn Journal: Auburn, CA 1922
- * The Seed from the Sepulcher, (ss) Weird Tales Oct 1933
- * The Seven Geases, (nv) Weird Tales Oct 1934
- * The Shadows, (pp) Ebony and Crystal, Auburn Journal: Auburn, CA 1922
- * Shapes of Adamant [Zothique], (uw) Crypt of Cthulhu #27 1984
- * Slaves of the Black Pillar [fragment & synopsis], (uw) Oct 1931
- * A Sojourn in Mercury [synopsis], (ms)
- * The Sorceress of Averoigne [synopsis], (ms) Oct 1930
- * The Spectral Tarn [synopsis], (ms)
- * A Star-Change [synopsis], (ms) Oct 1930
- * The Statue of Silence, (pp) Ebony and Crystal, Auburn Journal: Auburn, CA 1922
- * Strange Shadows, (ss) Crypt of Cthulhu #25 1984
- * Strange Shadows / I Am Your Shadow, (ss) 1940
- * The Sun and the Sepulchre [June 22, (c. 1914-15)], (pp)
- * The Supernumerary Corpse [synopsis], (ms)
- * A Tale of Gnydron [synopsis], (ms) Feb 1931
- * The Tale of Satampra Zeiros [Satampra Zeiros], (ss) Weird Tales Nov 1931
- * Tears, (pp) Ebony and Crystal, Auburn Journal: Auburn, CA 1922
- * The Testament of Athammaus, (ss) Weird Tales Oct 1932
- * The Testament of Athammaus [synopsis], (ms) Apr 1930
- * The Theft of the Thirty-Nine Girdles [“The Powder of Hyperborea”; Satampra Zeiros], (ss) Saturn Mar 1958
- * The Thing from the Antarctic [synopsis], (ms)
- * Thirteen Phantasms, (ss) Fantasy Magazine Mar 1936
- * (titles), (ms)
- * (titles) [synopsis], (ms)
- * To the Chimera, (pm) The Auburn Journal Apr 3 1924
- * To the Daemon [Dec 16, 1929], (pp) The Acolyte Fll 1943
- * Told in the Desert, (ss) Over the Edge, ed. August Derleth, Arkham 1964
- * The Tomb-Spawn [Zothique], (ss) Weird Tales May 1934
- * The Touch-Stone, (pp) Dec 18 1929
- * The Transformation of Athanor [synopsis], (ms)
- * The Traveller, (pp) Ebony and Crystal, Auburn Journal: Auburn, CA 1922
- * The Trilithon [synopsis], (ms)
- * Ubbo-Sathla, (ss) Weird Tales Jul 1933
- * Ubbo-Sathla [synopsis], (ms)
- * The Uncharted Isle, (ss) Weird Tales Nov 1930
- * Unquiet Boundary, (uw) Crypt of Cthulhu #27 1984
- * untitled (“It is a land of fruitful palms...”), (pp)
- * The Vapor from the Void [synopsis], (ms)
- * The Vaults of Yoh-Vombis, (ss) Weird Tales May 1932
- * The Vaults of Yoh-Vombis [synopsis], (ms)
- * Venus and the Priest [fragment], (pl)
- * The Vestibule of the Past [synopsis], (ms)
- * A Vintage from Atlantis, (ss) Weird Tales Sep 1933
- * A Vintage from Atlantis [synopsis], (ms)
- * Vizaphmal in Ophiuchus [synopsis], (ms) Apr 1930
- * The Voyage of King Euvoran [Zothique], (ss) The Double Shadow and Other Fantasies, Auburn Journal: Auburn CA 1933
- * A Voyage to Sfanomoë, (ss) Weird Tales Aug 1931
- * Vulthoom [synopsis], (ms)
- * The Weaver in the Vault [Zothique], (ss) Weird Tales Jan 1934
- * The Weird of Avoosl Wuthoqquan, (ss) Weird Tales Jun 1932
- * The Weird of Avoosl Wuthoqquan [synopsis], (ms)
- * The Werewolf of Averoigne [synopsis], (ms)
- * The White Sybil, (ss) The White Sybil & Men of Avalon, ed. William L. Crawford, Everett, PA: Fantasy Publications 1934
- * The Wind and the Garden, (pp) Ebony and Crystal, Auburn Journal: Auburn, CA 1922
- * Wingless Phoenix, (uw)
- * The Witchcraft of Ulua [Zothique], (ss) Weird Tales Feb 1934
- * The World-Maker [synopsis], (ms)
- * Xeethra [Zothique], (ss) Weird Tales Dec 1934
- * The Youngest Vampire [synopsis], (ms)
- * Zothique [Zothique], (pm) The Dark Chateau, Arkham House 1951
- _____, trans.
- * Angeline, or the Haunted House, by Émile Zola, (ss) 1898
- SMITH, CORDWAINER; pseudonym of Paul M. A. Linebarger, (1913-1966) (books)
- * Alpha Ralpha Boulevard, (nv) F&SF Jun 1961
- * Angerhelm, (nv) Star Science Fiction Stories #6, ed. Frederik Pohl, Ballantine 1959
- * The Ballad of Lost C’Mell, (nv) Galaxy Oct 1962
- * The Burning of the Brain, (ss) If Oct 1958
- Great Tales of Science Fiction, ed. Robert Silverberg & Martin H. Greenberg, A&W/Galahad 1985
- Worlds of If: A Retrospective Anthology, ed. Frederik Pohl, Martin H. Greenberg & Joseph D. Olander, Bluejay 1986
- Heads to the Storm, ed. David Drake & Sandra Miesel, Baen 1989
- Isaac Asimov Presents the Great SF Stories: 20 (1958), ed. Isaac Asimov & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW 1990
- The Rediscovery of Man, NESFA Press 1993
- * The Colonel Came Back from Nothing-at-All, (ss)
- * The Crime and the Glory of Commander Suzdal, (ss) Amazing May 1964
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